00:00:00In this tutorial, I'm going to be discussing the buttons widget
00:00:03The buttons widget is an easy way to add a single or multiple buttons to a certain section of your website
00:00:09Those buttons can serve a variety of functions such as sending an email
00:00:13You can link to an external website such as Facebook
00:00:16You can even start a phone call with the button
00:00:18So in order to create a button, you would simply add the widget
00:00:22Now you may have noticed that there's buttons sections within other widgets such as the header and the content block have button sections in there as well
00:00:31These functions are pretty much identical to the way buttons are made here except the buttons widget is for creating just buttons and that's what we're going to be discussing in this video
00:00:39So once you've created your buttons widget, you would simply see this is a list of buttons is empty
00:00:45So in order to add an actual button, you would simply click add a button and this is going to take you to that buttons page
00:00:53You can see down here the buttons created at the top but there's nothing in it in order to determine what the button does
00:00:58You would choose the link type here and there's many different link types
00:01:02For example, if you want to go to a different page within your website, a different internal page, you can open up a separate page within that same site
00:01:11So if I wanted to go to the second page, you can choose an internal page or if you wanted to link to an external website such as a completely different Google or like Facebook, you can
00:01:20link externally through there and you can even scroll to a certain page section or widget with this link
00:01:28This one's pretty interesting
00:01:29You would simply choose the widget you want to scroll to
00:01:32Like for example, if I wanted this to scroll all the way down to the bottom, you would simply choose the bottom widget and then you can give this some text like scroll to bottom so that
00:01:40people know that it scrolls to the bottom
00:01:42Let's just see how this looks real quickly
00:01:44You can even add an image from like our global media library over here
00:01:48We have hundreds of free images to use or you can drag and drop from your computer right here or even use the browse function
00:01:56You can also choose one of our many free icons for your buttons as well
00:02:00So we have many icons available for you to use
00:02:03Let's just say I wanted to use like a down arrow just to show that this is heading down
00:02:07So I would simply click the down arrow here and you can save this and you're going to see it has now created that button
00:02:14It says scroll to bottom and it has a little down arrow icon
00:02:18You can click that and you see it will scroll all the way down to the bottom and then let's say for example you wanted people to scroll all the way back up because they'd already reached
00:02:26the bottom
00:02:27You can put a button that does the same thing
00:02:28You would simply scroll all the way up to the top one and then it'll function the exact same
00:02:35As far as the other link types, they're pretty self explanatory once you kind of get into them
00:02:39But you can send an email to like let's say you wanted to send an email, when it's people to send an email to you, you would simply type your email address here and it would create
00:02:47that button and then people would be able to click that and it would open up their email application and they'd be able to send an email to you easily
00:02:55You can even start a phone call here
00:02:56You can type your phone number if you want people to reach you
00:02:59They can do it with a single press of a button or even send an SMS message such as like a text message or that's very easy
00:03:07A lot of people prefer that
00:03:09So if you wanted people to text you instead, you can use that with a button
00:03:12You can even do a Skype call as well
00:03:14So if you have a Skype account, you would simply type your Skype account name right in there and then people can call you on Skype
00:03:19They can even use WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger chat, which is pretty neat
00:03:24WhatsApp is a free messenger program
00:03:26You can download that and simply type in your WhatsApp mobile number and then they can reach you through that way or Facebook Messenger, which is linked to your Facebook profile
00:03:35So once you've determined what it is you want your button to do, you would simply give it the text and icons and image if necessary and then you make sure it's saved and then you would
00:03:43go back to the buttons menu
00:03:45You can do that by clicking the menu here by going back or clicking the back button right down here on the bottom
00:03:52Once you go back to the buttons menu, you'll see that button we just created is right down there
00:03:56You'll see it's right there and it still functions
00:03:58Scrolls right down to the bottom and you can add multiple buttons on the same widget
00:04:03So if you want to do like, you know, email me, call me, everything
00:04:07You can do all that in one big bundle
00:04:08So let's just create a second one just so you can see how this works
00:04:17And then if you wanted people to email me, you would simply set that email and you can see it has created the second button directly below that
00:04:24As far as mobile is concerned, it's going to usually be a lot smaller on screens
00:04:31You know, so it's going to automatically organize that for you
00:04:34But you can also determine the number of columns, especially on desktop, how it's arranged
00:04:38So if you go ahead and we can see this on full screen, we go to the full site
00:04:42You can see it has the two buttons right there on, right on top of each other
00:04:46If you wanted to arrange it in columns of two, you would simply click two and you can save that
00:04:52And if we go back to the main site here and refresh this, you can now see it has rearranged this into columns of two, putting them right next to each other
00:05:00So that's an easy way to arrange your buttons on desktop
00:05:04And as far as additional options, they're pretty much all the same as all the other widgets
00:05:08We have the ability to require login or mobile only or desktop only
00:05:13This is actually really useful for buttons as well because let's say that you have a business and you want people to call you, you can put your call me button and then switch that to mobile
00:05:23Because most people don't ever call from a desktop
00:05:25So there's no reason to even show it on that desktop screen
00:05:28You can, however, put your Skype or your email on a desktop and as well as mobile
00:05:33But have the mobile only, you know, just for calling
00:05:36And that's an easy way to do that
00:05:39So once you've set everything and all of your buttons are set, you can rearrange it within the main widget page
00:05:46So if you were to drag and drop this below the content block, you could see the buttons are now below there
00:05:52So that's an easy way to keep buttons together and rearrange them with this buttons widget