- Hello everyone. .
- It's Stephen Whiteside
here from theuptrend. .
- com with this weekend's look at
Canadian Stock Market Trends. .
- Now, we're going to be taking a big .
- picture look at the Canadian Stock Market,
and we're going to be using weekly charts. .
- There's going to be a couple of daily
charts, but for the most part, this .
- presentation is going to
be full of weekly charts. .
- Now, if you're a long term investor, you .
- should probably ignore what happens from
Monday to Friday and look for bigger trend .
- changes to happen before you start moving
your money in and out of the market. .
- Now, the first thing I always look at when .
- I'm looking at the market is I want to
filter out all the news, economic reports, .
- earnings reports, and I want to see how
options traders feel about the market. .
- Now, the majority of options that are .
- traded at the options exchanges in
Chicago are used for hedging purposes. .
- That means portfolio protection. .
- When options traders get nervous about the
market, they bid up the price of options, .
- and that It tells us when there's fear
in the market and there's no fear. .
- If you were with us last fall, we went
through six weeks of fear leading into the .
- October lows, which gave us
eventually the year-end rally. .
- Looking at a weekly as part of the VIX, I
want to remain long term bullish on the .
- market unless the VIX
were to close above 15. .
- 36 this coming Friday. .
- Now, if you're a short term trader coming .
- into Monday's trading action, you can see
that the VIX is on sell signal right now. .
- That is supportive for
higher stock prices. .
- And so on Monday, we would .
- remain short term bullish on the market as
long as the VIX does not close above 14. .
- 54 on Monday. .
- Now, The upper channel
line is crawling down. .
- So if that doesn't happen on Monday, that .
- number is going to continue to decrease
throughout the week until at some point in .
- the future, the
VIX gets back on a buy signal, which, of .
- course, would be short term
bearish for the market. .
- Now, once we've checked the fear index or
the VIX, we can move on to the major US .
- stock market indices and see
how they finish the week. .
- And it was a pretty bullish week for the
S&P 500, up a little over two and a .
- quarter %, while the Nasdaq was up nearly
3% on the week for a new closing high. .
- Things are looking pretty
bullish for the US market. .
- Now, you may not have seen these charts. .
- I've shown them several times over the .
- past couple of months, but these are
seasonality charts from equity clock. .
- You can see what we were expecting to .
- happen was a peak in February for the S&P
500, and then some selling into March, .
- and then April should be
a fairly bullish month. .
- That's also true for the Nasdaq. .
- It's also true for the TSX. .
- And of course, the opposite
is true for the VIX. .
- We were expecting a
huge move up in the VIX. .
- We did have that in March of last
year, but so far it hasn't happened. .
- Now, seasonality Seasonality charts, of .
- course, are an average of
what has happened over time. .
- Some seasonality charts include 20 years
of data, some 30, 40, 50 years of data. .
- So there's no guarantee
that it's going to happen. .
- Now, the markets are currently very
overbought, .
- and a lot of people are looking for
a pullback to start at some point. .
- So what should have happened, according to .
- the seasonality charts, what should have
happened in March may shift over to April, .
- but we have absolutely no sign of that
coming into Monday's trading action. .
- Well, now that we know that options
traders in Chicago are still bullish, and .
- we know that stock traders in New York are
still bullish, there's no reason that we .
- can't be bullish on the
Canadian stock market. .
- Now, as we come into this week's trading
action, most of the major Canadian indices .
- are overbought, and they're
up at the top of the range. .
- I am not looking for low-risk
buying opportunities. .
- Looking at this panic zone chart for the
TSX, you can see last time we had a .
- pressure zone, and we were down
at the bottom of the Panic Zones. .
- That's when we look for a
low-risk buying opportunity. .
- Now, what we're looking for is
selling opportunities up here. .
- And what I'm going to do, .
- if you weren't looking over my shoulder
right now, here's what I would do. .
- I would bring up the list of all the major .
- Canadian indices, and I
would just go like this. .
- What I'm doing is I'm just scanning .
- through, and I am looking for a new early
warning signal, and there's consumer .
- staples with a new early warning signal,
down a little over 1%, consumer staples, .
- not the most volatile index, but that's
one that I would be concerned about. .
- Then as we continue to just scan
down, we're not seeing anything new. .
- No early warning signals. .
- There's the industrials making a new high. .
- We've had several early warning signals
over the past couple of months for the .
- tech sector, and not
really a lot of pullback. .
- So we're up at the top
of the Panic Zones here. .
- We're projecting lower prices. .
- That hasn't started yet. .
- So then we get to materials, which was .
- down on the week, but
no early warning signal. .
- Then we've got real estate. .
- Then we've got telecom stocks. .
- And you can see the last time we had
an early warning signal was here. .
- It's an early warning signal until it's .
- confirmed, and of course, it
ended up getting confirmed. .
- And now we're looking to see if we can
hold the 2023 lows for the telecom sector. .
- And then last up, utilities. .
- So only one new early warning
signal to be concerned about. .
- Now, after going through the weekly Panic .
- Zone charts, I'm going to move on
to the weekly Right Side charts. .
