Many years ago, I first became an entrepreneur in 2003 and I was recently out of culinary school and I started a business as a wedding cake designer
Many years ago, I first became an entrepreneur in 2003 and I was recently out of culinary school and I started a business as a wedding cake designer
And then after that, I actually entered the craft industry when I invented a product for the cake decorating industry and I had it patented and I opened a manufacturing company, manufactured that product and sold it
And then after that, I actually entered the craft industry when I invented a product for the cake decorating industry and I had it patented and I opened a manufacturing company, manufactured that product and sold it
Today in 2025, I think the number is closer to $35 billion a year and crafting is just huge
Today in 2025, I think the number is closer to $35 billion a year and crafting is just huge
I just didn't work out the way that I thought it was going to
I just didn't work out the way that I thought it was going to
local local small businesses and all that stuff and it doesn't really work that way
local local small businesses and all that stuff and it doesn't really work that way
So I remember in 2013 I was living in Austin, Texas and all of a sudden one day I had this dream at night and I'm a huge fan of following my intuition and when I have
So I remember in 2013 I was living in Austin, Texas and all of a sudden one day I had this dream at night and I'm a huge fan of following my intuition and when I have
Now if you're familiar with the concept of selling pickaxes to miners it's this concept that when the gold rush started there was one entrepreneur who decided that instead of going out into the mountains himself trying
Now if you're familiar with the concept of selling pickaxes to miners it's this concept that when the gold rush started there was one entrepreneur who decided that instead of going out into the mountains himself trying
Everybody wanted their chance at striking gold and he just kind of took a step back and said well I'm gonna support this for all these other people that are doing this thing and that was kind
Everybody wanted their chance at striking gold and he just kind of took a step back and said well I'm gonna support this for all these other people that are doing this thing and that was kind
for fun or they were making it with their kids is something to do or maybe they're making them for their their local school as you know to show off like school colors and school pride whatever
for fun or they were making it with their kids is something to do or maybe they're making them for their their local school as you know to show off like school colors and school pride whatever
she got frustrated and and tired of it and she was selling off all of her supplies everything she had like just boxes and boxes and boxes and boxes and boxes full of beads and elastic string
she got frustrated and and tired of it and she was selling off all of her supplies everything she had like just boxes and boxes and boxes and boxes and boxes full of beads and elastic string
hours and then the sales just kept coming and people wanted these components they wanted the supplies so this business ended up growing and I ended up having to find suppliers for the beads and the and
hours and then the sales just kept coming and people wanted these components they wanted the supplies so this business ended up growing and I ended up having to find suppliers for the beads and the and
beads and then I would sit there and I would break them up into little small packs of like 50 or 100 beads and I would sell them on Etsy and this business just exploded because that's
beads and then I would sit there and I would break them up into little small packs of like 50 or 100 beads and I would sell them on Etsy and this business just exploded because that's
customers contacted me if they emailed me and said I want to recreate this cake and they would send me a picture and then I knew how to tell them what they needed and how to talk
customers contacted me if they emailed me and said I want to recreate this cake and they would send me a picture and then I knew how to tell them what they needed and how to talk
I answered the best I could but I wasn't an expert but with cake decorating I wasn't expert and I was able to guide my customers to what they what they needed and even if it was
I answered the best I could but I wasn't an expert but with cake decorating I wasn't expert and I was able to guide my customers to what they what they needed and even if it was
sold supplies for working with resin what I what I wanted them the supplies to do it themselves or even just a simple how -to guide like you don't necessarily have to show up on video and
sold supplies for working with resin what I what I wanted them the supplies to do it themselves or even just a simple how -to guide like you don't necessarily have to show up on video and
to knit a scarf and you tell I don't knit so sorry if I get this wrong but you can tell them like what type of yarn to buy and what size knitting needles you need and
