CUEC_Mod01-00007 Ettiquette of working with Spirits.mp4
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00:00:00And this video will get a cover any advocates of working with spirits
00:00:04This is just a 101 brief overview of have to work with the spirits as you interact with us is you connect with more them from different spheres respectively your intuition and Insight mind will guide you
00:00:18as to the pavers your what to take on and so far
00:00:21So this court
00:00:23This is more of a sense of getting a prereqs of getting interactions or spirits our high-quality so that you can learn the nuances of in the landscapes of respect and Furious you are working towards being
00:00:35with sell
00:00:36Of course, these are all very general basic ones
00:00:41One of which is treat them how you wish to be treated and in so much is it in a high value state so if you imagine when your pic memories your peak life, experiences pick emotions
00:00:55that you've had? Maybe this was when your kid is 18 year were you? Had something really happened
00:01:01Make something some higher value Victory in your life overcoming some of the core core
00:01:06And if you actually transfer yourself back that place and see this idea seeing feel that feeling Sensations you're going through at that time, and then you ask yourself
00:01:17How do I want to be treated right on be treated with dignity respect? It would be treated with worth of self-worth, the same type of transference of feeling
00:01:29You'd want to hold for this receipt work with every time you work with the spirits
00:01:34It's a really powerful opportunity for you to enter APK emotional state when you're in contact that spirit and for down to elevate you and for you to elevate them as well
00:01:45So treating them how you treated
00:01:48Do you want people to come and see you and help you on your pass on your journey? Do you want? Do you want to be treated with extremely high level value than equivocally? That's how you
00:01:59Now if you wanted to treat others with disrespect her you want to treat others here then obviously you're in the wrong course and he had that video silly to think that way anyways lighter
00:02:12Going back to the pieces of etiquette
00:02:15They are intelligence is even of these these are intelligence is they don't want to be connected with on a personal Asheville now if you do connect with the Monash drop personal level the there may be
00:02:28feeling reciprocity and feeling of connectedness closeness with the set beings but if you connect with them at night, Lovell and if you connect with the grey Hiace aspect themself you'll quickly find that that is the
00:02:41state they prefer you to be in tune with because we want them to see the highest nuts, and we want to be the highest in them is well, and so by you connecting to them to
00:02:52the light levels that's freezing their bottom for the reliance that they have more residents with the light level and and when Turn the light level stereo able to have more resources and things that they can
00:03:05share with you, as well, as I can to new two different various, frequencies and give you more gifts transmissions attunement knowledge and synchronising things in your daily life to help you with your ascension and service
00:03:19If you're connected, then impersonality levels then that's where things get messy
00:03:28Just like human relationships get messy
00:03:30So can spirit relationships, and that is the the last thing you want now
00:03:39Give me before and you had name through or anything or things like that was working these different names for them
00:03:51You can just work with them Astra the sunsphere for example
00:03:55And if you don't have the exact name of the spirit
00:03:59Actually releases you of the of the need to have any sort of the connection to a Asheville for more in agregar
00:04:09That's been created by The Collective Masha that's here
00:04:15So that's why I don't really mention
00:04:18The master is the name of the mattresses in this course because it's better just give them like a label
00:04:26It's not really tribute to them more of the night
00:04:28Cos then you get to work with the light levels of supposed to some name that are culture pinpointed on them sell highest light state is the best way to pay homage and pay respect to these
00:04:44respective things, so do consider that you're going through any of these prices of invocation and location
00:04:53Another aspect of attitude
00:04:55Is that all these in roofs? Old telligence have a Clarity of good and bad so much like human beings
00:05:01Be has humans
00:05:03Have potential to do extremely good
00:05:06Things are all we have potential as we have potential to be St sandals on both sides the equation and it's quite easy to see the news when people are acting more established, and it's easy to
00:05:18offer find good news
00:05:19Where people are trying to to bring it something forward to Amanda trying to get all their place or trying to do Innovations and science medicine technology ultimately help humans evolve, and then example might be looking
00:05:35at Benny the Modern Day Saints of India or the Christian Catholic churches bypass answer first one's respectively so When you're working with his spirits work connecting with a good part exclusively because there's no real reason
00:05:53to connect with the negative polarity of the Spirits what's the point that the best of the spirit still want for the best of us, and we like the keep it that level just like if your
00:06:04meeting friend group long-term
