PME035-Planetary Akasha and Light Pore Breathing Pt 2 - Discussion (RD9-5).mp4
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00:00:00Back mature materialising metabolising effect and once you've got those two phases
00:00:08You can just create the inward current only that you are we doing in breath for as long as you want and then the grounding for as long as you want independent of the breathing, and then
00:00:20the secondary grounding is the 10th of May for breathing in and out and letting it mixed with your Astral vital body, so that I can forward balance and become a moon
00:00:32This is where we getting your immunity to it and retention exercise with simply observe open up the the mental body's ability to get more Insight and frequency and it's really space and simply observe it, so
00:00:47the move a body to Moorefield fact from through through the training and that generates all Europe immunities
00:00:59In just doing that you'll be coming in here, and then when you empty it out at the end of it were specifically pulling it into the akasher of planetary energy to empty out of a body,
00:01:15and what are own Africa body does is through that generates and a Kasha community to it on a deeper level by YM that way and most of the time when you're emptying energy out of yourself,
00:01:27or someone else you don't normally want to store it
00:01:31You don't want that and she just wanted is off and get rid of it
00:01:33Especially if you doing healing
00:01:35It's all it's you know, you're not being greedy and going
00:01:39All he has a really bad energy and packing up his body
00:01:42How can I call on to this? You know? No, thanks, you just want to dissipate it
00:01:47So you can have some methods of sucking it out, and then some methods of dissolving and releasing it and so foot so using let's a water is a classic one is put a bowl of Turn
00:02:00the corner in and then as you release energy out of someone's body
00:02:03You absorb into the water you connect the water to it and for the water down the sink later that type of method works really well
00:02:10I like to put their feet in about the water and then magnetize the water just a sucker everything out of the body into the water, and I forgot any overheating symptoms
00:02:20Only like that works fantastically
00:02:22It's a fireman problems skin problem
00:02:25Whatever fire aspect
00:02:27You can dissolve that way, but what training is still have just pulling something directly into the ATO show gives you a very very quick and dirty way bouncing energy, but you pulling the akasher of the
00:02:43energy, so persons got a negative emotion you put into your Kasia of motion motion disappears temporarily
00:02:51Then you take that akashic substance and remove it burn in the sun, or whatever you going to do, so, yeah, the transition between two two points
00:02:59Quick and easy once you get used to it the basic concept of breathing the akasher vital energy in and then manifesting producing a vital energy, as he bring out and cycling those types of exercises, so
00:03:14that you get used to drawing energy from akashic substance when your inside limited akasha
00:03:22You're just taking vital energy from the Amazon and jungle and pulling into your body
00:03:28It'll come from wherever in this Videl fear of the planet that you're in because you're driving from the akashia of vitality of the planet
00:03:40If you draw from infinite akasher unlimited akasha
00:03:45Then you acting with a creative being and getting more life force on the planet
00:03:49You bringing more energy into this environment that it had the fork
00:03:54That's a different functions between limited akasha and unlimited Unlimited Your creator limited you're just reorganising the materialization of energy tap in a certain way, so you pull it from where there's access to weathered
00:04:10There's a deficit and says your cumulating it here, and you will it in and so you're not really creating anything, and that's why it's so easy to to work with because it's already there
00:04:22You just hear you just start making connections threw them in the car
00:04:27Should I bring it to you to act as a creative being an ad new you need high-level Kasia skills
00:04:34Ok so many questions and pulling into the car show of them or just neutraliser, and I can help around karma later or if you do the three Transformations in them, you connect a ground tracker to
00:05:04the sun and 3 Transformations up to the Sun there's a a type of Karmic responsibility when you do that for someone else and it's it's hard to explain, but the you're still working the dissolving karma
00:05:28for someone lawfully
00:05:29That's not a burden to you, but the positive merit of having done that for someone else sticks to you
00:05:38So it's going to generate a positive thing in their life, which is going to create a merit connection to you and your life
00:05:47But the good changed their life may not be good for you that you're connected to in that Marrickville so there's a sensitivity to transforming so let's say someone to really shity lifestyle and hang out and
00:06:01parmesan, rock and roll music and then mind is all messed up from from that vibration and and and then you transform their energy up and then go from there to their their Marrickville just got better,
00:06:14but you that still pretty slimy, and it's like Christ that on to be around that, but that's now partying so to them
00:06:26It's like a huge improvement in the they have released a whole range of attachments, and I drink less alcohol and the less addicted to things and a few more liberated, but that degree of liberation to
