00:00:00In this tutorial, I'm going to be discussing the blog widget
00:00:03Now a blog in case you're not familiar, it's basically a collection of articles that's usually written by a single person or a small team
00:00:12And it's usually about a specific subject topic, idea, pretty much whatever you want to write about
00:00:19But it usually focuses around something specific
00:00:22And blogs let you write multiple articles and organize them easily
00:00:28So if you want to create a blog, you can pretty much write a blog about whatever you want
00:00:32That's the beauty of the internet
00:00:34And in order to create one, you would simply add a widget
00:00:37And it's right there near the top
00:00:39Once you've created the blog, it's going to add the blog widget to that page
00:00:42It's not necessary, but it's general, common practice that blogs are dedicated to their own page
00:00:48But you can do whatever you want with the widgets
00:00:50And once you create that blog widget, I'm going to open this one, which is already pre -made
00:00:54But we're going to go through all the details to see how everything works
00:00:57You would create your title up here as well as your subtitle
00:01:02And this list items is going to be completely empty when you first create a blog
00:01:08So let's go ahead and open one
00:01:10And once you click add a new item to the list, it's going to create a new list item
00:01:15So let's go ahead and open one and see what that looks like
00:01:20And then let's open that corresponding article in the blog
00:01:24So you can see that it's pretty simple once you get into everything
00:01:29The title is right there on the top
00:01:32And the subtitle is right below that
00:01:34The abstract is what showed on the list for the article
00:01:37You can see the abstract is what shows below the title of the main article on the list
00:01:41And that's good for discussing the article a little bit or telling about what it's about
00:01:45And then the main text is right there below that
00:01:48You can see that's all the main text
00:01:51And I put in a little test 1, 2, 3 in there
00:01:53And that's just a little test so we can test out the search engine in the search bar
00:01:58Because you can always add a search bar so users can find articles easier
00:02:02Once you have all of your main text and everything, you can also add some additional stuff, such as if you wanted this to be published later, then currently you can schedule a specific publishing date and
00:02:14So you would actually be able to select the time and date
00:02:18And you can determine if this is going to be published later or if it's going to be published in a draft form
00:02:23And a draft is basically not visible to actual users
00:02:26It'd be visible to you so you can kind of preview it
00:02:29But you can always publish things for later
00:02:31You can also add images
00:02:33And this is going to add an image to the actual list article
00:02:38You have a list of articles
00:02:39So if you add an image and then it's going to refresh the page
00:02:42And you can see right there, now it's above the actual title for the list of articles
00:02:46And if you were to click that, you can see it adds the picture there as well
00:02:53So this is the picture for the article
00:02:55You can also do multiple pictures
00:02:57So if you add multiple pictures, it'll turn this into a slider that will slide back and forth
00:03:01And you can even do videos
00:03:03So if you want, you can add a video to this
00:03:08And when you save and update that, it still has that picture for the article
00:03:12But now when you open this, it's going to show that video
00:03:15So you can actually click that video and play a video right for your article, which is pretty neat
00:03:21And you can also add buttons
00:03:26So if you want to add links or email me or anything like that, you can add a button
00:03:31And that's gone over in the buttons tutorial
00:03:33So please watch that tutorial to understand more about buttons
00:03:37You can also add an author and a date by scrolling down and selecting the author and date tab
00:03:49And once you type in an author's name and a date, you can also type in a bio as well
00:04:00And then the way blogs work as far as organization is they are organized in the most recent article first
00:04:09So it's usually in like the reverse order that you create them because old articles are going to be at the bottom
00:04:14The ones that you create first and the newer most recent articles are going to be at the top
00:04:18So if you choose a date, it's going to arrange your blog automatically
00:04:22So now it brought that title one that was on the bottom and brought it back up to the top because this is now the most recent article
00:04:28And you can see the author's name right there
00:04:31And if you were to click it, the article and read about it at the bottom, there would be the bio about the authors
00:04:36This is a neat little way to just talk about yourself or if you have multiple authors, you can say who actually wrote that particular article
00:04:43You can also schedule events
00:04:46So if you have like a special event, you want people to attend
00:04:48You can schedule a date and time in the calendar and people will be able to download this to their calendars on their phone or to their icon on their iPhone
00:04:56And that's an easy way to organize events
00:04:57You can also add maps to the blog as well
00:05:01So if you have a specific location or something happens similar specific, you can simply type the address in and it'll automatically create a map for you
00:05:12So once you open up that article, that article now has a map available
00:05:17And you can also add like files and attachments
00:05:22So if you wanted someone to be able to like download something, you can add a file or like a picture, for example
00:05:28Once you upload it to the servers, people would be able to then open that article and there'll be a button to download that particular file
00:05:38The download file and then that'll take them to that image that they downloaded
00:05:44And that's an easy way to like add articles, you know, sorry, add maps, add pictures, add files to your article
00:05:53And you can also organize it for SEO
00:05:57This is a little bit more advanced
00:05:58And we're going to go over this in the more advanced tutorials
00:06:00But this is for SEO and Facebook and social media organization
00:06:05So once you've added everything you want for that particular article and you're happy with the way that article looks, you can then continue organizing and creating your next articles
00:06:13You would simply go back to the blog and you would click add a new item to the list
00:06:19And then that'll add a new item and you would simply do the same thing
00:06:23So you can see here I have multiple articles here
00:06:26It was in reverse order as you can see in the beginning, but now it's switched up a little bit because we added this date
00:06:32And like I said before blogs always show the most recent articles first
00:06:36So if you added dates to these ones, these ones would flip up on top instead because these would now be the most recent
00:06:42And if you want to organize your page and people to be able to search your page, you'd use the search
00:06:50So this is pretty simple once you get into it as well
