00:00:00In this tutorial, I'm going to be going over the scratch card widget
00:00:03The scratch card is a neat little widget that lets you literally scratch off an area to determine whether you lose or win a prize
00:00:12Almost like a scratch off lottery ticket is the easiest thing to compare them to
00:00:16It's located down here near the bottom of the widgets and once you create one, you'll see the little area over here that you can actually scratch off with your on your phone
00:00:27You would literally use your finger, which is kind of neat and on a desktop, you would just simply use your mouse
00:00:32You can see I didn't win and that's a default lose picture and the lose message
00:00:38You can determine the probability of winning over here and it's set to zero by default
00:00:43So if you set that to 100, they'll always win
00:00:45If you set it to 50, they'll have an equal chance of 50 -50
00:00:48Here you can set the total number of tries that they can attempt totally and here is the number of tries that they can do per day
00:00:59So if you set this to three per day, they'd only be able to scratch it three times and if you set this to six, they'd only be able to try it six times total
00:01:09You can set your default lose image right here and your win image
00:01:21So if we have this little campfire, once we change that, you can see it has now changed that image
00:01:31You can set the prize right here for when they do win the title and then the text so you can see the video that will tell them more about the prize or whatever you want to
00:01:51You can put it right here in the text and this is only the winners that'll get to see this
00:01:55So if we set this to 100, for example, that means we'll always win and you'll see here that's the default win image
00:02:06It's got a little trophy and it says congratulations you win and that'll display whatever text you set and you can set a code however you want to do that for additional options
00:02:22We can set whether you have to be required to log in so only members can use the scratch off and whether or not it's only available on mobile only or desktop only and for additional styles
00:02:35We have the same standard styles available on most of the widgets
00:02:40You can set the desktop space and the margins over here if you know CSS, you can set a custom class as well as your background and custom animations
00:02:51So for example, if you want to see how the max number works, we can delete that because it's been counting our tries and then just make a new scratch card and let's say I only want
00:03:05to be able to attempt this three times per day and you'll be able to try it for total of nine times
00:03:13Once you save that, it'll keep track of how many times each user has scratched that card
00:03:19So if I try it once and I lose and every time I refresh or retry and the browser, it'll keep track
00:03:32So since that was the second time and now after this third time, I will have used up my max tries per day
00:03:40So if I were to try to refresh this page and try it again, it'll say max tries today
00:03:46So you won't be able to use it anymore and users won't be able to see that widget anymore
00:03:50I would be able to come back the next day and I have three more tries until I hit nine total
00:03:56And that is how the scratch card works