JKTQ P2 0010 Overview of Beginner Practices to Enhance Kabbalistic Experience .mp4
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00:00:00So now we're going to go over some ways that you can connect with Kabbalah energy as a beginner and Practices you can do to prepare yourself to connect with this energy so when connecting with Kabbalah energy it requires you to keep and maintain an awareness above your crown and It requires you to keep it open mind and an open heart We keep an open mind so that we are open our
00:00:26our sense gates our Sentences and perceptions are open to the input that are needed for us to succeed in the exercises and we keep an open heart so we can Maintain the correct feeling and understanding and allow The sensory experiences from Kabbalah or spiritual mentors or energies to guide us along this journey to help us release things that Inhibit us from having a gross and to tell us transmit Through feelings you're sent that sensory information so those two things will help with the succeeding of Kabbalah and The mechanisms of transmission I've gone over extensively in my previous courses and given demonstrations and examples and shown how you can do that For this course It's the same mechanics and same functioning the easiest way to do these transmissions is the ball above the head method
00:01:20Where you envision the cobblistic frequencies above your crown either by their letter by their color by the frequency or sound or
00:01:29having all three of those together gives you three-pointed concentration and Pulling that energy down through each sphere respectively your body That's works best for the single letter key
00:01:41so That's a basic way to connect the Kabbalah How the transmission work is I'm sending the energy to you by the universe we are all inter interconnected and The degrees of separation that we experience from one another as a human beings or as a collective consciousness are our Are more or less fabricated so that we can have the experiences of individuating our consciousnesses and evolving at an accelerated rate individually All species and all things work more at a superorganism level if you look at it from an evolutionary point of consciousness or if you investigate this Concept through the Akashic principle then the conception that universe is entirely mine and that the universe is in All beings and especially human beings are interconnected becomes very apparent and obvious through these meditations or through your Kabbalistic practice But rather than rob you of that opportunity to come into that yourself I simply invite you to doubt me and instead prove it for yourself
00:02:47so That's a mechanistically how I transmit the Kabbalah also another way to look at it through scientific lens where you're looking at me mirror neurons in your brain are activating and through the rapport that we've established and through the guided meditations and visuals and the stimulus I provided in the form of information along with the guided meditation practices and and Rituals to activate these Kabbalistic energies You're accessing these energies through the placebo effect now
00:03:21This is partly the case and it's partly not the case Many things can be true at once many different models and modalities are true However, their spectrums of truth this is not a universal truth it is a Truth that functions within the realm of our of our current realities and the current consensus of reality so the current consensus of reality is is that we're we're using the the placebo effect in place of sleep effect is incredibly extremely powerful It's the one of the most powerful medicines and no need even the kind because belief is More than half of the equation to realize any results if you didn't believe you couldn't do these things then it's you wouldn't be able to Do them if you didn't believe you were able to walk well, then Over time you may your legs and other parts your body may atrophy and that belief may come to fruition It's like Henry Ford once said a famous Tycoon baron from the early 20th century whether you think you can or can't both are true paraphrasing there, but it's in a sense What are you saying is true, which is beliefs shape everything?
00:04:34so That's some of the mechanics of the functions of working with cabal When working with some of the basic of all exercises, we know we can place it in certain regions and parts of our body That's all very clear and the next thing we we can also look at is building the Cheaball so if you build a cheaball if you learn how to expand energy and how to condense it And you learn how to spread it or wave it or press it If you learn how to focus your attention how to create more density in a cheap ball Then you can also do this with cobblistic energy as well So the transference from the exercise building the ball directly relates to how you Become able to interface with cobblistic frequencies some
00:05:24Calcic frequencies are more containable than others
00:05:27Whereas many you just want them to take on the shape function and form that they channel through to Having this cobblistic ball allows you to tangibly work with and manipulate and Play with these cobblistic frequencies in a way that's highly tangible through your kinesetic system
00:05:46and then allow you to through that kinesetic system direct the direct to your awareness direct your attention and direct the actual tangible energy to What are regions of the body you want to work on? So through that function through building a ball that can be something that helps translate the ability to manipulate and manifest any energy for that matter and that's what also brings us to the next point Which is the three transformations by learning how to transform vital energy to Astral energy to mental energy to a caustic energy and then allow through the pillar of light exercise to allow a light through Prayer to come and descend downwards Well, essentially that gives you all the mechanics you need to To work with the multi-letter key and to have all these cobblistic frequencies work with you in several different layers
00:06:39Mechanics of that are Is it's alchemy when you're working on the the plane of vital you're working within the regions and confines of time and space? And so because of that the cobblistic frequency manifesting capacity as you bring it down through the spheres
