- Hey, good morning, everyone. .
- Welcome to Friday morning. .
- It's Stephen Whiteside
here from theuptrend.com. .
- Well, we finally got a sell signal in .
- Apple, and it was a big one that we
actually gapped lower, came down to .
- support, and currently
holding support at 175. .
- If we take out the August lows, then 168. .
- 75, 162. .
- 50 come into play. .
- Now, the reason that Apple fell yesterday
was because of news out of China. .
- Chinese stock market not doing
well at the present time. .
- When you look at the chart of anything
Chinese-related, you're going to see a lot .
- of white spaces, you're
going to see a lot of gaps. .
- Anytime that you're tracking something
from overseas, whether it's in Europe or .
- Asia, the information sources
are all out of those areas. .
- There's always a delayed
reaction to whatever happens. .
- You're never going to see a very
smooth chart, lots of big gaps. .
- It's very, very hard to trade
anything listed overseas. .
- Then looking at the VIX, the VIX traded
through the upper channel line yesterday, .
- but actually closed slightly lower on the
day, looking for a close on Friday above .
- $15.41 to give us a buy
signal for the VIX. .
- That, of course, would
be negative for stocks. .
- And yesterday was an
inside day for the Dow. .
- The S&P 500 traded through the lower .
- channel line, still looking for
a close below 444.30 on Friday. .
- And then for the Nasdaq 100, we bounced .
- off the lower channel line looking for a
close below 369.94. Now, .
- semiconductors are back on a
sell signal as of Thursday's close. .
- Invidea is back on a sell signal
as of Thursday's close. .
- The Russell 2000 is back on a sell signal,
joining micro caps .
- already on a sell signal starting to
break down below the August lows. .
- So we have a new lower
high and a lower low. .
- That, of course, is bearish. .
- And, of course, when people are getting .
- out of the microcap sector,
that is the risk of trade. .
- Looking at the energy sector, we
put in a high three days ago. .
- That gave us a bearish reversal signal. .
- So far, no major breakdown here,
but that high is still in place. .
- Looking at the Canadian market, the TSX .
- and the TSX60, we saw the market
trade down to the lower channel line. .
- So a close below yesterday's low for .
- either of those would give us a sell
signal on Friday, which would join mid .
- caps and small caps
already on a sell signal. .
- And oddly enough, we saw a little buying .
- in the venture exchange, which
closed higher on Thursday. .
- Looking at the Canadian energy sector, .
- similar pattern to what's
happening in the US. .
- Yesterday was an inside day
or a day of indecision. .
- Then financials have rolled
over, as have the banks. .
- So financial index back on a sell signal
as of Thursday's close joining the banks, .
- which generated a sell
signal on Wednesday. .
- In both cases, we're heading
towards those August lows. .
- And if we want to be bullish
here, we want those lows to hold. .
- If we want to be bearish, we
want those lows to break. .
- Looking at gold, gold stocks
had an inside day yesterday. .
- It was fairly quiet for
gold, but not for silver. .
- Industrials came down hard, so they're
looking to challenge the August lows. .
- Then we saw a lot of volatility in
the information technology sector. .
- You can see they tried to fill the gap on .
- the way down and then came back, still
closing slightly lower on the day and .
- really in sync with Shopify, not in sync
with BlackBerry, which tumbled yesterday. .
- If you were trading BlackBerry, we go back .
- to when we got a buy signal on that day,
on the next morning, you would have bought .
- at 6:21, that was the opening
price or around there. .
- It's no guarantee you're going to get the .
- exact opening price, but let's say you
bought at 6.21, you looked up, your .
- trading plan was to sell half
at 6.64, then half of the remaining .
- position at 7.03, then half of the
remaining position at 7.42. That's what .
- you were supposed to do,
and that's what happened. .
- Yesterday, when the stock collapsed, you .
- were sitting with a very small position,
already locking in a lot of profits. .
- Yesterday, we closed at 6.37, so still
above the price that you bought in at. .
- It's still a profitable trade when you
exit at the open on Friday morning. .
- Let's finish off with commodity prices. .
- It was an inside day for
crude oil on Thursday. .
- We saw natural gas make a new low before
closing slightly higher on the day. .
- This is not a very bullish chart at
all as yesterday was a new lower low. .
- Then looking at copper, we're back on a .
- sell signal for copper
joining joining gold. .
- Gold had an inside day on Thursday, so
very quiet trading for gold on Thursday, .
- unlike silver, which
continued to move lowers. .
- Okay, folks, that is all for
this morning's presentation. .
- We posted over 15,000 charts last night, .
- and this is just, of
course, some highlights. .
- I always short-change somebody. .
- I can't cover all the stocks in
this presentation every morning. .
- I just try to hit on the major highlights
that could affect the most people. .
- Sorry about missing your stock, but
that's just the way things are. .
- If you want me to look at your stock, of .
- course, send me an email and
I'll be glad to consider it. .
- But definitely, I'm short-changing
somebody every single morning. .
- Stock index futures are
below fair value right now. .
- There are no major economic numbers
coming out on Friday morning. .
- So far, it looks like the market wants
to do a little selling at the open. .
- Enjoy the rest of your day, enjoy your .
- weekend, and the next time you'll
hear my voice is on Sunday. .