to knit a scarf and you tell I don't knit so sorry if I get this wrong but you can tell them like what type of yarn to buy and what size knitting needles you need and
work you've already done it so you can put that guide up on Etsy for seven dollars how to knit a scarf or a beginner's guide to knitting a scarf and sell it for seven dollars and
work you've already done it so you can put that guide up on Etsy for seven dollars how to knit a scarf or a beginner's guide to knitting a scarf and sell it for seven dollars and
six hours to make and you're and you're selling it for forty dollars and it's not it's not worth your time and the thing is you may enjoy it and you'll always enjoy it at first that's
six hours to make and you're and you're selling it for forty dollars and it's not it's not worth your time and the thing is you may enjoy it and you'll always enjoy it at first that's
you've made three hundred and twenty dollars but you have the cost of supplies so you know it's not and by the way that's you every single day just knitting scarves non -stop and you're gonna reach
you've made three hundred and twenty dollars but you have the cost of supplies so you know it's not and by the way that's you every single day just knitting scarves non -stop and you're gonna reach
selling a physical product if you like shipping products to your customers I always love that I love packing it up I love putting in a handwritten thank you note and I love shipping it out the
selling a physical product if you like shipping products to your customers I always love that I love packing it up I love putting in a handwritten thank you note and I love shipping it out the
not harder in your crafting business you still get to do the crafting that you love you're still gonna do it because you you're the you're the expert now you're the authority in this business if you're
not harder in your crafting business you still get to do the crafting that you love you're still gonna do it because you you're the you're the expert now you're the authority in this business if you're
the supplies yourself because it's your passion it's your it's your hobby it's your craft and so you're still doing it yourself and as you do it yourself you know if you're selling the supplies it's still
the supplies yourself because it's your passion it's your it's your hobby it's your craft and so you're still doing it yourself and as you do it yourself you know if you're selling the supplies it's still
sell digital products there's systems that you can set up and put into place to make this work for you I've sold a lot of digital products over the course of my entrepreneurial history and what I've
sell digital products there's systems that you can set up and put into place to make this work for you I've sold a lot of digital products over the course of my entrepreneurial history and what I've
free guide is a beginner's guide to knitting a scarf and people get this for free but in exchange for getting it for free they give you their email address and you put them on your building
free guide is a beginner's guide to knitting a scarf and people get this for free but in exchange for getting it for free they give you their email address and you put them on your building
email these people who got your free guide on how to knit a scarf and you're going to say if you're ready to take it to the next step and if you want to knit a sweater
email these people who got your free guide on how to knit a scarf and you're going to say if you're ready to take it to the next step and if you want to knit a sweater
way you can also join my community after you've bought the guide and then if you have any questions
way you can also join my community after you've bought the guide and then if you have any questions
you will give this an idea kind of take a step back from your business right now and look at it and think to yourself do I want to like what would make me happy do I
you will give this an idea kind of take a step back from your business right now and look at it and think to yourself do I want to like what would make me happy do I
them and you know how to guide them and you can help them pick a color and you know maybe they send you a picture of something they're trying to match and you say I have the
them and you know how to guide them and you can help them pick a color and you know maybe they send you a picture of something they're trying to match and you say I have the
take a step back from your business and look and think to yourself would I want to sell the supplies for this business that's selling the pick access to the miners very lucrative and then by the
take a step back from your business and look and think to yourself would I want to sell the supplies for this business that's selling the pick access to the miners very lucrative and then by the
create video classes and this doesn't have to be a big deal it doesn't have to be a big professional production you don't need a bunch of equipment in fact I will tell you honestly that the
create video classes and this doesn't have to be a big deal it doesn't have to be a big professional production you don't need a bunch of equipment in fact I will tell you honestly that the
