00:00:00In this tutorial, I'm going to be discussing the food menu widget
00:00:05This is a widget that's excellent for displaying menus for restaurants, and whatever food you want is easily displayed with nice images in an organized format
00:00:16So in order to create the food menu, simply add the widget to your screen
00:00:21You can see it located right down here
00:00:27And this is a great food menu for creating mobile first menus, which many restaurant menus are not mobile first
00:00:35So you can see at the top here you can set your currency
00:00:38We have many different currencies available
00:00:40And there's some style options up here as far as how you want it to look
00:00:45I'll enter in title with the text right here, and you can add items right in here
00:00:52And what you want to do is when you click add a new, this will let you decide between a menu item or a section slash category
00:01:01Usually you want to add a section or category first, and then add menu items to that
00:01:07So simply create a new section, and then you can name this whatever you want, like for example burgers, and then you can upload an image if you'd like, or you can just leave that blank
00:01:20And then that'll create just that section that can be organized and you can add images to the individual food items
00:01:26So now that we have a category, we can now add a new menu item
00:01:33And here is where you would actually create the individual food items
00:01:38So first do it, set your price
00:01:40So let's say we want this to be just like a $5 burger
00:01:43And then here's where we would select the category and section
00:01:45So we select the burgers there, and then give this a name like cheeseburger
00:01:51And then here's where you would put the description of the object
00:02:01So once you fill in the title, the description, subtitle, you can edit all of your text right up here
00:02:09And then you can also add images and videos as well
00:02:12And these are going to be all mobile friendly images and videos, which is great
00:02:17So you can simply drag a drop, a file here, and that'll upload an image or the uploaded video, add the URL here by uploading it to YouTube, Vimeo, or Facebook
00:02:29We have a large selection of global media library images
00:02:34So I'm just going to pull a burger real quickly from that
00:02:38And once you have uploaded your images and all of your text and you save and update, it automatically updates once you add an image
00:02:54You can now scroll down and there you can see there is your cheeseburger right there when people open it
00:03:01There is the image that you selected
00:03:02If you upload more than one image, it'll create a slider that you can slide between
00:03:08And there's the category that is created with the cheeseburger underneath it
00:03:13So to create more objects, you can either go back right down here
00:03:23And then create a new object or if you're already creating an object that's part of the same category or that similar, you can also clone this item and then just change the few details that you
00:03:36would need to change
00:03:38So in this case, it cloned the cheeseburger
00:03:41So all we need to do is just change this to maybe barbecue burger
00:03:49You can see that it's very simple to just replace the text and then you can just replace the image here
00:03:55So once you have filled in all of your food items and all of your different categories, this will organize it in a nice mobile first fashion
00:04:07You can always go back to the main widget
00:04:10You can always change the style right over here, make things like an accordion or change how the images is displayed with the categories
00:04:20So you can see this shows just the category burgers and when people click it, it'll open up and expand that
00:04:31And if you create multiple categories, each one will be collapsed so that they can expand
00:04:35And there's just lots of different ways to display the style and look as far as mobile first menu is concerned
00:04:42And you can all control it right from this widget
00:04:44And that's how easy it is to use the food menu widget