00:00:00In this tutorial, I'm going to be explaining the catalog widget as well as the product widget both in the same tutorial because they're very closely related
00:00:10The catalog lets you sell multiple products online
00:00:14As you can see here, this is a demo sample site just for vintage accessories like rings and women's necklaces and hats
00:00:26And when you create the catalog, first thing you're going to see is this is going to be blank and you can click add a new item to the list
00:00:36And this is where you would create your individual products
00:00:40So for example, let's just look at these ones to see how they work
00:00:44This one is $50 for the ring with an original price of $75
00:00:50And if you notice here, that original price is crossed out
00:00:53Anything you put in here is going to be crossed out and it's going to show this actual price instead
00:00:58So this is actually for $50
00:00:59It looks like it's on sale
00:01:01So that's the illusion
00:01:02You can add shipping costs that will be automatically calculated and the maximum number of quantities
00:01:07Here is where you can add different options like if you want different sizes or colors
00:01:13You can enter size here or color here
00:01:16And then the option choices you can do like small, medium, large or the different color options available
00:01:21And then down here is where you would enter your title, your subtitle, and then the abstract
00:01:26The abstract is what's shown initially in the catalog
00:01:30And then the main text is what would show up when you actually open it
00:01:42So if you were to open this up, there's the main text right there
00:01:46You can add your images right here
00:01:52If you add multiple images, it'll automatically create a slider that will slide back and forth
00:01:57And then here is where you would adjust your slider settings
00:02:03And you can even add a video as well if you wanted
00:02:07The buttons, you can add a button to each product that will maybe like link you to a different place or send an email, many different options and buttons
00:02:16And those are gone over in the buttons tutorial
00:02:19And then here is the SEO and the open graph
00:02:24This is for like search engine optimization and Facebook and social media and that's gone over in a separate tutorial
00:02:31Once you have all of your information and all of your product, it's very simple to just upload the picture, tell a bit about the product, set your prices right here
00:02:41Once everything is set, make sure it's saved and then you would go back to the main catalog
00:02:46You can do that either by clicking the catalog up here in the menu or going down and clicking the back button down here
00:02:53Once you're back in the main catalog, you can add a new item and then you would just simply add each product as you go down
00:03:02It'll create them with the price
00:03:06Here is where you would add your initial title and the subtitle
00:03:14This hide add to cart button, what this does is this actually hides the little cart so if you want it to maybe just test everything, make sure all the products look good
00:03:27Everything is looking nice
00:03:29You can hide this and then you can see now it's all gone
00:03:34You can update everything, put all your list items, make sure everything's looking real nice, make sure everyone's happy with it, and then it's a very simple matter of just switching that off and that'll make everything
00:03:45available for purchase
00:03:48Well, that is after you've set up your e -commerce in order to actually set those purchases and that has gone over in the e -commerce tutorial
00:03:54But as far as the rest of the catalog, we have search options
00:04:01So if you click this, this will actually upload a little search bar, which is pretty neat
00:04:08So people would be able to search if you have multiple pages
00:04:10That helps as well
00:04:11And then down here is where you would organize the options for the multiple pages
00:04:16And then here you can add different tabs that will open up in each option within each product
00:04:24Like if you wanted to show it a map or a calendar, you can do that as well
00:04:28And then RSS is for uploading from an RSS feed, that's gone over in the RSS tutorial
00:04:36This list style and layout will let you determine how it looks on mobile versus desktop, which is pretty neat
00:04:43You can have each one separate
00:04:45So for example, if I wanted to have two columns for mobile, you would just simply change this to two
00:04:53And then instead of being all in one line, it'll now do it in sections of two, which is pretty neat
00:05:00And you can separate them differently for mobile versus desktop
00:05:04Like I said, you can have the image above below or to the left or right of the text and mobile versus desktop differently
00:05:10And then whether or not you want to open it in a modal or a page, the modal is the thing that pops up here
00:05:16See how it's a separate page that kind of pops up and lets you easily close out and go back to it
00:05:21Whereas if you open it up in a page, it'll open up in a separate page that they would then have to click the back button to go back to the main list
00:05:43And then a cordian is just a different look
00:05:46The way it organizes it, you can collapse the cordian and different stuff
00:05:49And then the additional options let you determine whether or not they have to be logged in to actually see and purchase anything
00:05:56And whether or not the cart even shows up on mobile or desktop
00:05:59And additional styles are pretty similar to many of the other widgets that let you determine the desktop space
00:06:06You want to take up less space on a desktop and then change the different margins
00:06:09You can also determine like a background where this whole section would have a background if you want to set an image or a color or even a video
00:06:18And different animation styles where it fades in from the top
00:06:22So it's really easy to just make all your settings, list all your items out here
00:06:27And then once it's all set, then you would turn on your e -commerce and just simply watch the e -commerce video in order to figure out how to set that up
00:06:34What we're going to do now is we're actually going to do this separate product page, not separate product page, separate product widget
00:06:41So if you go back to the main page and let's say that you have just one product you want to sell, it's very easy to simply add a single product
00:06:49You would go to add a widget and then go down to product here
00:06:52And this is a single product that you just can buy right away
00:06:55And you'll notice that everything's pretty much the same here
00:06:59So you would simply enter your price, your $50 and the original price of $100
00:07:05You can have your title here and then upload your text and images of the product
00:07:16So let's say I wanted to sell this wine
00:07:21And then now if you scroll down below this initial catalog, we have see the single product right here
00:07:30There's all the info in the text and obviously you'd probably stylize it
00:07:35You can stylize the text to make it match
00:07:37You would do all that right here
00:07:38You can adjust the size, the font, the color of everything
00:07:44And down here is if you have multiple pictures, you can adjust the different slides and slider settings
00:07:53And then you'll see here everything else is the same as the previous widget because it's another product
00:08:00It's just a single product
00:08:01So you wouldn't have that list, but you can still do the mobile desktop, still all the additional styles and widgets
00:08:08So once you have that set, then you would go to your e -commerce, like I said, watch that video
00:08:15And the product and catalogs are very easy to use