00:06:57Entrace that region and become in the cabal it manifests and present now in a very tangible physical sense If you do an astral It will not be subject to it will be timeless But it will still be subject to space so the So you may be able to release yourself of certain qualities or connect with certain sensory experiences or psychic experiences through cabal this way and develop more Develop some some abilities in relation to that So for the mental it's subject to it's not subject to space, but it is subject to time so because of that you can Expand your consciousness and gain more inside and see universal laws and principles and awaken your your spirit in relation to your Cobblistic practice as well as the cobblistic exercises energies will attune and freak and bring you to that place in state of awareness next step is a kasha through the three transformations and that's subject not subject to time nor space and in relation to Kabbalah That is where you get the profound omnipotence omniscience and other types of sensory experiences that you perceive and that you embody during the duration of channeling that energy through the ball Now how much of that stays with you? In the in the vital aspect I cannot determine but when you are working on those exact precise Practices then you'll feel completely saturated with those qualities and feelings and you may have a perception experience of those things being fundamentally true and you may realize your potential that those things are fundamentally true for you And then you will experience instead of relative truth relative to time or relative to space You'll find universal truth That disregards all those things and is in this true despite circumstance environment or anything It's just a truth and that's a very powerful thing to arrive at So next step is concentrating so being able to concentrate on certain points and those certain exercises like the Qi gong ball like the three transformations teach you how to to concentrate and pay attention to energy as it's shifting as it's moving and To a degree to the trains you had to concentrate on things through stillness as well because in order to Be successful you need to be able to still the mind and to remove static So by learning some concentration exercises and be able to focus on one point to focus on one letter One color or one sound or one sensation Those qualities characteristics traits alone are what are going to allow you to Succeed with the single letter keys and when you're able to do all three of them when you're able to see feel Here then you have three pointed concentration and then through that you'll be able to successfully Do multi letter keys to any length of letters even to even 16 letters or 20 letters, which is another exercise we go over so next up is this is visualization techniques being able to visualize the colors and and
00:10:12Have flexibility with how the the cobalt stick frequencies present to you
00:10:16Sometimes they may present to you as letters and their literal sense sometimes they may present themselves as their colors or Gradients of colors and when you introduce multi letter keys, then you may notice some of them Some of the different colors tend to merge together or swirl together And and fill in completely different gradients together They may even combine a new color formation
00:10:40So there's many different things that you'll document in your journaling process So the next thing is the four elements, which of course we work with the four mother letters and There's also the base core line for elements and the postures you take where you take on electric posture or magnetic posture One where it's electric electric pushing you're on the front of your feet the other being magnetic you're pulling plucking your joints open and pulling energy towards your core and and and you're you're you're on the you're on the heels of your feet and Pulling back so there's electric and there's magnetic And then when and then of course there's air the eating element where you're plucking upwards You're being lifted
00:11:27And then there's earth where you're plucking downwards your facial systems pluck to the earth and you're grounding you're grounding you're grounding and then through the electric and magnetic principles through electric and magnetic then and through jolting through shunting and one quick succession with a intense intense Intention that's where you get bolting, which is another important cobaltic exercise to be able to do in order to have particularly successful cobaltic experiences sometimes you may connect with a cobaltic frequency and you really want to
00:12:05Have a given result or wish realization or a scalar faculty What you can do then is come into that state of electric magnetic and then just vault and have it realize Give it full intensity and create a shockwave through the Akasha principle that that Loosens these layers that loosens all these things all your matrices and and and stills you with those energies from the universe to make that happen Either at a microcosmic level within yourself or at a microcosmic level where it fundamentally shifts and makes changes in the universe according to universal law so The last beginner thing you can do is through that same bolting principles You can also create
00:12:46elementals which are Living creature beings that you make yourself I go into that and how you to do that in the
00:12:53Invocation invocation course and I may include that here as well So basically you can connect to light and you can create
00:13:00elementaries and you can also create these elementaries through the Kabbalah as well and you can create elementaries that help you specifically train certain cobaltic frequencies or help run
00:13:10Certain cobaltic frequencies through you 24-7 This is especially useful if you want to create a cobaltic frequency that becomes one of your core letters
00:13:18Or if you just want to have help that have the elementaries help you in your training So that's a quick overview of some of the different beginners exercises that can help assist you in your practice and some of those will be included here Thank you for your time and I'll see you in the next video