00:00:00Okay, welcome back to this building for affiliate marketers
00:00:03And in this video we're going to be discussing the next step, which is really were still in step one where we're finding the right product
00:00:12Going to take a look at the different marketplaces time
00:00:15Now, we are going to be using me at Tao of badass in our example
00:00:20However, you might want to find a product for yourself to promote what you might want to operate in a different Market
00:00:27If you are looking at a market that is business-oriented or internet marketing oriented
00:00:34You may want to look at the JV Zoom Marketplace, going to take a look at that in a minute, and you can find products there that will probably suit your needs
00:00:44Now, the products are going to be lower in value on average in the ClickBank Marketplace
00:00:48Probably 10 on the low-end, $97 on the high-end on average
00:00:54And what you will be doing is you will be looking at Pratt
00:01:00Books that are going to require the affiliate to approve
00:01:04You won't be like ClickBank
00:01:06So you will not want to start the day of a an affiliate launch
00:01:12You want want to start on the day of anything you want to work ahead of time and you want to get a little leave time because sometimes the approval process might take some time to execute
00:01:24You might need to get to know the market at first in order to get them to approve you
00:01:29So let's take a look at the jvzoo marketplace
00:01:35Okay, we are now inside of the jvzoo marketplace and you will be able to just go to the place inside of jvzoo
00:01:44You'll have to set up an account
00:01:46Obviously, now, I've already got an account set up with them
00:01:49You'll have to set one up yourself
00:01:50But sending an account up is free
00:01:52And what you'll do is you're going to go to the Affiliates section
00:01:56And you going to click fine product is going to bring you to the page that you're looking at right here
00:02:01And what you want to do is you want to sort by different area so you can see which one you might want to look at
00:02:12If you want to find out what's launching next, you're going to want to click the lunch button, and this will give you all of the products that are going to be launching next
00:02:20And then what you may want to do is if you were a product that you were going to be involved in the launch or you might want to get to know the product owner
00:02:31You can do that by contacting them there or if you want to get, if you want to promote a product that is already then
00:02:40Then you can find one in here and you can promoted
00:02:44And for the most part
00:02:45All you really going to do is you're going to click the request button
00:02:50And then and the affiliate is go or the product creators going to get an email and they're going to decide on whether or not to approve
00:02:57You're not that you might be required to send an some information or let them know exactly how it is
00:03:04You're going to promote and it's probably a good idea you to tell them when you making me application
00:03:09Okay, so that's pretty much right there
00:03:15That is oriented toward internet marketing or off my marketing
00:03:19Thanks, and I will see you in the next video