00:00:11And I'm monitoring the chat as well, chat, and just a couple of minutes, about one minute here, and Alan is away right now, usually it's the three of us on here, but there will be times
00:00:24when there will be just one, just two, three, and sometimes we'll have four, which would be Silvio on board two as well
00:00:32So before we get started here, hopefully everybody has been exploring the platform
00:00:37We're getting a lot of feedback, which is really good
00:00:41Facebook group will be up in a lot more active coming here over the next couple of weeks, and I am going to make a private group just for White Label, a very private group
00:00:52Again, only 100 % White Label, and what we're finding now is a real -world example
00:01:00So we have like a beta tester group, and there's about, say, 30 of them in there
00:01:05And my eventual goal was, let's see if we can get the beta testers to the point where they start helping other beta testers, and it's exactly what's going on now
00:01:16Everybody is now able to help everybody else because everybody all has different ideas
00:01:20I don't think there's too many people that we've been talking to that come up with the exact same idea
00:01:26So it's really, really nice sharing ideas, and sharing the, how do I do this, or how do I do that, or, hey, did you see that I was able to do this kind of a trick?
00:01:36So we're going to be bringing all that over into the Facebook group, and we'll have a YouTube page too as well
00:01:42We're also developing a site for just support
00:01:47Well, we're going to have all our frequently
00:01:50asked questions,
00:01:51everything all nice and neat and orderly, all in one page that you'll be able to actually just click on a, I mean, we're going to make it a domain, you'll be able to just go to
00:02:00that page, and everything will be right there, all neat and tidy, all in one page to make it easier, and then eventually we'll have our bot attached to it too as well
00:02:09So again, as we're growing, we're trying to make everything easier for you guys, which is less that we get in support, means that we're doing the correct videos, and now gives us a lot more time
00:02:22to have more of the fun stuff, the business side of it too as well, but so that's the avenue that we're going, we're really, really big on support over here
00:02:31And so what we're going to teach today is really simple and really a little bit of the creative stuff, which as you guys will all know, I'm not the creative person, I can put a website
00:02:41together like nobody's business, but I'll usually have like either my wife comes in, who knows this platform or chat or Allen, and they'll start helping me with colors and stuff like that, because I don't, I
00:02:52think I might be colorblind actually
00:02:55So what we're going to show today, let me pull up a little chat here, okay
00:03:00Yes, some of the tutorials now also keep in mind, some of these tutorials are straight into the point, such as a widget tutorial
00:03:08Some of the other tutorials are like training sessions, where we actually have gone through more of like a webinar training and kind of showed it in that way
00:03:17So again, we got a lot in there, we wanted to put in more than is necessarily needed, because if I put in less, I'm asked for more, and now if I put in more, I'm asked
00:03:27for less
00:03:27So over a little bit of time here, we are going to narrow it down, finite the categories, everything so it'll be a lot easier
00:03:36The ticket system, now the ticket system, we have no control over Zendes, Zendes holds on to it for a little bit, and then they go away
00:03:46So we don't actually have too much control over that Zendesk, I will look into it a little bit more for those coming in
00:03:52Also to know this, support is Zendesk
00:03:56If you're sending me an email, I might not get to it for a day, two days, maybe three days, unless it's something, you know, the red flag kind of comes up
00:04:05So if you use the support, they'll get to it
00:04:07If you kind of send me an email, which is, hey, I can't log into my system, I then have to send that email over and tell everybody to go there
00:04:16So if we just use Zendesk, you're going to get way faster service than if you come through me
00:04:21But by all means, you still have my email address, that's for, you know, send me an email, how am I doing? How you doing suggestions? I would love suggestions through email
00:04:31Don't send your suggestions in through Zendesk, send it to me in email
00:04:36The admin at mobifirst co
00:04:38send me suggestions, because that's how we grow, and that's how we improve
00:04:43We've got a lot of ideas in our own head, but you all have the real world ideas that we really, really, really, really need
00:04:49So send us that
00:04:50Send me those
00:04:51And what you'll notice is over time, those will start being implemented
00:04:55There's usually not a bad idea that comes about
00:04:57So, but with all that being said, let's go ahead and Chad is going to show us a little bit of the style section
00:05:05Now we're at, since we've already gone over Generals and Domains in style
00:05:10Now, style is quite simply what your customer see
00:05:14So now, as you see, your platform doesn't change, but in case anybody's noticed, it has changed today
00:05:20You see, now it's blue, and a little bit more of a dark shade over here, because I changed it today
00:05:25I just felt like changing it, making it a little bit more brighter
00:05:29So that's what you get to do, and that's what your clientele will actually see
00:05:33So that's why what I do, and what I'm recommending, is you do something really crazy
00:05:39Like a main logo, a square logo, and Chad, if you scroll down a little bit and show the Favicon, and then like a Favicon, see, there's three completely separate images
00:05:49So when you now test it, and you're now looking what it looks like, it's easy for you to see where all of it is
