00:00:00In this tutorial, I'm going to be going over the RSS widget, specifically the List RSS widget
00:00:08What this does is this lets you quickly and easily import an RSS or Adam feed into the page
00:00:14Now for those who are not familiar with RSS and Adam feeds, I suggest you look up what they are to learn a bit more about them
00:00:22But just to summarize, they're basically a type of content feed that is automatically uploaded from a separate website
00:00:29And unlike mailing lists and stuff like that, they don't require any personal information to join and they're very easy to un -join, you would simply disconnect from the feed
00:00:39So this is a great way to stay updated on specific subjects or certain content by simply joining those feeds
00:00:45So in order to join an RSS feed, you have to find the link to that particular feed and then you would create the widget right here
00:00:52Once you've created the widget, it's going to ask you for that feed URL
00:00:57In this particular case, I have the Wall Street Journal, specifically the Technology News section of the Wall Street Journal
00:01:05So you'd simply paste the URL right there and you determine the type of feed if it's an RSS or an Adam feed
00:01:11Those are just slightly different technologies and you can determine the items per page that are going to load automatically and how the page is load
00:01:17So once we save this, you'll see on the right -hand side here, it's going to automatically load this news feed
00:01:23This is talking all about the technology from Wall Street Journal
00:01:26Let's talk about Tesla and Qualcomm and Facebook
00:01:29So it's very easy to add multiple feeds to a page
00:01:33You'd simply add multiple widgets
00:01:36You determine your feed for each one
00:01:38You can determine how it's organized and how it looks with the items per page if you only want a few items per page
00:01:43You can do less or more items per page and how those pages load
00:01:48So this one automatically loads
00:01:51When I scroll down, it's going to, it'll sit loading and scroll down automatically
00:01:56Or you can determine if you want to actually click the Show More button, in which case when I show down
00:02:01Or when I scroll down, I'll have to manually click the Show More button before it loads
00:02:07And you can also determine how it looks in the list style and layout
00:02:12You should probably be familiar with this already if you've used any lists before
00:02:17You can determine the columns on mobile versus desktop
00:02:20As well as whether the text is above below or left or right of the images and how the images look and whether it opens in a page or in a little pop -up model
00:02:30And you can even show it as an accordion
00:02:32And the additional options are just like all the other widgets
00:02:36You can switch this for mobile or desktop only or login
00:02:42And you can set backgrounds, custom widget classes and different animations as well
00:02:47So RSS is very easy to use
00:02:50The hardest part is probably finding the feeds that you want to join
00:02:54Once you found the feed, you'd simply create the widget, paste the URL right there, and then you'd organize how you want to see it and how it looks on mobile versus desktop
00:03:03And then once you're all set, you can create more RSS feeds or however you want to do it, they're very easy to use