00:06:07Have had friends Newlife you Vol 1
00:06:11What was best real and it's hopefully they're not really friends anymore for that
00:06:15Very reason
00:06:15He wants to be in people presents for people who want your very best they see your best and I tried continually applet to your professional speciality relationships and your finances in real life the people you
00:06:29are friends and You know maybe you can have a lichen on to light level six things that are the physical in the flash friends because that's not this Philippine habit
00:06:43Maybe the not spiritual people, but you can still have incredibly high-quality relationships of people of of locks and colours, so don't like that to that when working with spirits of of the plan cherokees for example
00:07:00the very high and everything you need
00:07:07You can get it's not a whole lot of incentive to work with beings and relationships with them
00:07:15If you need to have asked relationships have that with your dog have it with your with your friends and family members, but doing it with spirits is time, but it's a very very efficient use of
00:07:29the time and it's it's Disrespecting your own spiritual development since you know better now so next step on a list of etiquettes is that I'm spirits will look at your merifield to help you out with
00:07:47whatever you mission is
00:07:50So when serious look out, especially ones that are more reliable they can see or carmona, cut the car cuz Aldi these planetary this weekend near future past lives and they can see the causality of a
00:08:06they give us and how we can in turn affect news that so if we are on a path where we are going using these things to your better than race or better in our communities families
00:08:18Loved ones
00:08:18They're gonna be far more inclined to give the night because they want to be a part of the Merrifield and keep better fishing betta
00:08:26Fish for icing for a security
00:08:29If you're coming or selfish in using these things yourself around the reasons then there's four less intensive
00:08:37And if they do you wanna do something to slow down to a Laura Ashley Galore the spirit and will become transaction on your payslip
00:08:46Get it to your spiritual contract, which is what we want
00:08:49We want spiritual
00:08:50Goodnight spiritual contracts skills you two should only be a part of essential service this goes back to you Merrifield and making sure that whatever skills and back of his you get it to you within 2
00:09:12and dedication to the service to this lifetime whether that be through business that work or teaching your family
00:09:23or in your car so When you're finished working with the spirits in initial path, make sure that you don't actually speak to the spirits
00:09:35You do not trying to get into it dialogue with the spirits as morning yourself to connect through light through the spirit and then observing all the Sensations that Rise and Fall Auslan connections spirit observing the
00:09:49the images that flash by through you that sounds of here in transmissions yet and smells or taste around that appear to you and do this
00:09:59There is not really much of an benefits, especially an invitation to the things other than if you want to distract your attention towards a certain Harper Court thing you like to learn, but you know what
00:10:17you need it
00:10:18You need to learn
00:10:19And so that's what they're going to give you if you just remain silent and observe if you end up speaking
00:10:24There is a very very high
00:10:26Probability that you're just send it took
00:10:28Self I'm in mice you have really really good separation between your thoughts in the year of those every night
00:10:36So don't get into any day
00:10:39Lots of spirits practise with this is really very little benefit
00:10:44And if you hear this weird talking to you, if you wanted haven't come conversation or disc spirits, then it's not useful to do it this talking now or in the head
00:11:01It's more about observing your spirit talking with with that other spirit or that other genius reviews
00:11:11It's more about seeing what observing your on spirit talking with that spirit, and you how about transaction
00:11:17We please see you
00:11:18Still having an observer separation affect walking up the building that we're not actually working the spirits
00:11:24Course you can think the spirit leaving, but all these things are done through the cracks and the escape they don't need to be verbally articulated or be quite literally
00:11:34I go through the prices somebody's recording videos with you, so that the excuse that you can close gently collection
00:11:44Only go to the exact feelings
00:11:45Answer that you can write them down there to collect them their general practise that's on that piece
00:11:56so The biggest thing to make sure it is that you're so don't speak to Spirit person
00:12:05Actually only speak to Spirit after it's booked spoken to you want to speak with the spirit? Just remember that all the spirits that working with have millions and millions of spirits that work under them and
00:12:23these guys are the CEO of the bosses of all these other spirits, so it's important to respect and reference for these beings
00:12:33But he's not home
00:12:35I like reference respect to this means we don't need to have a sense of them better than ask her name is because there are better than us, because we are the Embodiment of and we have
00:12:48the the highest aspirations for for the light and were as human beings for made in the image of God since all the other spheres respectively come out first so in an office, so we have the
