00:00:01This is a quick tutorial that's going to discuss the account activation and email registration within your platform
00:00:09Some people may want that their users require an email activation before they can actually log into the platform
00:00:16That's actually very simple to set up
00:00:18However, before you set that up, you have to make sure that your platform is set up properly for emails
00:00:24In order to do that, you would go to my platform and you have to go to the general and domain section
00:00:30Within that section, you have to make sure that you have an email specified for your platform and an address to comply
00:00:38Once you have both of those items, you can then turn on email registration or email activation for registration
00:00:45To do that, you simply go to the login slash registration tab right here
00:00:50You can keep this switched on
00:00:52This registration requires activation button
00:00:55What this will do is when you set this to on
00:00:57This is going to require users to activate their account by clicking on a link within their email and that will activate their account and let them log into the platform
00:01:07However, before you can actually send that email, you have to create that within the manage emails platform
00:01:14So right here, you would go to manage emails and this is a reactive email that you have to set up
00:01:21So you'd go to manage reactive emails and you can create a new email, but we're going to open up this one just to see what it looks like
00:01:27Now when you create a new email for the trigger, you would choose registration activation required
00:01:34This trigger right here, this is the one that would determine what they will see whenever they try to register a new account and if it requires activation, you would then simply paste the code that we
00:01:46supply you and that code is going to be supplied in the description of this video
00:01:51And once you have an activation account button, you would simply save this email and make sure that it is set to active
00:02:01Now if this is set to inactive, which it is by default, it will not go out to people when they try to sign up
00:02:07You have to make sure it is active and then fully saved
00:02:11And once you know that it's set ready, you switch it to active and then it'll be ready to go
00:02:15So once that's set to active, that means anybody that signs up for your platform will then require to click a button within their email to activate their account
00:02:26So we can see what that looks like by simply registering a new account here
00:02:32And whenever we try to register an account, you'll see it says your account needs activation
00:02:42Now this is when it's going to then send you that message to your email
00:02:47So you would simply check your email
00:02:49You see I refresh it and it has now appeared right there
00:02:53So all you would do is simply click this button right here and it'll activate your account or you can visit this link and enter the following code and that'll activate it as well
00:03:03So you see once I click the button, it'll activate my account and then it logged me directly into the platform and I am ready to get started
00:03:12And it's just that simple