makeshift tripod or you know have your one of your kids your your spouse or friend of yours hold it for you know 10 minutes while you demonstrate something but that's it that's all you have to
makeshift tripod or you know have your one of your kids your your spouse or friend of yours hold it for you know 10 minutes while you demonstrate something but that's it that's all you have to
or or this is how you do this and you just do these little tutorials tutorials and it doesn't have to be a big deal and you don't have to go back and edit the video and
or or this is how you do this and you just do these little tutorials tutorials and it doesn't have to be a big deal and you don't have to go back and edit the video and
not teaching a how to knit course you can if you want to certainly but but it's much easier to get started with individual projects say today we're knitting a sweater here's the pattern we're going to
not teaching a how to knit course you can if you want to certainly but but it's much easier to get started with individual projects say today we're knitting a sweater here's the pattern we're going to
and you can sell this video you know for seven bucks or nine bucks and along with it comes a community that people can join where they can ask you questions
and you can sell this video you know for seven bucks or nine bucks and along with it comes a community that people can join where they can ask you questions
the price is going up but if you join a five dollars a month it's always going to be five dollars a month as for as long as you are a member and it's going to be
the price is going up but if you join a five dollars a month it's always going to be five dollars a month as for as long as you are a member and it's going to be
resources on how to set up your email list the software that I use I'll be there to help you if you hit any snacks or you need help getting something set up how to create your
resources on how to set up your email list the software that I use I'll be there to help you if you hit any snacks or you need help getting something set up how to create your
in my past I've been a six -figure Amazon seller a six -figure Etsy seller I've sold six figures on my own websites that I've owned myself and I've bought from suppliers I've done all of it
in my past I've been a six -figure Amazon seller a six -figure Etsy seller I've sold six figures on my own websites that I've owned myself and I've bought from suppliers I've done all of it
up then you have them and you know it's it's something that's out there working for you once you have your email list set up it's working for you and sometimes it can be a little tricky
up then you have them and you know it's it's something that's out there working for you once you have your email list set up it's working for you and sometimes it can be a little tricky
you need as you're building your business so if this is something that you are interested in you can go to businessofcrafts com
you need as you're building your business so if this is something that you are interested in you can go to businessofcrafts com
about what you can be doing to start creating sustainable income for yourself so that you're not just hustling and making handmade products that aren't selling or they're not selling for as much as you want because
about what you can be doing to start creating sustainable income for yourself so that you're not just hustling and making handmade products that aren't selling or they're not selling for as much as you want because
00:00:00Hi there, welcome
00:00:02I'm Amy Adams and I am so happy that you are here today
00:00:06This is your guide to selling smarter in the crafting industry
00:00:11And I want to start out
00:00:12I just want to give you a little bit of a background on myself
00:00:16I have been a crafter for all of my life
00:00:20I've dabbled in a lot of different crafts from cooking, baking, sewing, leatherworking, jewelry making, resin, resin crafts, and I've, you know, I've got a cricket and just probably a whole bunch of other things that I
00:00:39can't even remember right now
00:00:41And crafting has always been kind of in my blood
00:00:44Many years ago, I first became an entrepreneur in 2003 and I was recently out of culinary school and I started a business as a wedding cake designer
00:00:56And that went well
00:00:58I don't necessarily consider that to be part of the crafting industry
00:01:02But that's kind of where I got my start was I was making these beautiful high -end wedding cakes that were covered in fondant
00:01:11So I was working with a lot of different bright colors and I was making flowers and I did that business for about eight years
00:01:22And then after that, I actually entered the craft industry when I invented a product for the cake decorating industry and I had it patented and I opened a manufacturing company, manufactured that product and sold it
00:01:38to shops around the world
00:01:41So that was the start
00:01:43And I remember this this company I started back in 2010 and I remember I did a lot of research on the craft industry and back in 2010, it was a $29 billion industry
