PME040-Akashagarbha Invocation and Akasha Exercises.mp4
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00:00:00strengthsfinder Drop into a car show the Crown chakra the car show and suspended from above
00:00:22Buy a daily call akash ragava is doorkeeper
00:00:33make pre-made path light guide and protect listen like the spirit from above the Crown incremental pastoral physical bodies Natasha barbers going to sign the car should be into you to guide you when every work with
00:00:57a Kasha I want to want you to do is let your mind float
00:01:28I am not holding just release blow your mind
00:01:34the Timeless baseless Infinity quality underlying in mind to relax and release into turn Ronaldo practise bringing the mind up to the surface to the physical and once you weren't as comes to the physical body and
00:09:26want you to practise dropping awareness back into a Kasha take 10 seconds to equalise without and raise awareness back up the body and drop consciousness into the akash and keep repeating that act of dropping into
00:09:55every time you drop into a Kashi unlinking attachment form going to the form is any come back to form if you'll the body if you'll be asking if you until you practise letting go and unlinking
00:10:08from it dropping back until the akashic state
00:11:16Unlinking as you dropping your car show relinking as you come back into form
00:11:24Unlinking if you drop into a car shogun
00:11:49Create repetition of unlinking and dropping to a car show
00:11:53Should have a sense of how unlink you are your body disappears the after a disappears the mind opens and goes into Infinity quality? Which time you drop in to that akashic state you want to go
00:12:09deeper into it
00:12:10Let go of the body a bit more the car
00:12:12We are still more that go with the mind identity to self more that non-self Infinity OK now, we're going to drop into the akasher of an object that I'll Jackson be lifeforce space what you do
00:14:08gently link to the feeling of life with your hands in your body
00:14:11Fuel the life force
00:14:16Now you got your your meditation object of life course
00:14:19I want you to relax and drop your awareness and the okashi of the Living mind of life force go underneath the life force and drop
00:14:30Relax into it
00:14:32unlink online released Is a continuity of rhythm learning guide for that rhythm all white, the end? no wants that rhythm slows down gather the living mind from within the okashi and why Babymetal Bonnie Ring living
00:15:06instrumental body japonia world When you bring out the living mind interview Cinema gravity of mental body, I shouldn't be a slight sharpener saw pressure on your third eye
00:15:512 form What's the weather in Wetherill expecting to be a Kasha living mind just drop? John link that you were going to get Kasia living light Thinking quality to this place of think as deeply as
00:16:17you can and then when you're ready gather that from the akasher
00:16:24And concentrate living mindless and the Third Eye of the pineal gland invited after the surface has you link
00:16:42Have you link living wind into the third eye your mental fencer presence shifts and frequency perceptions and spirit II different
00:17:01drop back into the akashi living light Invite living mind and your third eye
00:17:28Bring it back up to the surface link everything into your third eye
00:18:17When released back into the akasher continue the cycle living mind and linking living mind your third eye
00:19:23Recycle a blinking on Lincoln's very important every time you connect your third eye and relax, and the okashi will remind you do fabricating your third eye you pulling everything apart
00:19:36And then when you invite living mind into your third eye you raise up from the okashi you reconnecting restructuring your third eye and more efficient way
00:19:50Cycle de fabricating as your own Lincoln dropping to be a Kasha living wind and refabricating reconnecting relinking as you bring it back up
00:20:02three structures how your third eye functions wouldn't equanimity Does all things have that need to be there very important things that do need to be there? Take me about 10 to 20 seconds and each cycle
00:20:22Be more than enough
00:20:2710/22 releasing to the okashi living wind in 10 to 20 seconds I'm inviting living wind and your third eye at your comment form
00:22:37Opening the eyes when you're ready
00:22:51this song dropping into a car Sean linking when it's done without any particular intent on a frequency were actually working on the path of what we're dropping into the akasher of the path of light, and
00:23:09we're relinking the path of light restructuring
00:23:12It would dissolving wrong view and inviting correct you how's your join us as a universal thing? If you don't intend that's what your unconsciously program to do through the practises, and when you take on a
00:23:27specific intention like connecting to living mind, and you want to see things as living mind see things and you relax into the life course in the mind of life boss, and you invited into the third
00:23:40eye to get to introduce that perspective that view of evolution and how things are constantly shifting raising frequency
00:23:48You can use it on any particular skill
00:23:52You go you mentally transfer into the into the frequency you drop into the akashi on the frequency, and then you invite from the akasher the frequency into your body
00:24:03Can you dissolve it? And you invited? You dissolve you invited near keep doing this to the re fabricate euromaster offers
00:24:13I'm at to the skill so the more times you do the more flexibility get to align to it and clearly get the skills you invited in once and concentrated on it
00:24:24It's not like a bit of a mixture of everything that you concentrating on its original asistencia partly structure you're trying to integrate into a frame on Lankan dissolve
00:24:36Everything in relation to what you're working on and then reintroduced it from the pure light and your switches on and off blanket blanket blanket blanket your find the skilled if line up and click in place
00:24:49He developed the skill
00:24:51And it's much faster and more efficient process because every time you drop into the akash
00:24:56Oh, you're pulling apart
00:24:58All the resistance towards the skillsself
00:25:01Are you repeat this as many times as you can and whenever we start training? What's first thing
