00:00:00In this tutorial, I'm going to be discussing the List Preview widget
00:00:04The List Preview is an easy way to show a preview of an already existing list
00:00:10And it's an easy way to organize and format that preview
00:00:14So in order to create a list preview, you will have to have already created a List widget in order to preview
00:00:21You can watch the List tutorial in order to see how to create a list
00:00:26You can see on the right here, this is the same list we used in that previous tutorial
00:00:30So if we wanted to create a preview for this list and only show a few items and not the entire list, we can simply create a List Preview
00:00:38You would go to Add a Widget and it's located right next to the List, simply create a List Preview
00:00:44Let's go ahead and go back and move this on top of the list so that it loads before the list
00:00:50And then once you open it, it's going to ask you to choose which widget you want to preview
00:00:59So you can simply see the drop down
00:01:00We only have one list so you would simply choose that widget
00:01:03If you have multiple widgets, you'll be able to choose which one you want to preview
00:01:07Once you select that, you can determine the number of items that are shown
00:01:10We just want to show three items
00:01:12And you can also determine the order that they're shown in, such as the default and manual list order is determined by the actual list itself that you're previewing
00:01:21It's going to show it in that order
00:01:23Or you can show the most recent to oldest or the oldest to most recent, you know, organize it by date if you want to do that as well and you can organize it differently than the
00:01:33actual list
00:01:34And the item style is what's previewed and what we see for the preview, such as if you want to see just the title plus the abstract
00:01:40We can see that once we save it, it's going to show us three previews right there, just the title and just the abstract and it got the date there as well
00:01:49But if you want to see something different, you can do just the title and the image
00:01:54That's actually going to show the images for them and then the list is actually beneath that
00:02:01So you can see you can determine what's previewed
00:02:03You could do just the title only if you want to take up a lot less space and that's going to be just those three titles
00:02:09And then if they were to open one, it would actually show that entire list item
00:02:15They'd be able to scroll up and down and how it is opened is determined by the actual list itself
00:02:21If you want to change this and open in a modal or a separate page, you would have to edit the actual list itself that it's previewing
00:02:27But for the list preview widget, it's very easy to use
00:02:32You'd simply choose the widget that you want to preview, the number of items shown on the preview, how it's ordered and what you want to see with the item style and you can even organize it,
00:02:44the columns on mobile versus desktop, that should be something you're probably already familiar with already, as well as the additional options, pretty easy to use
00:02:51If you want to hide this on mobile or desktop, you can flip any of these switches and you can flip this if you want to be logged in in order to actually see the preview and
00:03:02the additional styles are just like all the other widgets
00:03:04If you want to add a nice background or custom widget classes with some CSS, you can do that right here, very easy to add backgrounds to the preview and you can do that separately from the
00:03:16actual list itself
00:03:17You can see we just add a nice simple gray background to the preview
00:03:20The preview is highlighted with the background, the actual list itself remains the same and you can determine how the preview looks right with these settings