00:01:55Today in 2025, I think the number is closer to $35 billion a year and crafting is just huge
00:02:03It's an industry that is exploding and so many people are into it and there's so many different ways to creatively express yourself
00:02:14And after I closed, I didn't close but I sold after I sold the manufacturing company
00:02:19So I was out of it
00:02:21I decided that I wanted to start creating things myself and I went down this long road of first I was creating jewelry like beta jewelry and then I was making resin jewelry and you know I
00:02:38was sewing
00:02:39I just didn't work out the way that I thought it was going to
00:02:47You know you kind of get this romantic vision that you're going to make these beautiful things by hand and put them up in the Etsy marketplace and buyers are going to come along and they're going
00:03:04to fall in love with what you've made because it's one of a kind and nobody else has it and they're going to buy it from you and pay a premium because it's handmade by you know
00:03:11local local small businesses and all that stuff and it doesn't really work that way
00:03:19It can for some people certainly there are always those people they're more the exception than the rule but there's so many of us that are like burning ourselves out to make these beautiful products and then
00:03:35we either don't get the price that we wanted for them or they don't sell and it's just kind of frustrating
00:03:42So I remember in 2013 I was living in Austin, Texas and all of a sudden one day I had this dream at night and I'm a huge fan of following my intuition and when I have
00:03:57dreams I like to act on them
00:04:00So I had this dream that told me I wasn't supposed to be selling handmade jewelry anymore I was supposed to be selling the components or the tools for other people to make jewelry
00:04:16Now if you're familiar with the concept of selling pickaxes to miners it's this concept that when the gold rush started there was one entrepreneur who decided that instead of going out into the mountains himself trying
00:04:32to mine for gold he was going to sell the pickaxes to the miners who were going out in the mountains and he made a ton of money an absolute ton of money because everybody was headed
00:04:46to the gold rush
00:04:47Everybody wanted their chance at striking gold and he just kind of took a step back and said well I'm gonna support this for all these other people that are doing this thing and that was kind
00:05:00of the idea that popped into my head was instead of me trying to sell a handmade bracelets or necklaces or earrings like everybody else was instead I was going to sell the pickaxes so I was
00:05:17going to sell the supplies to other people who wanted to make their own jewelry whether they were making their own jewelry to try to sell themselves or if they were just making it as a hobby
00:05:27for fun or they were making it with their kids is something to do or maybe they're making them for their their local school as you know to show off like school colors and school pride whatever
00:05:38it was I knew there was a market out there for people to buy the supplies because I was buying the supplies and so you have to get them from somewhere so I didn't have a lot
00:05:52of money back in those days and I took the only four hundred dollars I could spare and I found a woman on Craigslist who had been a woman who was making her own handmade jewelry and
00:06:06she got frustrated and and tired of it and she was selling off all of her supplies everything she had like just boxes and boxes and boxes and boxes and boxes full of beads and elastic string
00:06:20and findings and clasps and everything and I I drove down I was in Austin I drove down to San Antonio and I met her as she opened the back of her SUV and it was just
00:06:32packed with these jewelry supplies and I bought everything from her for four hundred dollars and I went back home and I started listing these individual pieces on Etsy and I had my first sale within 24
00:06:46hours and then the sales just kept coming and people wanted these components they wanted the supplies so this business ended up growing and I ended up having to find suppliers for the beads and the and
00:07:02the jewelry making supplies and then I was buying supplies in massive bulk I mean I would order beads and I would get like 10 ,000 red beads and 10 ,000 green beads and 10 ,000 blue
00:07:16beads and then I would sit there and I would break them up into little small packs of like 50 or 100 beads and I would sell them on Etsy and this business just exploded because that's
00:07:29what people want and after that I had several more Etsy shops doing the same thing I had a shop where I sold cake decorating supplies and I got that shop up to $30 ,000 a month
00:07:46on Etsy it was an Etsy shop making $30 ,000 a month because people wanted cake decorating supplies I targeted specifically wedding cakes because that was something that was near and dear to my heart and when
00:08:00customers contacted me if they emailed me and said I want to recreate this cake and they would send me a picture and then I knew how to tell them what they needed and how to talk