00:13:03benefit of having a some sense of superior of your release geniuses vibrate us being me an image of god, so really only answer to define Providence or or to the supreme god head or to the
00:13:17universal web interest and principal but sing sing
00:13:27cell in that dynamic with the spirit like you're more or less the Rarity of the price of the times
00:13:35It's made out like these spirits are really powerful
00:13:38They make volcanoes blow-up and Molly so things and you can't reach it's metaphor or treat literally like when you're connected with the spirits
00:13:47Then you can have a clear sentient understanding of causality in like there's a spirit have that type from that cause Aldi and then you decide whether it makes it's too you're not with your personal consensus
00:13:59of Reality cell the the bread in the prize in a in this exchange between the spirit is not the spirit itself is being because you are the image of god, so you're actually quite a treat
00:14:15many of the Spirits the closer that these spirits are in respect to the planet and earth the more the more tenancy
00:14:26There is for them to have humans and human race in the evolution development of human race more specifically
00:14:32So as you work with the RSL fears like once you get past the sun's here
00:14:37Then being start to lesson lesson trust didn't the fairest humans because it's just now in approximately the same can be said about how we feel that our neighbours geographically right
00:14:49We might feel less Sympathy for t-ball in Sierra Leone then we do Canadians forever unison more than 90% US news and most international news that is other 10% is fixated on Canada Mexico and some of
00:15:08the European Union so that just gonna give you some sense of how the attitude continually changes as he progress outside of beer
00:15:20cell if you bring up the different spirits you work with an until late
00:15:28Then you can get very addicted to that sensation and little want to work with you in there
00:15:33Will instead instead of having a dynamic of them coming with you and drink some parts differential in in their respective
00:15:43See if you raise about the late your reason that they're very highest path and see you the one that so when you do that it changes that I can then there instead of you asking them
00:15:58for anything's for anything
00:15:59They come the you and they offer yes, OK how can I help you in your path of light? How can I help best you and your past the service, and that is the day to be
00:16:11and set the end of sessions? We often think the spirit will race it up to the highest vibrational frequency of retained if you have prior lifetimes of working with Buddhism or other various things you have
00:16:25Make budgies eat and then that's awesome
00:16:28I'm so you just reached your house too late
00:16:31You reset being up and then you after 32 seconds 2 minute you had a drink come down
00:16:37You meet your energy that being passing through as it as you bring that big back to it's respective
00:16:46Wondering or coming back to plan it
00:16:54Another piece to talk about it at the spirits have infinitely rater gifts than they have written down in the transparent book that goes to same with any of these beings are principles geniuses news
00:17:11Is they have the books on the cover 00001%
00:17:15of their actual fact of these are so when you don't be surprised if you connect with one in the description
00:17:23The book is clearly different than your own personal experience foreign came from a particular time
00:17:29You came from the late 19th century and the early early 20th century and the psychology of them in makeup of man at that time frequency vibration
00:17:44Is entirely different a man of the 21st century respectively
00:17:48So if you consider that and you understand that the Spirits will be more in line with this timeline
00:17:58Then you can take advantage of other things of the Spirit House off you
00:18:03If you find it
00:18:05They have different back of these skills then, what was the book then feel free to write that down in your own notebook? So the next thing will talk about is that you don't need to connect
00:18:19to spirits
00:18:20I'm just having a name of the spirit is enough to you
00:18:23Can I tell them you don't need any fancy sedulous and writing and colour in any of that all that stuff really helps, and it's beautiful
00:18:31I was having a sense of colour and in Addington dimensions to it
00:18:38Will help you have a very very precise energetic frequency-matched to work with singing is as a minimalist that someone is creating a skeleton framework for practise
00:18:46It's not necessary
00:18:48It's useful
00:18:50It's awesome
00:18:50It's fun, but it's not necessarily so If it gets in the way you practising because I don't have to penmanship account like this at all, so I don't have a bronze copperplate to action metal engraving
00:19:04around and dry of the Sigil for a duo release that all together
00:19:10Take a breath and the bees yourself, and I know that all you need is a name the spirit for you to give you yes, but the fact the matter is is you're ready if you're ready
00:19:28have the 10-minute the light have all these Teresa too much of a Kasha light through Transformations so you have all the skills of back of these
00:19:37You need to use the name that spirit and then find the connection to the authentic spirits off
00:19:44See you don't really need so much, but I can be powerful for other reasons
