00:00:00In this tutorial, I'm going to be discussing the coupon widget
00:00:03The coupon widget is an easy way to add a fully fledged and complete coupon to any page of your site and this coupon can be pretty much anything you want
00:00:13It can be a link
00:00:14It can be a discount code and in order to access that coupon, users would have to either fill out a set of conditions or they can access the coupon immediately
00:00:24So, you would simply click add a new widget and the coupon is located right near the top
00:00:29Once you create a coupon, it's going to ask you to fill out that main information here
00:00:36You can set a title right here and you can do subtitles as well
00:00:46So about the coupon, you can determine how the coupon is accessed
00:00:50You can determine if they don't have to do anything to access the coupon
00:00:55So, in order to gain access, nothing is required and the coupon is immediately visible, in which case the coupon is always immediately visible or you can have them fill out a form
00:01:04In order to access the coupon, when you select that, it's going to give you the coupon form fields and you can select different fields
00:01:10You can select multiple fields by holding shift and clicking
00:01:14So, let's say we want them to fill out the name, email as well as the country and city
00:01:17We would simply click those and when you save this, it's going to now ask some that information before they can access the coupon
00:01:25Once they fill out all this information, they'll be able to click send form and then access the coupon and that information will go to whatever email you designate right here in the send form data too
00:01:35Whatever you put in there, that's where the information is going to go and you can also post that to a form as well
00:01:41You can also have them share a link to their social profiles
00:01:46So, if you select this, the users are going to be presented with a set of sharing buttons and they would have to click on one of those buttons and share that link in order to actually
00:01:56be presented with the coupon
00:01:58So, you can have them share and you'll see it has all this main social media links now and if you were to click on one and share, that would then unlock the coupon or you could
00:02:10have users watch a video to unlock the coupon
00:02:14So, you would simply paste a YouTube video, URL right there and that would require them to watch a video and then for the coupon instructions right below that, you would simply type out the instructions you
00:02:25want them to do
00:02:26So, if they have to share the social media link, you would simply say, you know, share this link to your social media to unlock the coupon or if you want them to watch the video, you
00:02:35would simply type watch this video and then they would know to watch the video and that'll unlock the coupon
00:02:47So, you can see there our video is right there and you can also determine the expiration date
00:02:54So, if you want the coupon to expire, you can set a specific date in time that the coupon will be expired and no longer valid
00:03:02So, anybody who would try to access it after that point would not be able to access the coupon and for the coupon itself, you would simply put the title as well as the text and this
00:03:15would be basically the prize
00:03:17You can put a discount code, you can put a URL for, you know, pretty much whatever you want, you can also upload images
00:03:24So, you can upload an image and then put text as well for that coupon and you can also put terms and conditions
00:03:40So, if you have any specific terms and conditions, you know, like one per person, you know, when it expires at this date, you know, not valid for someone, so you would put all of your terms
00:03:49conditions right here and once you save everything, you'll see a little terms button has appeared right there at the bottom
00:04:04Once you click this, that terms and conditions is going to pop up right there and tell all about the terms and you can see we have everything set here, we have the coupon text, the title
00:04:13and image and we require them to watch a video and there's the video URL right there
00:04:19So, if you were to go and view this site, you can see that once this video finishes, it should only be 10 seconds long
00:04:28The video is going to play all the way through
00:04:30Users are not able to fast forward through the video so, you know, they can't skip anything and once that's finished, it'll then show the title, it'll show the text right here and any image you upload
00:04:40it and you can also scan the QR code and that'll redeem the prize
00:04:45Once that QR code is scanned, then that coupon is automatically redeemed or they can redeem manually by clicking redeem manually and that coupon will now be redeemed and they won't be able to access it again
00:05:00because it has already been redeemed
00:05:03So, it's a pretty simple to use
00:05:06You can see you just simply set the access, enter your instructions so that they know what to do, you can set an expiration date and then you put your prize right in here and once it's
00:05:17all set, users will then be able to access the coupon and you're all set and ready to go