00:08:10them through it because I knew it so well so I was targeting mostly people who are doing wedding cakes or people who are making like elaborate birthday cakes and that business literally just exploded it was
00:08:22I had more knowledge in the cake decorating industry than I had in the jewelry making industry so while I was able to sell the supplies to make jewelry I wasn't the expert you know when people
00:08:40emailed me and asked questions
00:08:41I answered the best I could but I wasn't an expert but with cake decorating I wasn't expert and I was able to guide my customers to what they what they needed and even if it was
00:08:53something that I didn't sell in my shop I could say to them well you can buy these three things from me but then you're gonna need to go to Michaels or Hobby Lobby and pick up
00:09:04these other things and and my customers were so appreciative of that level of customer service that they were repeat customers and they came back again and again and again and I have sold sewing patterns I've
00:09:21sold supplies for working with resin what I what I wanted them the supplies to do it themselves or even just a simple how -to guide like you don't necessarily have to show up on video and
00:09:39teach a class if that's not your thing but even just like a PDF guide that teaches somebody you could put together a guide that has pictures in it and it walks somebody through step -by -step
00:09:50how to do one thing it doesn't have to be complicated it could literally just be like here's how to knit a scarf and then you just have like pictures and you show and you tell how
00:10:03to knit a scarf and you tell I don't knit so sorry if I get this wrong but you can tell them like what type of yarn to buy and what size knitting needles you need and
00:10:14things like that and basically it's just like here's how to knit a scarf you can either do it as a video or you can do it as a PDF with pictures and then you can sell
00:10:25that for you know seven dollars but the thing is once you've created it now you can sell it over and over and over and over and over again and you don't have to do any more
00:10:34work you've already done it so you can put that guide up on Etsy for seven dollars how to knit a scarf or a beginner's guide to knitting a scarf and sell it for seven dollars and
00:10:46you can sell it a thousand times I mean you can sell it an infinite amount of times but what I'm saying is what if you sold it a thousand times over the course of a year
00:10:56and that's something where it's not you sitting there watching a movie knitting a scarf putting it up on Etsy for you know forty dollars and it costs you ten dollars and supplies and it took you
00:11:12six hours to make and you're and you're selling it for forty dollars and it's not it's not worth your time and the thing is you may enjoy it and you'll always enjoy it at first that's
00:11:22why you started doing it right but there comes a point in time where there's only so many hours in the day and if you have dreams of making a sustainable business if you want a second
00:11:36income or maybe you want it to be your full -time income there's only so many scarves you can make in a week how many scarves can you make a week eight at forty dollars each so
00:11:48you've made three hundred and twenty dollars but you have the cost of supplies so you know it's not and by the way that's you every single day just knitting scarves non -stop and you're gonna reach
00:12:00a point where there's gonna be burnout and you're not making a lot of money and that's if you can even sell eight to ten scarves a week so the great thing about this business model where
00:12:16you can either sell digital products like how to guides videos you know you could do audio recordings or podcasts so it could be digital or it can be physical if you still like the idea of
00:12:30selling a physical product if you like shipping products to your customers I always love that I love packing it up I love putting in a handwritten thank you note and I love shipping it out the
00:12:40door to me it was just always really exciting to see that movement of product so you can do it either way you can still sell physical products in the form of supplies or kits you can
00:12:54put together kits you know here's a kit to make a bracelet or you can sell digital products and take a whole other stance on it but the point is this is a way to work smarter
00:13:05not harder in your crafting business you still get to do the crafting that you love you're still gonna do it because you you're the you're the expert now you're the authority in this business if you're
00:13:21creating classes or how to videos you're still knitting scarves because you're creating these classes and you're talking to your students and helping people if you're selling supplies you're selling supplies but you're you know you're using
00:13:37the supplies yourself because it's your passion it's your it's your hobby it's your craft and so you're still doing it yourself and as you do it yourself you know if you're selling the supplies it's still
