PME041-Akashagarbha Invocation for Spiritual Development.mp4
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00:00:00strengthsfinder custom breathing moonlighter Dasha barber in discussion of Adele into heartburn body I want you to place a request with the car sugar v to synchronise your spiritual eye for an easy development everything synchronises perfectly
00:01:31We want to synchronise this with an Astral body
00:01:45From within the okashi we want to invite good luck and each method of a practise
00:01:54And all those pockets of merit from passing carnations that are residents with this information into a after field, so we can synchronise and lived through them
00:02:32Are you feel beef? Energy drawing insurance for a body? Just invite them in? How's your invite these energies into our full body? There is a feeling of clearing the pathway with that invitation on your opening
00:03:46the door in your Astral body, so let these energies come and experience
00:03:51Open everything up this positive stream of luck and synchronicity
00:03:58Earth pull into the astral unconscious right up to the edge of the after all our conscious mind
00:04:11Kew opening everything up and letting it in
00:04:18Very light breezy feeling to it
00:04:23Keep inviting those energies to the fore
00:04:32If you clear that pathway through the akasher directly into Astral body open those doors up
00:04:40Does energy synchronise ensure experience? How many entrants new practises as a feeling that you've already done it before that you know those exercises results very well, you take ownership of each meditation practise that you do
00:05:39I want season ajeeta vented
00:05:41You can close the doors to these past incarnations and passed merits feeling this energy inside your actual body
00:05:52Pulling it in closing all those doors your car show energies sealed in show gratitude your Kasia gaba
00:06:06I really sakasegawa up through the Crown the deep sense of gratitude in the early years of your practise says is very little that you haven't done many times before that you haven't already mastered
00:06:44So when you're engaging and new practises and listen combination that and you have a knowing that you've already master them and passed in Carnation you can connect to a Kasha gaba, and bring that Mastery up
00:07:00to the surface, so you can own it
00:07:03This think I'm quickly as a general practise that makes things much quicker and much more efficient
00:07:10If a particular skillset doesn't benefit
00:07:15You do all works against you in anyway, shape of form Kasia gaba
00:07:20Simply won't bring it in your got no you don't need that right now, so there will be flecked exercises in the initiation process that are inside your Arthur service and necessary for your part of ascension
00:07:34that are keep then there's other exercises that
00:07:39I'm not necessary and those ones will it will take more effort to develop them because it's not an efficient use of time to develop them, and then there's exercises in which you need to engage more
00:07:52will and equanimity before those skills awaken and order to be immune to the negatives of the skill and those ones you have to do the hard work integrate the high-level concentration into your physical body to
00:08:08awaken those skills that some quality of skills
00:08:11Will quick two fingers in there awake motor skills
00:08:16You still got a bill the physical pathways in your body for those skills to manifest himself
00:08:22And so there's a spectrum of beers with things happen the tenancy with this one is the first Effect of you know what you're doing
00:08:36You know exactly how to practise part of your mind you through it goes
00:08:40This is what we do, and then you and gauge it, so the quality of shifting consciousness that pay for easiest shift, and then the second shift and consciousness is rendering to doing a crackly and then
00:08:54you middle after physical body synchronise into the activity of the practise, and you have the feeling of done this before many many times has ears of effort in activity and the practise
00:09:05That's the next quality that arises signposts you doing this particular exercise correctly, and then there's a mature realisation of the skills qualitative skills materialise much more quickly than quantitative skills equality skill
00:09:22Start manifesting so clever experiences clairaudient experiences and so forth cause all that's essentially requires an equanimity within that gate and an alignment
00:09:33Frequency of that particular skill and it opens when there's a power that passes through the the skill the body has to shift to to conduct power
00:09:47That's accommodated
00:09:49If you have a look at any any high-level, Yogi and India who's radiating light you can see the posture is really threats
00:10:01They're not sitting limp when the radiating light that they stretched and the faces tune to life for soprano and the radiating prana this this is a physical mature realisation of energy
00:10:17It's fascia connection, and body is very well connected in their posture and and that's what is that light to conduct so there's a physical quality to it when you are looking at pureleasing models like they
00:10:33use in Thai Buddhism for instance
00:10:35You don't need radio Light release, so they're their body will be much more limp
00:10:42They'll they'll be much more and not enough softer state of physical after a mental body to let their mind
00:10:49So, what are some Hardy traditions worth pure concentration pass are very radiance and taught in the fascia web connections have a passiona path there much more released in empty in the body connection, and your you
00:11:06can physically see it in the prak practises
00:11:09So we're if you're working the some Hardy password for producing healing producing energy interchange equal
00:11:16You want to really big well-connected and and radiating energy and clearly to find the difference between these two from parts
00:11:25They vastly different in how the the the journey happens and takes place, but passion is much more appropriate for interacting with people and being in a social environment and service and the hardest much more appropriate
00:11:43for isolation and focus and so forth people who generate very large amount of energy
00:11:49I'm not very nice people when they're the interacting because they got so much energy passing through the middle actual physical body and yogis tend to be grumpy, because they're so electric highly charged if they're practising
00:12:05the passiona process
00:12:07Are they there is tenancy for compassion
00:12:10Love to be emulating are the exceptions yoga practises that are focused on the quality of love itself, and that's the medication object then that that quality of being emanated
00:12:23So when you're when you're tapping into visa Kasia Garba exercising invoking them actually linking the bodies appropriately to what the skills that has a conductor pathway to express itself
00:12:35What does my physical have to link to to energise this frequency? How do I link the astral body? What's the mental frequency and then inside the akasher you invited through and you now have a conduct?
00:12:495th wave the three bodies to develop an expressive skill if you don't align the three bodies to what you are invoking
00:12:58Can't express and develop and much of an alarm at isn't it a few if you'll have it stress
00:13:04You do this and aniline that way to produce the energetic environment for that to happen, but really really honour the three body alignment for any skill you bringing Ford cos that's really what dictates have quickly
00:13:20your have success within the exercise
00:13:24In the previous excise we did with Emma thought and light
00:13:28There's a very clear lime and between the physical eyes and stretch of the eyes not the eye consciousness through the actual mental a car you connecting to the sun linkage between these variables rivette court, and
00:13:44that linkages allow the light radio through as soon as any part that string was limp
00:13:50The energy widget stop
00:13:52There would be disconnect
00:13:53So you had to pull the body centre alignment for radiance to happen through the device if that's not there
00:14:02You didn't get the result you want so all these exercises
00:14:05Have a particular linkage Tradelink in a certain way and have you this matter for a lot of times, but it's like holding a baby you physically have a body mechanic to hold the baby them an
00:14:20actual relationship to protecting the baby and loving it
00:14:24Governmental qualities that encompasses in but you might around the baby it's physical your whole mental after all feeling as a physical sensation and all magic is busy, so you have to get it linked to the
00:14:38physical to get a physical results for any questions on newcastlegovau