00:05:55So whenever you're building something, don't try to build it perfect the first time, play around with it, see what looks, what doesn't look, where something fits, where it doesn't fit, and tell something you finally come
00:06:08up with, oh, okay, now I know how to do this, and then you can kind of continue on
00:06:12So all Chad did was simply browse, we put in a main logo there
00:06:17You don't have to do it again, but that's all he did
00:06:20Or you can drag and drop as well
00:06:23You can drag and drop, and then he put in a square logo there, and he put in a Favicon, and that is it
00:06:30So now Chad, so if you scroll up just a little bit, Chad, and I want you to go over and show them what the page will look like
00:06:38So it's like the register page
00:06:39What's the registration page? So this is what it would look like
00:06:41You can see there's the image, the top, and then the Favicon is that little icon on the tab itself, if I don't know if you can see that up there
00:06:50And the other image will come into play on a different screen, will come up
00:06:53That's why what you'll do is Chad is now logged into this under a different browser
00:07:00So that way, obviously we know we can't be logged into the same account, or you'll never get to see anything, because it just forfeits you or boots you right back into the account you already registered
00:07:10So this is where your customer would come in, register, pay for one of the plans if you've had it set up, does everything, and then Chad, now go to, is if you already know not that
00:07:21Well, as if I was logged in to the platform itself
00:07:24And then here
00:07:25Small logo
00:07:26Yes, exactly
00:07:27So there's that logo that's up over there
00:07:29Here is because we made the platform purple
00:07:33And here's, we'll show you where we put all that
00:07:35So if you go back into Chad, customize your platform
00:07:38So you now you'll see where all the images is
00:07:41This will come up on a square on a payment screen
00:07:45So you have everything here to now customize whatever you want
00:07:48So now Chad, why don't you change it from purple to something else? When you go green, sure, go green, save it
00:07:55And then when you save it, and then don't forget, you can also add custom CSS as well
00:07:59And go to register and just refresh it
00:08:02We'd want to refresh it from here to see that color change
00:08:05There you go
00:08:06And now it's green
00:08:08Maybe it's the leprechaun time of the year
00:08:11And there's green beer everywhere
00:08:12And now that's what you want to do
00:08:14Now customize that little welcome video
00:08:16So go to customize your platform again, Chad
00:08:19Now go to the very last homepage, right there
00:08:23Right there on homepage, sir
00:08:26Now right there is where we put the video
00:08:28Now what we've done is we actually just embedded it
00:08:31So you see the two little triangles source code
00:08:34Click that
00:08:35And this is the embed code
00:08:39Now we, this is from Vimeo
00:08:42So basically if you go into Vimeo and you want to share a video, the big bold button right in front of you, it'll say share
00:08:49You click on that share and it'll say, what do you want to share? And I'll have an embed code
00:08:54You copy that embed code and you paste it right here
00:08:58You then go ahead and save that
00:09:00And I just see how I centered it
00:09:03And then that's your welcome video
00:09:05Or you could type in some text in there too as well
00:09:08If you wanted to, we don't have to for this
00:09:10Anything, hey, welcome
00:09:11As you'll see on our platform, we put in our help support there
00:09:15And you go over to the homepage again
00:09:17Yeah, you can do links, images, videos, and just about anything in this content block
00:09:21So Chad, if you're like me, I'm going in here going, well, let me put in some text in here
00:09:27Let me put in this in here, let me put in all this information and let's see what it looks like
00:09:31Let's try all this, let's try all that
00:09:33Because again, you're the only one who sees
00:09:35So see what you can do and then kind of scale it back
00:09:38That's what I really love to do
00:09:39I like to see all the stuff I can do and then go, wait a minute
00:09:42Now that I can do this, let me do a little bit less
00:09:45And so that's now the homepage, yeah, exactly
00:09:49So you get to customize that
00:09:50That's probably the homepage is probably a spot where you'll you'll spend a little bit of time in because you'll probably be editing that all sorts and times of holidays and maybe you have certain promotions or
00:10:01whatever that is
00:10:02So it's a nice little welcome message right in there
00:10:06So that is how you customize what your customers are going to see
00:10:11So just do that, open it up in a different browser and then you'll be able to see what it looks like as a user, which is what we've done here
00:10:17So perfect, does the same work for YouTube? YouTube opens up
00:10:22Now here's the one thing with YouTube
00:10:25YouTube and you can set up different settings on Vimeo
00:10:28So it actually doesn't play another video
00:10:31YouTube, you can
00:10:33However, a lot of times YouTube will now once the video ends, wants you to play another one too
00:10:38So yeah, YouTube does have embed codes but they also have auto play
00:10:42That's something you kind of have to mess around with settings and stuff
00:10:45And what you're going to want to do is so say you have a different embed code from a different provider
00:10:51There's numerous amount there
00:10:52Now I can't say whether it will work or whether it won't work
00:10:55There's one way of finding out, put it in
00:10:58If it works, golden, you know that it works
00:11:01If it doesn't work, it's not cause our platform doesn't work
00:11:04It's because it's not accepting that embed code from wherever it's coming from
00:11:08So that's why you want to do that