00:13:50really helpful if you're putting together things like pictures of like here's a bracelet I made over the weekend didn't it turn out great if you want the same beads I used to make this bracelet you
00:14:02can find them in my shop here's the link so you're still crafting you're just not crafting to make money you're doing it smarter now so there's depending on whether you're gonna sell supplies or you're gonna
00:14:17sell digital products there's systems that you can set up and put into place to make this work for you I've sold a lot of digital products over the course of my entrepreneurial history and what I've
00:14:34learned is that I'm really good with the strategy and the operations and putting things together and putting the automations together and this might look like maybe you create a free guide for people and maybe that
00:14:49free guide is a beginner's guide to knitting a scarf and people get this for free but in exchange for getting it for free they give you their email address and you put them on your building
00:15:01this list of names and you've got 50 or 100 or 500 or a thousand people on this list
00:15:07Now when you create your next video or your next how -to guide and it's a beginner's guide to knitting a sweater and now you're going to sell this for $7 and $9 and you're going to
00:15:20email these people who got your free guide on how to knit a scarf and you're going to say if you're ready to take it to the next step and if you want to knit a sweater
00:15:28I have this really easy to follow to it's beginner friendly it's really going to help you I tell you all the supplies you need I show you how to do it I walk you through it
00:15:37step by step you can do it and again I don't knit so I don't know I don't know the answer to this but you know you can do this in an afternoon however long it takes
00:15:47to knit a sweater um but you know and then you're like if you want to get this guide it's you know it's just nine bucks you get it and it's yours forever and um by the
00:15:58way you can also join my community after you've bought the guide and then if you have any questions
00:16:02along the way I'll answer your questions
00:16:04this is how you start making money from your craft without you having to just hustle all the time making a bunch of products and then once you do it once now you do it with a
00:16:17bunch of stuff here's how to knit socks here's how to knit a hat here's how to knit a blanket you just keep going and you keep creating more and more guides and this applies to any
00:16:28craft out there whether it's pottery or macrame or sewing or uh resin I mean there's a million different things that people do now it's amazing how many crafts are out there so I really hope that
00:16:46you will give this an idea kind of take a step back from your business right now and look at it and think to yourself do I want to like what would make me happy do I
00:16:59want to sell the supplies for the business I'm in like if if you're a knitter maybe you want to sell yarn maybe you want to have the nicest quality yarn that you can find in a
00:17:11bunch of amazing colors but you also want to be that resource so that when customers email you and they say here's what I'm going to make what yarn should I use you know what to tell
00:17:22them and you know how to guide them and you can help them pick a color and you know maybe they send you a picture of something they're trying to match and you say I have the
00:17:30perfect color I know exactly what you need and it's that little extra bit of support you know people are going to come by from you instead of you know just ordering from you know Amazon because
00:17:41they're getting that extra support and they're getting to talk to somebody who is a trusted expert in that crafting industry and like I said you could be sharing pictures of things that you're making yourself so
00:17:53take a step back from your business and look and think to yourself would I want to sell the supplies for this business that's selling the pick access to the miners very lucrative and then by the
00:18:05way you have all the supplies which is so much fun like I can't even tell you how fun it is to know that if you want to start your own project you literally just go like
00:18:15shopping in your own house because you already have everything there or the other side of it is do you want to teach people do you want to create PDF how to guides do you want to
00:18:25create video classes and this doesn't have to be a big deal it doesn't have to be a big professional production you don't need a bunch of equipment in fact I will tell you honestly that the
00:18:40more real your videos are the more people are going to love them same reason people like watching reality TV shows they don't always want to watch the perfectly polished TV shows they want to see it
00:18:55real they want to see the mistakes the slip ups they want to see what happens like behind the scenes so if you have an iPhone just have you know either set it up on a little
00:19:06makeshift tripod or you know have your one of your kids your your spouse or friend of yours hold it for you know 10 minutes while you demonstrate something but that's it that's all you have to