- And again, we only had one new early
warning signal from the Panic Zones chart, .
- so there's not a lot
to be concerned about. .
- If we start hitting the down arrow key .
- from the TSX to the TSX 60
to mid-caps, small caps, .
- and unfortunately, microcaps
not really keeping up. .
- We did deep dip through the lower channel
line this week, but we didn't close below .
- it, so we are still on a weekly buy
signal, putting in a peak a couple of .
- weeks ago, and we'll have to see if
the market can hold last week's low. .
- Then looking at the sectors, we've got .
- clean technology stocks on a weekly
sell signal, no change there. .
- No change for consumer discretionary. .
- Consumer staples pulled back, closing .
- above the upper channel line, so
not overly concerned just yet. .
- Then energy stocks making a new high this .
- week, and congratulations to
everybody who got into energy stocks. .
- Then looking at financials, financial is .
- doing well, bank is doing
well, no change in trend there. .
- A small pullback for the gold sector. .
- Potential top for the gold stocks, for
mining stocks in general this week. .
- We'll just have to keep an Buy on them. .
- There's certainly some new daily sell .
- signals, but really haven't seen fall
through to the downside just yet. .
- That could change on Monday. .
- Then looking at income
trust, no change there. .
- Health care was up over 10% on the week. .
- That had a lot to do
with a marijuana stock. .
- There's only a handful of stocks in the .
- health care sector, so not really
a sector I follow that closely. .
- Global mining, still on a buy signal here. .
- You can see we put in a new high and then .
- pulled back, still above the upper
channel line, so not concerned. .
- I'm not concerned about base metals. .
- New high for industrials, and industrials
have certainly helped, .
- along with the Infotec sector, keep
the Canadian market afloat in 2024. .
- There's Infotec still of closing above the .
- upper channel line, so no concern
coming into this week's action. .
- Then looking at the materials, we
were down slightly on the week. .
- So again, mining stocks may
have put in a high last week. .
- It could be a short term high that does
not end up really directly affecting the .
- weekly charts, but the
only time will tell. .
- Then real estate, been trading in the
channel for the past couple of weeks. .
- So a close below 305. .
- 46 this coming Friday would give us a new .
- weekly sell signal for the
Canadian real estate sector. .
- Then, of course, you would want to look at
individual real estate stocks and see if .
- your corresponding stocks actually
received a sell signal with the index. .
- The index, of course, is made up of a
whole bunch of stocks, and not all of them .
- will generate sell
signals at the same time. .
- Then moving on from real estate,
we're looking at telecom. .
- Telecom has been on a sell signal for a .
- while now, looking to see if we
can hold the lows from late 2023. .
- And then last up, utilities. .
- Utilities still on a sell signal here. .
- That could change this week
with a close above 279. .
- 43. .
- Again, we'll just have to wait and see. .
- Okay, folks, let's finish off today's .
- presentation taking a look at
commodity prices for the week. .
- And we had a big reversal in the price
of copper closing down on the week. .
- It didn't close below the previous week's .
- low, but certainly enough to
give us a bearish reversal week. .
- So a potential top for copper. .
- Gold, on the other hand, basically closed .
- where it opened on the week, so no
change at all from the previous week. .
- It was down a $1.
47 on the week after making a new high, .
- running up to the 2250 level
and then starting to pull back. .
- Silver, on the other hand, did drop over
2% on the week, so making a new high for .
- this move, then rolling over, that
gives us a bearish reversal signal. .
- So potential tops for both copper, gold,
and silver last week, and we'll have to .
- see if we get continued
selling into this week. .
- Now, looking at the energy sector, Crudol .
- lost all of its gains, ending the
week just up five cents on the week. .
- So we were trying to break out above 81. .
- 25. .
- We did trade above it during the week, but .
- we did not close above
it, so no joy there. .
- If we had have closed above 81. .
- 25, then we'd be talking about 87. .
- 50, but that is not the case
going into Monday's trading action. .
- Our last chart of the day is natural gas. .
- It was up a little over 1% on the week, .
- but certainly no change
in trend for natural gas. .
- Everything's still red down here. .
- There is a chevron indicating a possible
bottom, but until these dots start turning .
- blue, we're really not going to
get overly bullish on natural gas. .
- Okay, folks, that is all
for today's presentation. .
- The stocks still look very bullish. .
- We are coming into month-end. .
- We're also coming into a long weekend. .
- Which is usually bullish. .
- So not overly concerned about stocks, but .
- commodities, on the other hand,
to see gold run up and make a new high and .
- then lose it all going into the end of the
week, to see Crudol make a new high for .
- this move and then give it up all
going into the end of the week. .
- That's not a very bullish
picture for those commodities. .
- So let's see how things
turn out this week. .
- But coming into a long weekend, coming .
- into month-end, usually
has a bullish bias to it. .
- So I'm not overly concerned about a major .
- sell off, but maybe the commodity
sector's roll over this week. .
- We'll just have to wait and see. .
- Enjoy the rest of your day. .
- Next time, you'll hear my voice is on
Tuesday morning, and at that time, we'll .
- take a closer look at the most actively
traded stocks on both sides of the border. .