00:19:52When you are invoking a spirit and you're looking at through your your body your crown and through the year 3 year 3 bodies the pineal gland the heart centre of the downtown area through magical, most
00:20:11likely see their eyes
00:20:13If you're going to be getting a visual input does the ISS contain everything of the one that's the Soles of him being and sell that spirits listening this mechanically working within the framework of you being
00:20:29that's what you received this you see the eyes and then that gives you tons of personality and flavour in whatever about and all these other pieces then Macy Macy Volvo Outlander features the face
00:20:45And they may be human appearance have been up to him at all
00:20:48They may be more like what a baby fiery demonically may look like like a big white moon face the differences in appearance herb Crowley best just respect to you and romantic buenas
00:21:08Whatever images come even if it's really scary at first, or if it's really peaceful beautiful use one of me an acquaintance to it and equal equalise with the so that it doesn't affect you if you
00:21:21are doing invocation than in the prices medication, and you want to can talk if you see the face if you see the ICC the shape of the face you see it smiling at you, cuz it's
00:21:32so happy to work with you or you see it in a tent space like this
00:21:36Then you want to find yourself
00:21:39Contorting a face and then equalising with their face and matching the face is that is partly what you want to do is when you're from
00:21:48The spirit you want to identify of the spirit you want to synchronise bed, and and if if you can identify with the spirit thinking, I am the spirit and then you if you this is of
00:22:01course, only if you feel a lot of a lot of resonance with the Spirit and you have good report then see you are the spirit and then you just become the spirit you feel that your
00:22:12body pass them through you want this club in then you grounded in energy passed through magic circle, and then you equalise with it right until you don't feel any more tensioner it cos if you do
00:22:29that and it just beats up the downloads
00:22:38Depending on the the form of later Kasia energy connect with the appearance of the spirit world mass very massively in its parents
00:22:50if you're working with the spirit that is that is connected to a slight body really soft it happy and have it some or something really transcendent about it, but if you walk with that sings Spirit
00:23:03on our last reliable completely, if you work with the Buddha Guardians the status then you'll find that the Astral and nation of it like the great Pearson strong and intensely ID and other beings like a
00:23:35few weeks with you know he's fine royalty if you connect to it if you connect to him through Astra we might look like The character from Ghost Rider of the school that's on fire really intense
00:23:55like haha yeah, as we make faces on camera weirdly when the implications if you guys because that's just a little bit, which is pretty normal pretty natural working
00:24:12All these two weeks and energetic cheap while that's coming through system cleaning things out and re organising restructuring your entire being because every time when he's been in touch you your your favourite karma
00:24:25Your destiny
00:24:27Everything's change Trevor every single time locations like complete life path can be altered which is why you want to be cautious about who you bring it
00:24:37I'm all the being disrespected snow
00:24:40Where is no worries everyone in the transference book is Great bring it to virtually everyone
00:24:50But you get that on this topic of work
00:24:58He's being as is your cultural heritage the being you that will come through or short very differently because the beings will adapt to your subconscious limiting beliefs, and you can put that in a verse in
00:25:13that year 2 and Year 4 personality and things or symbol images of a spirit using the items until that has so if you were invoking and Alice dainty, and you had no reference for a bit
00:25:30downstairs looks like in classical Taoism then it would appear however, it appears you and cultural references that are more European it as an example you can see this with artists like if you look at the
00:25:46depictions of Jesus Christ he You had wanted to go lucky that the most common depiction of Jesus Christ and in Hispanic communities and the stairs to Europe is of a very very white pale man with
00:26:02long blonde hair blue eyes were in fact the region where you dropping use probably dark skin person and spent a lot of time is sun and was a carpenter
00:26:13So you did not like but the the cultural heritage of different areas and have a translate it through that artist in it since the artist of the grigoryan
00:26:31Jesus or the image of Jesus then they projected onto that image, so that's why you can stop connect with the image of Jesus that's of course with blonde hair and blue eyes, but but also through
00:26:47the astral in cultural baggage
00:26:50Auburn imaging, so the best thing is to connect things that you can strip them of all the cultural heritage and get a clean direct transmission of them filters
00:27:06We have placed the more we can get direct downloads direct knowledge, and we get the real thing
00:27:12That's all we had to share about forward holy spirit spirit work all these protocols courses more if you need any more liferation
00:27:22Zara wants a dolphin to deeper and any particular Point feel free to contact me and I'll make a video response
00:27:28Thank you