00:06:53Clicking this button here will let you add a search bar to the top of the blog
00:06:57So once you turn that on, it'll add a search bar that'll let users search for particular keywords or topics
00:07:03So let's say you were read an article a while ago and you couldn't remember what article that was but it was about a specific subject
00:07:08You would simply type in that keyword
00:07:10Remember that test 1, 2, 3 I typed into that other article and this was for this search
00:07:14And if they click that search, you can see there's the first article that contains that particular keyword
00:07:21And you can also search for maps
00:07:24If you have the maps, you can show the distance relating to maps as well
00:07:27And you can also determine the amount of articles per page and how those pages are organized
00:07:33So see here this items per page will let you determine how many items on a particular page
00:07:37If you leave it at 0, it'll just show everything on the one page
00:07:40So if you type in 2 here and you see here on the left, this is going to show the pages as normal where it shows a page count and buttons
00:07:48And then we'll go over the other option right now
00:07:50So once you click and say that, you'll see there's now only the two articles and there's the buttons for left and right, which is the page count and buttons
00:07:57So once they click those buttons, it'll take them to the next page and they can go back and forth
00:08:01And you can also determine whether it's a show me more button
00:08:05So when you click this, it'll show a button that says show more down on the bottom
00:08:09And then when they click that, it'll load everything within the same page
00:08:12See that show more button
00:08:13Now when I click that, it loads more articles in
00:08:16So that's an easy way to organize pages
00:08:18Now let's put everything back on one page and I'll show you how to organize the particular articles themselves
00:08:23So like I said before, blogs usually are organized from the most recent article to the oldest article
00:08:31Usually because no one wants to read the old articles, it's the more recent ones that are more important
00:08:35But if you want to organize them differently, you can do here with the items order
00:08:39You can go from oldest to most recent if you want to do that instead and go in like reverse order or you can manually organize it
00:08:46So when you click that, you'll be able to go back to the main blog page and you can organize the articles manually by clicking and dragging the particular list items
00:08:57And you can see how once I bring it on top it now organizes however it's listed in this particular box
00:09:05So that's an easy way to organize the articles
00:09:08And you can also add additional tabs and even upload from an RSS feed
00:09:12And that's a little bit more advanced tutorial and we're going to go over that in a separate tutorial
00:09:17But as far as the particular articles go, if you want to organize them within the same page, you would use the list style and layout
00:09:26This is for a single page
00:09:27So you see how everything is organized on one page here and it's all in one column here and on desktop it says two
00:09:36So if you go to the desktop and view this full site, you can see there it is two on two as opposed to the mobile, which is just the one
00:09:44If you wanted to change that and determine how it's organized within the pages, you would simply adjust this
00:09:48So if you wanted to do two columns on mobile and three on desktop, you would simply switch that and when you save it, you can see it has now organized that on two on two
00:09:56And if you go back to the desktop and refresh this, see it is now the three on top and then the one on the bottom because there's only four
00:10:04But that's an easy way to organize them within the same page
00:10:08You can also determine whether the text is above below or to the left or right of the image
00:10:14And on desktop versus mobile, you can determine that separately so you can have completely different looks on the desktop and mobile
00:10:20And that's that mobile first technology, hard at work, being completely separate from each other
00:10:24You can also determine the shape that the image is in
00:10:28So you see here on the right, this is just a regular box with square corners
00:10:32If you wanted to put that in a box with rounded corners, you can set that and that's going to shave off the corners for you automatically and make a nice little rounded picture or rounded box
00:10:42And then you can have a completely round picture and then I'll shave it off into a full circle
00:10:47And for the modal, this is whether it's opened in a page or a modal
00:10:52So generally, blogs are opened in pages
00:10:57So when you click it, this is going to take you to this particular article in its own page
00:11:04See how I would have to read this article or however on its separate page and then click the back button if I want to go back to the main list of articles
00:11:11That's a traditional way of doing it
00:11:13You can also do the modal if you want as well
00:11:16So a modal is sort of like a separate pop up
00:11:18That's going to pop up within that same page
00:11:21So once you set a modal, you can save that
00:11:23And instead of opening up in a separate page, you can see it's going to pop up with its own kind of floating page in front of the main one
00:11:30You can read the article and do whatever you want
00:11:32And then when you exit, it's going to slide away and then go back to that main page
00:11:35So that's a neat little effect as well
00:11:38And you can also determine if it's in accordion, which is pretty neat
00:11:42So what that's going to do is that's just going to scrunch everything into an accordion style
00:11:46And that's going to put them all in one line right here or it's going to put them all in smaller boxes basically
00:11:53And you can determine how that's organized with the columns here
00:11:56I generally like to keep this one column when it comes to an accordion
00:12:00So everything's just in a line and when you click in accordion, that'll open up the article in that same page
00:12:05So it'll open up and shrink it
00:12:07And that's what it means by an accordion style
00:12:10And like I said, I usually keep it in a single column because if you do multiple columns for mobile, it gets too small to read sometimes
00:12:18And that's a neat little way to organize that as well
00:12:20And for the additional options, they're just like all the other widgets
00:12:24You can determine whether users have to be logged in, whether or not it's mobile only or desktop only so you can have different blogs from mobile versus desktop
00:12:32And the additional styles are just like all the other widgets
00:12:35I suggest maybe experimenting with this a little bit
00:12:37You can set backgrounds, different animations, and how much space it takes up on the desktop
00:12:42So once you get into it, it's blogs are pretty easy to use
00:12:45You would basically just create your articles
00:12:47As you go along, you can determine how they're organized right over in the items order
00:12:54And then a blog is an easy way to get your ideas out there or to create multiple articles on a single topic
00:12:59And once you get used to the blog widget, it's pretty easy to use