CUEC_Mod03-00004 Magic Censor & Incense.mp4
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00:00:00In this video what it's a little bit about the magic sensor so acentos basically a container
00:00:07That is used to burn incense
00:00:09There is lot of their alternity
00:00:11Can you use today such as vibra vapour oils that you put in a an oil diffuser and so for that might be easier way to do this
00:00:20Otherwise satsias are really great the credit like a lot of smoke
00:00:26That can be used to to help in visual visual reasons in a location
00:00:31I'm also creates like a really strong atmosphere now
00:00:35If you live in the household where people are allergic to smoke that it's probably not be practical
00:00:40Must you have an outdoor space to perform Yuri Vacations implications in the sense her war propel
00:00:48Provide a lot of energy and fuel for any spirits at your work with alternatively
00:00:53You can also Jesse use if you're ready outside
00:00:56Can use plants trees wildlife to help
00:00:59The price of a restrictive practise you doing so it's definitely not necessary thing, but it really helps in adds an atmosphere to it
00:01:09Activates like a really positive positive
00:01:13High-level spirits are attracted to very nice
00:01:16So if you're burning, they Sandalwood of call Paul or or frankincense, myrrh other types of incense is that a very high quality and nice and pleasing to the smells, then you will find that they also
00:01:31helped you in a mood for tuna trance
00:01:33So when you're initially doing the processor or indication price sesame want to experiment with using different instances, either using the resin of cobalt ore in using an incense stick of cobalt
00:01:47The benefit of using a pure resin and then using one of these sensors to Burnett with is that you will find that the the resin is much more pure and you can
00:01:59Will be able to determine
00:02:01It's quality at front or as if you buy pre-made incense sticks, you have less of a builder to trace and source back the quality inn sense now
00:02:11He has a pirate you really like who is on at sea, or or one of those or name Brand wanna be a local Indian or to bed and type shop that sells I will then you're
00:02:24in luck
00:02:25I'm at night
00:02:26You'll have it is some good due diligence research online or find where other practitioners were humiliatedin
00:02:33sensors resins, and so forth with with resins
00:02:36It's easier to source a high-quality resins than it is incense because there is more competition for instance, which means our prices are cheaper, and it's much more convenient
00:02:47However it this the resins and cells are going to be president, Moore Pier One for your lungs and two for the purpose of results at Magic So otherwise integrate if you got any temples in Southeast
00:03:05Asia or China or other countries that that gives incense not very the ancestor worship or 44 daily worship, you'll find that you know some temples
00:03:16Usually high-quality incenses another is not so much and just taking note of the how you feel when you go to understand or religious Temple spaces, so if you go into Christmas Mass at a Catholic church,
00:03:31freaking out for you, usually, they're burning some some frankincense, and maybe a little bit definitely frankincense, and just like shut the fuel how that that amplifies the the sacredness and that ritual
00:03:44I'm saying he said for for other villages holidays and other religions and check out that temples on this respect of days and see how you feel when walking into that space a day where they don't
00:03:57have those types of instances or worse melzar master plan to I'm Aroma has a really really intense connection with our psychology and putting us into state of reciprocity with with the activity of ritual imagine yourself
00:04:15walking by a beautiful man or woman depending on your practise with if you're a sexual
00:04:23Just bear with me and imagine imagine passing by some beautiful person, and and there is really beautiful Roma surround is Rosa lacquer for Lily or some some really wonderful smells and now imagine you walking by
00:04:40that same person and you're in New York City and a garbage
00:04:44Truck why spy you smell the smell of garbage dress you're passing by the visually beautiful person by the time you pass that personally still still get want to remember them to think about them, how much
00:04:56probably not because that Aroma so stuck with with with the visual stimuli for what just happened when you're finding yourself initially attractive, but then the wrong is
00:05:09Totally killed it
00:05:10And even if you had that around before you even notice that woman or man you would find that you would not be that all tractor
00:05:18Told me they were just there just asked from personal experience from walking around New York City or Metropolis you know sing a beautiful person or girl walk by and then and then nearly nearly even appreciate
00:05:34them, cos I because there is some dad's knollwood a garbage truck nearby trashcan, and then I was curious to me why there was a case and so Adobe Premiere really definitely connects with what we're doing
00:05:47here in in the sense
00:05:49Marissa were trying to create the visual at the the centre atmosphere football trying to do
00:05:57In as far as our brains concerned of brain the sense the sensory input that's closest to or like butterfly, amygdala is Ascent gate
00:06:07So when we smell like getting Roma I meet you may find that we we are able to come into Pleasant since memory much more quicker or last two karma suture Selsun someone weight hijacker amygdala
00:06:23If we're in a fight or flight state is through having a really good beautiful Rama so having a is a stick of Mentos check or what day call boom boom sec online on that to Priory
00:06:37name, but essentially they have these little things you can use this to come up Bruno's and smell and that's also another night sent through way to jump into a a state of for doing this type
00:06:54of Rachel's practise and Eve movie pick out of sense, or have a Essential oils that you put together and you inhale it, and I will instantly get you into that that mental space to to do
00:07:06when I really wish to do now, of course having a Ashwood having a magical circles more than sufficient sensory
00:07:13Stimuli like smell is a really useful hack to help you get out of the fight-or-flight stage and and driver mindspace estate of resourcefulness to go into whatever you need to work on alright, that's it for
00:07:28this video
00:07:28I'll see you in the next one