00:00:00In this tutorial, I'm going to be discussing the form contact widget
00:00:04The form contact widget is an easy way to create a contact section with details and pre -made forms, which allows users to contact you, such as sending you an email or a message
00:00:15Now the form contact, many of its functions can also be achieved with buttons or content blocks
00:00:21However, the form contact is specifically designed just for contact and it also has auto responders built into it, so you can automatically respond to messages that you get, which is a pretty neat feature
00:00:31So if you ever want anyone to send you a message or to give out your email, then you would want to use a form contact
00:00:38So once you create a form contact, it's going to ask you to fill out the forms
00:00:42So simply create the contact
00:00:44You can see here that the form contact is empty when you first create it
00:00:51If you want to add a title, you can do so at the top here
00:00:55And then for the contact data, you would simply click add a new field, and this would let you add a field
00:01:03The field type is going to be what they're contacting you with
00:01:07So for example, if you choose email, they're going to contact you with email
00:01:11And the field value is the value of that particular field
00:01:15So if you chose email, you would enter an email address here
00:01:18So for example, here's where you would put your email address
00:01:21And then they would be able to click that and then send you an email or to whatever email is entered in this field value
00:01:26And the help slash label for this field is basically the text that's going to appear below that field to let people know what it is
00:01:34So you can type here, for example, email me to let people know that they should email you
00:01:40And when you save this, it's going to create that field on the right here
00:01:44You can see there's our title at the top
00:01:45And there is our email address
00:01:47And then the email me, which is that that's that help slash label field right there
00:01:52So if you were to click on this, it would open up your email application, either on your computer or your phone
00:01:57And then people would then be able to send an email address to that particular email
00:02:00You can also do like phone numbers, for example
00:02:03So if you enter a field value of phone, here's where you would put the actual phone number of that value
00:02:09And then you can enter some help text
00:02:13And once you save them, you can see it's going to automatically create each field, you know, in a row, right on top of each other automatically and it organizes them very easy to use
00:02:23You have multiple different, you know, fields you can do SMS, which is the text messaging
00:02:28So you'd enter phone number here as well
00:02:30WhatsApp is your free, it's a free messaging platform
00:02:34So you would enter the WhatsApp phone number for the field value and then you can type of WhatsApp me here or something
00:02:39And for the link, this would be like an external link
00:02:42So you can link to a different website
00:02:45And that's a very easy way to put in a link
00:02:48And there's also address field as well where you put in an address and then you can show someone an address
00:02:54You can see here on the right, it automatically created all the fields for me
00:03:01And this contact form, this switch controls this contact form right here with all of these boxes
00:03:08This allows users to send messages
00:03:11So if you don't want people to send you a message using this and you want them to use just like your email or text message you, you can switch this off
00:03:18When you switch that off, it's going to hide that contact form
00:03:21You can see that contact form is now gone
00:03:23So it'll be just these people would be able to just click on these and that would open up in their phone app or however, however, and then they would be able to call you or email
00:03:32But if you want them to send you a message from the website directly, you can enable the contact form and then people then be able to enter their information, a message, and then it would go
00:03:44to whatever email you set here in the send form data too
00:03:48You would have to put like your email address and then that's where that message would go or you can post it to a form as well
00:03:56If you know a URL of a form, it'll post that automatically
00:03:59And then once this is enabled, the contact form, the auto responder will be enabled as well
00:04:05If the contact form is not enabled, the auto responder will actually be hidden, but you would simply turn the auto responder on if you want to enable that
00:04:14And what this does is this is going to automatically respond to anybody that types their email address and their message here
00:04:22So if someone were to type their email address and message, it would respond with all of this information
00:04:28So the from address would basically be where the email looks like it's coming from
00:04:35And the auto response subject is going to be the main subject for that email
00:04:39Just like every email has a main subject and a from address
00:04:43You can also do a from name
00:04:45So if you put your actual name here, it'll it'll appear as the email address and then your name right next to it
00:04:50And then the body of the auto response
00:04:53So you can put here, you know, like thank you for messaging me
00:04:55I will get back to you as soon as possible or something like that
00:04:59Once that's all set, people would be able to fill out this information, click send form, and then whatever email address they put here, they would then get a message from this auto responder
00:05:09So that's an easy way to engage with, you know, people messaging you, let them know that their their voice has been heard or that they're going to be responded back to
00:05:17And it's a very powerful tool as well
00:05:20Now as for additional options or just like all the other widgets, you can determine whether this is mobile only or desktop only or if it has to be logged in, it's often useful for the form
00:05:29contact to make one mobile only in one desktop only
00:05:32You can for example, you know, put the your phone number on the mobile only and take that off of the desktop
00:05:38So it takes up less space because nobody ever really calls from a desktop
00:05:42So you can use these very powerful and very easy, you know, to determine what is and isn't shown on mobile versus desktop
00:05:48And for the additional styles or just like all the other widgets, you can determine the space that it takes up on the desktop as well as some of the margins and the custom class if you
00:05:56know CSS, as well as the background, you can do a nice background
00:06:00You can do solid colors, images, even videos
00:06:03So if you wanted to do a nice very basic gray background or something for this whole contact form, you can create a background, save it, and then it'll fill in this whole form with that background
00:06:12So it's very easy to use, very simple
00:06:15And if you ever want anybody to contact you, then the form contact widget is definitely the widget that you're going to want to use