00:00:00In this video, I'm going to be discussing the e -commerce widget
00:00:04The e -commerce widget is an easy and powerful way to display products on your website that users can then add to a cart and purchase
00:00:13As you can see on the right here, we have several furniture items
00:00:16Users can open the sub and see all the details about the cart and then even add it to their cart and check out if they so desire
00:00:23It's pretty easy to use
00:00:25When you first create an e -commerce widget, you can enter your main title and subtitle right here at the top, just like most widgets
00:00:32This will appear above the products
00:00:34You can then add your items in the list items section
00:00:39This is where you would add your individual products, either click add a new item to the list in order to create a new product or choose one of the existing products and edit it with the
00:00:49little pencil icon
00:00:50You can also import products from a list if you have a CSV file, like a cheat, that has the product information on it
00:00:58You can import that here
00:01:00We have the e -commerce settings where you can hide the add to cart button
00:01:05What this will do is this will hide the button to add to cart so it cannot be purchased
00:01:10This is useful if you have a series of items you want to display, but not actually sale
00:01:15You can do that here by simply hiding the button
00:01:17You can also organize the pages with this tab below
00:01:21You can add a search form so you can search for individual products and objects
00:01:26You can organize how the pages are displayed as well
00:01:30How the pages look, how many items per page, and how the pages are organized
00:01:36You can add tags if you so like
00:01:39Tags will allow users to search for individual items with the same tag
00:01:44You can also hide additional tabs and even enable RSS feed with these links right here
00:01:52The list, style and layout section will let you determine and control how the widget is displayed on both mobile and desktop
00:02:02You can control how many columns it has and how the images are aligned and how the images look
00:02:08You can also enable comments, the individual widgets
00:02:10Turning this on will allow users to leave a comment on this section of the website
00:02:16The additional options are similar to other widgets
00:02:19You can control whether this is mobile only or desktop only and the additional styles
00:02:24Let's you control the margins, the background as well as even additional enemies
00:02:30Now, when it comes to items for sale in the list, you can add a new item by clicking the button or you can edit an existing item
00:02:41For the item, when you create a new list item, you can add a custom skew which will be displayed on receipts and other info
00:02:52This can be used to keep track of products
00:02:54You can set the price right below that in the original price
00:02:57If you set an original price, it will appear crossed out
00:03:00So it looks like it's on sale
00:03:02Then you can add shipping costs and the maximum viable quantities if you want to limit the products
00:03:08You can also add options if you so choose such as size, color or flavor
00:03:12You can add those as an option and then you can add the different choices of the sizes or the different colors within that in order to allow users to choose and give variety
00:03:23You can add related products so anything you select here will show up within that list item so it will show related products as well
00:03:31And here is where you would add the main content which is everything that would go into the actual product
00:03:36You can simply add your title, your subtitle, the text which is the description of the product
00:03:42You can schedule this to be published at a later date and you can also add your images right here
00:03:48Simply drag and drop your images or browse and upload any images you'd like for that product
00:03:53You can add Instagram like filters right here and if you add multiple images, you can add slider effects right here
00:04:01Just choose how the slider work and this will slide between those images or even a video URL
00:04:08If you have a video of the product, simply paste that right here
00:04:11You can add buttons to individual products as well that can link to different things
00:04:16Please watch the buttons tutorial to how those work and tags of course can be added for the items separately so that users can search for similar items with the same tag
00:04:27The SEO open graph and URL section is where you would edit the search engine optimization for that item
00:04:34You can add edit the meta title and open graph info right here
00:04:38And the additional info slash contents would be where you would add any additional info about that product
00:04:44We also have a custom affiliate system that can be enabled
00:04:48And last but not least the comments section will allow you to enable comments for this particular item own
00:04:54So enabling comments will allow users to leave a comment on this item page
00:04:59Now always remember once you're done editing an item and you've added all of the content for that product, remember to save an update and this will add that product to the list and then users will
00:05:10then be able to go ahead and purchase that product
00:05:13That's how simple it is to use the e -commerce widget