00:00:00In this video, I'm going to be discussing the Real Estate Widget
00:00:04The Real Estate Widget is an effective way to display houses or properties for sale on your website in which users can then open up and examine
00:00:15It's very simple to use
00:00:17You can add your intro titles and text here at the top, just like most widgets
00:00:21Put your main title, subtitle, and intro text
00:00:24The list items is where you would add the items or the properties
00:00:29You can simply click add a new item to the list
00:00:33You can also download the XML feed of all existing properties, right, with this button
00:00:39And the additional options are very similar to other widgets that let you control the mobile only or desktop only versions, and L as the additional styles, which let you adjust the margins, even add custom backgrounds,
00:00:50and control the animations for a widget
00:00:52Now, when it comes to properties, it's very simple to use
00:00:57Simply add a new item to the list or open up an existing property, and then you will be able to edit all of the information about property
00:01:06You can determine the property type right here, whether it's a house, apartment condo, or whichever type of property, the availability of the property right here, and the listing type
00:01:20I recommend exploring these different options to understand how they work
00:01:24You can add the price and which currency the price is in, or a display price such as starting at
00:01:33This will change the text for the price
00:01:37You can edit the size and the amount of bedrooms as well, and bathrooms, cars, parking, and the land size, where you can select additional properties
00:01:50Simply hold down the control button in order to select multiple features, and you can even add a street address, zip code, and other information if you wish to add a map
00:02:02You can simply paste all that info here, or at the geocaching address, and this will generate a map for you on that property
00:02:11Here's where you would add the main contents of the property, the text, the title, and everything, and whether or not it's published, or not viewable
00:02:20Then simply add your images right here
00:02:23You can add multiple images as you can see
00:02:25Drag and drop the images, or browse and upload the images to the platform, and then once they're uploaded, you can then add filters if you so choose, or even control the slider effects
00:02:38Right here, the slider transition will let you control how multiple images are displayed
00:02:43If you have a video of the property, simply paste it here from YouTube, Vimeo, or Facebook or other URLs, simply add your video link here, and you can also add buttons
00:02:55Buttons can be used for a variety of different functions
00:02:58Please watch the buttons tutorial in order to see how those work
00:03:03Tags can be added individually for property, so users can then search for that property with that tag
00:03:10The SEO, Open Graph, and URL information can be edited here
00:03:15This is where you would change your search engine optimization settings, and your Open Graph and Meta description, simply edit and paste that here
00:03:23You can also add any additional info or contents in this section below, and that'll play for the property
00:03:28And the similar slash nearby items will let you select similar items that'll also display whenever someone selects that property
00:03:35It'll show the other similar items that you have selected
00:03:38And last but not least, you have comments which you can enable, which will allow users to leave a comment on that section or property
00:03:45Once you have finished adding everything to the platform, and you have added all the content for that property, always remember to save and update
00:03:56This will save and update that property, and it'll allow you to then go into that property and see all of that information
00:04:02So if you were to open this up, you can then see all the details for that property be typed up here as well as the bath, the cars, bedrooms, and any buttons that you have created
00:04:15would be visible here
00:04:17If you don't like anything, just simply open up that particular item, and then change that content
00:04:23And that's how simple it is to use the real estate widget