JKTQ 006 Single Letter Key Letter K Introduction.mp4
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00:00:00Alright, so now we're going to go over the letter K So the letter K is connected with
00:00:08the primordial fire of all creation So this is a very, very strong letter and it also
00:00:16has a lot of variations in the colors that it presents itself Sometimes it presents
00:00:21itself like a cool blue fire, kind of like when you turn on stove and you see how it simmers it as that blue effect Sometimes it has more of a glowing star So there's a lot of variations
00:00:40in how it presents itself to you It has a ton of applications for people who are more
00:00:47studious, who want to focus on something, very, very good energy to run for some odd purposes If you are wanting to run this for, for, for to have like more power, this has
00:01:02a very strong connection for, to omnipower So, so very good at frequency use The sister
00:01:11letter to this would be the SH or SCH and that has to do with the primordial light So using
00:01:18those two letters in conjunction maybe fun to experiment and play around with So without,
00:01:24with that said, do we have any questions or shall we begin? Great