00:00:00In this video, I'm going to be discussing the LIST RSS widget
00:00:05The LIST RSS widget is an easy way to display RSS feeds on your website that are updated live
00:00:15And RSS feed is a way for a website or server to push information to anyone else who happens to be connected to that RSS feed
00:00:24So if you're connected to their feed, you'll see whatever information they push
00:00:29And this LIST RSS widget will allow you to easily display that information in a mobile friendly manner in a traditional LIST format
00:00:38In order to use the LIST RSS widget, you can create a main title and subtitle at the top
00:00:45And you can also add any intro text
00:00:50The options are where you would put your feed URL
00:00:54Simply paste the complete URL of the RSS or the Adam feed, which is a similar type of technology, and then select the type of feed that it is
00:01:05Typically, if one does not work, the other one should, as long as the URL is correct
00:01:11You can then determine the amount of items per page, as well as how those pages work, whether they auto -load
00:01:18And you can determine the link behavior, whether they open in a new window or not
00:01:23You can choose the style on mobile or on desktop, and how they're arranged on columns, and how they're laid out
00:01:31You also have additional options that are similar to other widgets, such as mobile only or desktop only, and the additional styles let you adjust any margins, as well as add a background or animations
00:01:44Once you have added your URL to the feed and your positive on the feed type, make sure to save an update, and that will add that RSS feed
00:01:55As you can see, we have now saved and updated, and this has added this list RSS for this particular website to our own site
00:02:05So now it will display all the information on that RSS feed
00:02:10And that's how easy it is to use the list RSS