00:25:08We did we drop into a Kasha and then we can that mentally transfer to something usually going to cash trance open the Crown chakra with Anna Crusher connect to the sun's for a planetary sphere my
00:25:21Beach Club lipstick letter from the sun's here, and then we invoke that down from with them
00:25:25They're casha casha space underneath your consciousness is really the the seat of all forms of training or non dual on training
00:25:36Automatic practises require that are you notify your children words they drop and sink and when you drop into a cartoon another self it's there's nothing between you and the You're not thinking through anything
00:25:52You just going back do that when you drop into the akashia of something
00:25:58It feels like you're thinking it may have noticed we're going to the akash of living mind, and it feels like you dropped a stone into water
00:26:05And in the stone is making its way down through the water
00:26:08It's instantaneous sing because you're you're in the akashia other thing something the frequency so The Sensations different
00:26:19So when you use the wording of dropping or sinking thinking you were first moving into centre grab something dropping is simply removing any concept of a thing and going to the akash itself, and we talked
00:26:35about the path of light the path of light is on your and we're dropping into a non Dior kaschak resonance with that car, so it feels like you're literally dropping Stan through air not dropping a
00:26:48stan through water
00:26:50Sensation anyone up know the difference
00:26:54If you are dropping into a posh
00:26:57And if you like you're thinking that means he got some stuff that goes to before you can get into that akashic state
00:27:02That's a good measurement of the fabricator
00:27:06Bit more unlink a bit more to be able to drop not think so, when we do metal transference skills and to in today
00:27:14We're going to the akasher of the day, so it lets 84 son's for your day
00:27:20Do you go through Kasia the sun's for young bloke the light of the sun first create a resident space and wish that dating vibrate and then you go to the akash of the deity and then
00:27:31light of the day the invite them
00:27:33It's your space when you move through the akasher into their frequency
00:27:37They reckon your status as someone who's able to do that and the highly responsive to you
00:27:44If you knock on the door
00:27:45They may open the door that may not it depends that it's up to them, but if you Play through the akarshan into their tuning fork
00:27:53They automatically feel that ok? I'm working the path of light
00:27:58There's a strong strong reaction and interaction ring you on the day the totally different hierarchical relationship that you forming so move through the akasher into the light
00:28:11Whatever you working on whether it's in it and intelligence or whether it's a particular teaching or whatever it is Kasia light and through that like you interact with whatever you're acting with give you much pure
00:28:27Set up last exercise gives you the basic skill training to do that dropping into the akasher and then coming back up with the form drop into a car show the speed at which you do
00:28:38That is the speed of which you can enter into summer Harding into practise, or whatever you want to work on its its own essential platform skill for all of your practise
00:28:49You get good at that
00:28:50Everything becomes easier too much pure connection
00:28:53Whatever you working on when you move your car show into that frequency
00:28:58So, I can't overemphasize that it last exercise enough working with the country Garba he doesn't have a body in Buddhism they give him a shape and so forth akashic consciousness his akashic there is nobody there
00:29:15for like the soap bubbles between Foreman emptiness, as it consciousness substance that interact 24mm is a part of that structure, so he doesn't have a face of never seen them hits pure empty intelligence platform battle
00:29:35creation interacting with them
00:29:38If you take the Buddha stick door to a Kasha gaba, and there's an image of a Buddha they call the car should gaba the spacebar
00:29:46Then you will be taking on imagery about is projected through a cultural religion and not actually who that being is just white people
00:29:582/2 Intelligence so it's unnecessary to use any form of some
00:30:08Any form form in in regards to him once you know the name and the door to connect two different day? It is some of them will present a face
00:30:19I'm at the moment
00:30:20Just arrived with an frequency of consciousness
00:30:27You get to know and use their name to to invite them
00:30:31They change your face very often there when you invite them
00:30:35They're a different
00:30:36They always look the same and different cultures
00:30:40They present themselves differently and different religions a present themselves differently, so they're very adaptable malleable within their how they present themselves
00:30:52So when you get used to that, then you're never more years with working with the hierarchy
00:31:02Any questions gaba to do that as an autopilot? So we have this may the path line garden protectors a Central theme of cultivating everything we do initiation
00:31:23So when you move into a car washer your automatically moving to your car show the path of life
00:31:30It's preset everything I ditch so that people aren't going to the ATO show some some around and energy somewhere in the universe, because the car should buy Siri natures, unpredictable and chaotic if person works for
00:31:46the car show in another self you cannot predict the outcome is the pressure differences underlying spacer, so chaotic them I can pull get bored once that's not only dangerous, but a silly thing to do
00:32:02Another Central theme look after work moving into your car show of the path of light and then everything you're invoking from that is in relation to use your attention process, which is itself and the sensible
00:32:17way to work with a Kasha even though I don't verbalizer too much, as especially it's happening or going to the akashic non-dual light and relationship need for essential service hardwired and everything we do for safety
00:32:34and sensibility
00:32:38Thanks very much your time everyone
00:32:39Enjoy your day