CUEC_Mod15-JPME Sunsphere 006 Emedetz.mp4
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00:00:07connecting back with the akashic Trance connecting with the sun sphere now we will invoke Wollongong Emma deaths m e d t z Is number 6 in a hierarchy? Emma debts guards increases the germ power of
00:00:40Beast and plant It's not the most descriptive entry in the book
00:00:47Perhaps it
00:00:48Maybe the list descriptive entering the block
00:00:50So it's up to us to invoke n and explore our experience afterwards
00:01:00Emma Emma deaths raising back off your highest terminal 8 relinking lists a quadrupel or a magnet earlier setup and inviting in the Jets Sarah above a crown through three bodies magic circle if you need a
00:01:41warm-up 10 you can invoke the light of in the debts
00:01:45or you can just make a Direct Link Within and welcome Show gratitude to the sun
00:09:48Out of her body back into the sun sphere
00:10:31maintaining a connection of the sun sphere handa acoustic trance Then raining down in your journal