00:19:18do you don't even have to have your face on camera if you don't want to you can have the camera just pointed right at your hands and what you're making and then you just tell people
00:19:27this is what I'm doing this is why I do it like this and you know this is this is what this feels like when you do this or this is how much to add of this
00:19:37or or this is how you do this and you just do these little tutorials tutorials and it doesn't have to be a big deal and you don't have to go back and edit the video and
00:19:46you don't have to add all kinds of crazy music or anything like that you are just teaching people how to create something they want to know how to make it so now you have these little
00:19:58classes and you say and and they they should focus on a specific problem not a problem but just one specific outcome you want to knit a sweater we're today we're going to knit a sweater you're
00:20:12not teaching a how to knit course you can if you want to certainly but but it's much easier to get started with individual projects say today we're knitting a sweater here's the pattern we're going to
00:20:27use and you can either provide the pattern or you can tell them what pattern to go out and purchase you show them exactly what yarn to use and what weight of yarn and why you're using
00:20:38that particular your that particular yarn like why you chose it you show them what knit needles knitting needles you're going to use and then you show the technique
00:20:48and you can sell this video you know for seven bucks or nine bucks and along with it comes a community that people can join where they can ask you questions
00:20:58if they get stuck or they get hung up so if this sounds like something that's really interesting to you then I would invite you to join my new community which is the business of crafts community
00:21:12the BoC community it's brand new right now we're accepting founding members it's only five dollars a month and that price is going to be good for the first 100 people who join and then after that
00:21:25the price is going up but if you join a five dollars a month it's always going to be five dollars a month as for as long as you are a member and it's going to be
00:21:35a community in telegram where we come together we can talk about our crafts what we're ideas and inspiration from other people but I'm also going to be dropping resources into the telegram community every single month
00:21:55resources on how to set up your email list the software that I use I'll be there to help you if you hit any snacks or you need help getting something set up how to create your
00:22:08videos how to create your PDFs if you're going to be selling supplies how to get that set up and running where to buy your supplies how to ship them things like that how to set up
00:22:17an Etsy shop if you don't already have one or if you don't want to sell on Etsy you can sell in places like Amazon or on your own website like potia I've done all of it
00:22:26in my past I've been a six -figure Amazon seller a six -figure Etsy seller I've sold six figures on my own websites that I've owned myself and I've bought from suppliers I've done all of it
00:22:39so this group is going to be there to kind of help you get started in the in the beginning of this and get yourself set up figure out what you want to do what you want
00:22:51to sell what you want to offer and then how to begin setting up the software or the systems that you need to make that a reality and the great thing is once you set these things
00:23:00up then you have them and you know it's it's something that's out there working for you once you have your email list set up it's working for you and sometimes it can be a little tricky
00:23:13in the beginning to set these things up but that's why I'm there and so I'm going to be dropping resources into the telegram group a couple times a month for you and I'll also be doing
00:23:22a monthly Q &A so you can submit all your questions
00:23:25and once a month I'm going to go in and answer them all in in an audio recording I'm just going to answer everything that has come in and it's really your chance to get the support
00:23:40you need as you're building your business so if this is something that you are interested in you can go to businessofcrafts com
00:23:50forward slash community or there will also be a link to it in an email that you will be receiving probably in the next 24 hours yourself so anyway I hope to see you in there and
00:24:05if I do see you in there great I look forward to connecting with you and if I don't I hope you got ideas from this I hope it got your mind thinking and your wheels turning
00:24:16about what you can be doing to start creating sustainable income for yourself so that you're not just hustling and making handmade products that aren't selling or they're not selling for as much as you want because
00:24:28the goal here is for you to be able to make a good sustainable income without burning yourself out that's always the goal so I hope you found this helpful I'm here if you need to chat
00:24:42or you have any questions