00:00:00In this tutorial, I'm going to be going over the countdown widget
00:00:04The countdown widget can be used to countdown to a specific date and time
00:00:10And once it reaches that, it'll display a link if you choose
00:00:14To create one, you simply add a widget
00:00:16The countdown timer is right here near the top
00:00:20And once you create one, you'll be able to add some titles
00:00:28So now, if you notice, I've created it and it's created the title, but because I haven't set an actual date or time yet, nothing is displayed
00:00:38So you would simply click the calendar here and you can choose a date and time
00:00:51You can also type it in manually if you'd like as well
00:00:54You can choose which time zone you'd like
00:01:00We have all the time zones
00:01:03And then here is where you would type the URL that would be displayed once the timer or is up for additional options
00:01:18We have the ability to require users to log in before they can actually view the timer
00:01:24So if you want this to be members only, they can view this or mobile only or desktop only
00:01:30And for additional styles, we have all the same basic additional styles where you can adjust the desktop space as well as the custom class if you know any CSS
00:01:41You can also choose a nice background if you want
00:01:44So let's go ahead and make just a basic blueish background
00:01:52Now we have our date and our time and everything set
00:01:56So we simply save this and you'll see it has now created a countdown timer with that blue background
00:02:02It'll count down to that
00:02:03Once that countdown is reached, it'll display that link
00:02:09Very easy to use
00:02:12Have a great day