00:06:38yours hylia taxed
00:06:39So when you're working with people who need the most help
00:06:45It's really really
00:06:47Because even though you're improving quality their life you reducing the quality of yours, cuz you're not taking them up to your high for with human cause I look great chaos for them
00:06:57You're taking him
00:07:00One pay grade up in their ability to release on their experience
00:07:05So yeah, and you just do it tonight
00:07:11If that's your papa service and and that's what you do, but being aware of that being sensitive to it you doing good
00:07:21Thanks, for people is noise
00:07:22Good for you
00:07:23That's where the end of the day
00:07:29That's a very interesting reason why I love her majesty's isolate themselves
00:07:36You know that cave Dwellers live in forests
00:07:39They're not in social environmental people very much
00:07:46You look it in any yogis, and India that are really Yogi is
00:07:49You know they come down off the mountain and they interact with the crowds
00:07:53You know a few times here on on celebration days, and they disappear
00:07:57No one knows where are there
00:07:58I'm gone and they go to practise
00:08:00I want to be disturb for that reason that whatever and field your and it's affecting you, and you have to interact with that field, as well as your own stuff to do a set to rise
00:08:12up and transform your awareness to the highest state of light whatever environment
00:08:17You're in is acting out and the more connections you mate tomorrow effects
00:08:21You have to release on and then your practise, and that's why so many practises like to live in the forest
00:08:29The countryside is less social obligations and then so forfeit
00:08:35They can stay outside the city car more cause easier to practise czo
00:08:41Just said quiet ute without dealing with City comma ok any questions for everyone that's really enough to work on when you look at a Kasha Things in a car show of already happened because they're outside
00:09:14of time space, and when the mental body becomes aware of it it synchronises that there's already have the mental body
00:09:23Then the astral body starts adapting and changing to it
00:09:28So could be physically acted upon
00:09:29So any form of of hi, Matt check when you do a high magic ritual sorry happened, and so that they can be very very short quick rituals, and I'll long-drawn-out magical processes, so if you doing
00:09:50transitioning akashic beings and you bring a and a car should being with outside time space and you act as an anchor everything is that was quick was done and you just set up the alignment as
00:10:05quickly as you can so that you can anger and ground it so I can happen
00:10:10Those types of rituals are there they feel like they've already happened and you just have to act it out
00:10:20It's no power of yours
00:10:23It's already happened
00:10:24So it's a when you put yourself in that mindspace
00:10:27It doesn't make any sense to try and type it out as this is what it is
00:10:33You just do in a car shed
00:10:35That's a different thing, but for practical terms the speed of gravity
00:10:42You connect energy to gravity in the way gravity fluctuates
00:10:46Put it in at spit and then electricity U-Pull-It in at this Electric Light type of speed like a lightning bolt and and that happens happens through the akashic pressure difference, and you'll notice with margin
00:11:02Talking about yesterday was day before what you doing out that exercise and it Quite fast enough, so that the energy didn't become electric
00:11:14It's just when it gets past a certain speed you get electric through the body
00:11:20And if it's the song is slow, you can't generate any power cause Force and acceleration need to multiply to get power
00:11:29And if you're moving it to slowly there's no power, but if you accelerate just past a certain changes face and go from the hydraulic feeling to electric feeling and then paying there's your power and you
00:11:42need to ramp up the relaxation release to get to speed everything happens without that acceleration
00:11:50You should have feel like why can't I get enough power? You just have to increase speed not park? Cos then everything up of to get the power mass times acceleration concept that you just have to
00:12:05connect the volume of energy, and make you go fast enough and song that's what makes a go faster
00:12:10Another the Kasia quality underneath Max go faster to get amplified power up
00:12:16When you when you doing the other margin exercises, you can't get more qualitative awareness when you increase speed
00:12:24You need to release time, so everything down to know what you're doing to Tai Chi form
00:12:29Does everything so slowly Saturn release the body and work in the Astral and get sensitivity, but there's no power in doing that the sensitivity and doing that the power come through acceleration about the quality of
00:12:42song to transform energy, really quickly to generator power, so you'll see that with people on YouTube to demonstrate very very clean gin they snap their body that little bit too to get the gym to speed
00:12:59up so that gets kinetic wave and foreman and does what has to do a very very rarely do see people expressing power with just relax and sink and I'll get a floating effect, but you're not
00:13:12gonna get the hang with a person's not doing that inside themselves
00:13:16Set the emerald trying to hide is much they can because you know Chinese culture says don't give the secrets, but it's there is electricity find their body
00:13:30Ok good from the round