00:00:00In this tutorial, I'm going to be discussing the header widget
00:00:03Now a header, in case any of you are unfamiliar, when it comes to websites, a header is what's always at the top of a site
00:00:11That's going to be any content or background, that's at the top of a site
00:00:15And you can put any links, any buttons, any text, and images, and videos with any header
00:00:21And that's always going to remain the first thing that the person sees when the website loads because it remains at the top
00:00:27That's just how a header works
00:00:28So you can see here, I've created some text and a button right down here at the bottom
00:00:35And I've done that for demonstration purposes and you'll see why in just a bit
00:00:38So when you go ahead and add a widget, header is located here near the top
00:00:42Once you create a header, you can add any of the content you want
00:00:48So for example, if I want to make a nice background, you can choose from solid colors, even images, or even videos
00:00:59So let's go ahead and make a nice image
00:01:01You can choose anything from our global media library
00:01:04This is full of thousands of pages that you're able to use for free
00:01:07Or you can upload from your own computer, you can drag and drop, or browse to the file
00:01:15Make sure to click upload if you're uploading it from your own computer
00:01:18And once you upload and save that, you'll notice it has now created a nice, bamboo border on the top here and then followed by our text and button
00:01:31You can put different text within this
00:01:36So for example, if you want to do a title and a subtitle, let's go ahead and make this white just so that it matches the background a little bit better
00:01:46And you can even adjust the different size and fonts right over here
00:01:52And whether it's left, center, or right, you can add images and videos as well
00:02:00Now this is different from the images and videos up here because this is just for the background
00:02:04So if we go ahead and save this, we can add an image if we want
00:02:07So there's our title and subtitle
00:02:09If you want to add an image, let's go ahead and add something from our global media library
00:02:18And it'll automatically create that image for you
00:02:21And that's relative to the text
00:02:23You can adjust that right over here
00:02:25So whether it's above the text below the text or to the left or right on a desktop
00:02:29And if you add more than one image, it'll automatically create an image slider
00:02:34So for example, if we want to add and create the second image, you can see that it automatically made the slider
00:02:42It's going to slide between two images
00:02:45You can adjust the settings for the slider right over here, whether it's slides or fades and then the time
00:02:51You can even add a video by simply uploading a URL right here
00:02:54And you can determine the frame that the video is in, such as if you want that YouTube video to look like it's in a MacBook Pro or desktop computer
00:03:02Or the model is when it pops out separately
00:03:05You can add buttons
00:03:07You can add buttons of pretty much any type and that's gone over in the buttons tutorial
00:03:11You can also adjust the space that it takes up right here and the animation styles
00:03:22And for additional options, they're just like all the other widgets you can require whether it uses to be logged in or whether this is visible on mobile only or desktop only
00:03:30So this is actually really useful for a header because as you know, desktops have much bigger screens
00:03:35So it's often worth it to make a different header for a desktop that will actually display maybe with a better images or even different images completely
00:03:43So what we can do is let's go ahead and just view this site just to see what this looks like on the different screens
00:03:49So you can see on the larger screen that bamboo actually is a bigger picture
00:04:00So you can see more of that picture right here
00:04:02Whereas on the smaller screen, it's a smaller picture
00:04:06You can see less of it
00:04:07So it still works for a small picture
00:04:09But let's go ahead and give that bigger screen like a video instead, which works better on computers usually
00:04:15So if you go ahead and view the site, you can see it is a much larger picture
00:04:19And you can see the title in the image right there or the link, sorry
00:04:24So if we go ahead and switch this to mobile only and save this
00:04:31Now let's go ahead and create a new header for the desktop only
00:04:39And let's go ahead and have a video for this one
00:04:56So we're going to make a video for this background
00:05:00And then we have to make sure to switch this to desktop only
00:05:11So now you see, once we've saved this, nothing's changed on our small screen here because this is only the cell phone
00:05:19But if we go to our actual main site and refresh this, you can see it now has that nice bamboo video background
00:05:30And that's actually a really nice background
00:05:32You can do a lot with that if you know what you're doing because it actually flows pretty smoothly
00:05:37And what I was talking about earlier when it comes to headers always being at the top, let's go ahead and go back to our main page here
00:05:44And you can see normally when you arrange things in here, it actually rearranges the location
00:05:52When it comes to the content block right here with the text and then the button is below that
00:05:55If I went ahead and rearrange the button above the content block, you will now see the header is still always at the top
00:06:02But now the button is above that
00:06:04And no matter where you move that header to, it's always going to be at the top because that's what a header does
00:06:09That's the nature of the header
00:06:10So always keep that in mind
00:06:12This is often going to be one of the first widgets you want to create because that's often the first thing that they see when the page loads
00:06:19So that is how the header works