00:11:10Again, remember for this, you know, if you want to put a little bit of your own money into like a Vimeo account or anything like that
00:11:19But again, those are just different avenues that we use
00:11:22So, but that's how you basically customize it
00:11:25And that's how you go through the style on homepage and you now put your own information in there
00:11:31And if any of you have the university as well, I would definitely watch Silvio's tutorials on CSS because it's some very useful information
00:11:39It'll help you customize a little bit more
00:11:42And you go do that right
00:11:44Learn, learn, learn
00:11:46The more you learn, the more you can actually update this platform
00:11:50So this platform can get very, very, very sophisticated and can be very, very, very simple
00:11:55There's stuff on here that when I see Silvio do it, I'm like, wow, it's amazing what that gentleman can do
00:12:01But he obviously is the creator of it
00:12:03So we always to get that kind of skill set
00:12:05So Chad, that is how we customize it
00:12:08That's how you make your platform
00:12:10And that's how you have some of the fun with it
00:12:15Well, actually, Sid, you had a good question
00:12:17Might want to consider a preview button under the customize section
00:12:20Well, your preview button, you don't really need it because go ahead, Chad, and refresh
00:12:25You would be the site itself
00:12:26See if I were to change it back to light yellow and save it
00:12:31Remember, you cannot get to this light fast enough and refresh it because the light's faster than you
00:12:36It doesn't believe it would be fast
00:12:38It's unbelievably fast
00:12:40Basically, to preview it, you would just open it in another tab or another browser and then just refresh it
00:12:45You want to do that? That is always lesson number one
00:12:49Always either go incognito on a web, on a browser, but basically to keep it simple, go, I'm in Chrome on one
00:12:56Let's just say, for example, I'm Chrome as a white label reseller
00:13:00And then now I'm on Firefox as a user, right? Or you can also log in to like many browsers have like these private windows that will also let you log in without cookies and stuff
00:13:12That incognito one
00:13:13So there's several ways that you can do it and see what it looks like
00:13:16And again, I'm not sure if everybody also is aware of this
00:13:19Now, what I've been playing with a little bit on my phone is I've actually, by the way, the clone feature tool is coming on really nicely
00:13:28I've actually found an app
00:13:30Now, the app, and I have an Android phone, the app that I went to, and it's a free app, it's called Screencast
00:13:40Now, what that is, it's a pretty cool tool
00:13:44Now, you could actually screen show your phone on your computer
00:13:51So you could actually have it showing up over into here and you can see what it looks like actually on your phone, your phone at the same time that you're on your computer
00:14:00So neat little tricks that you can just go and, ooh, that's kind of cool, so you can go do that
00:14:05Hopefully everybody's also figured out how to add any of their work to their homepage or home screens on their phones because that's pretty fun
00:14:12That's a lot of fun
00:14:13That's my business calling card in a nutshell
00:14:16I have, I don't know how many different icons on my phone from sites that I created just to show off, just to kind of show somebody here, look what I can do, look what I can
00:14:25do, look what I can do
00:14:26It's pretty impressive
00:14:27It's little things that you can do to really nuts and people sucks off, so yeah, it's very fast
00:14:34Our system is so unbelievably fast
00:14:36So here's the thing that I always say
00:14:39So everybody on here is probably built with Wix, any other place
00:14:42How often are you fed up with a buffering? You know, when you're adding something, it just takes forever, right? It's so nice and you can just instantaneously see it
00:14:52So we're getting close to getting through the last part of the platform which we will cover the last bit of it
00:15:01more in depth will be the one on Friday since we're going to spend some time on the managing emails
00:15:07And we're going to spend time on the managing help section
00:15:11So I'm going to leave plans to like one of the very last plans in users on there
00:15:16I'll leave that to the very last because that's also equally important, unless everybody wants me to go over users and plans next
00:15:23But I think the manage help section and manage emails will be a fun one to go over
00:15:29Also, what I've done is I've gone ahead and created a video
00:15:35Now, it's a funny video on how to install PayPal in the platform
00:15:39Now, it doesn't matter whether it's first site or whether it's for your white label platform
00:15:44I did it as a rookie
00:15:46Now, I know my platform
00:15:48But I have Chad, I have Allen, I have multiple people that actually install the PayPal
00:15:54I have a PayPal manager that installs it
00:15:56So I never actually have to do it
00:15:58But I wanted to find out if I could do it on my own with all the information that I had in front of me that was on the screen
00:16:04I said, Chad, Allen, Silvio, I don't want any help
00:16:07Let me see if I can do it with what I have in front of me
00:16:09Now, I made a video on it, it's about three minutes
00:16:11And I actually did it in my first attempt
00:16:13So I'll show you guys that video a little bit later
00:16:16And it's me putting in PayPal
00:16:18It's a bit comical
00:16:19But I actually did it with just the instructions in front of me and took me about three minutes
00:16:24So it's a fun one
00:16:25So you'll see me stumbling around a little bit
00:16:27But you'll see I got the job done, tested it
00:16:29And now you guys will also see that you'll be able to do the same thing and make it easy
00:16:34So I wanted to see was there an issue? Was there anything? And I didn't see any issues whatsoever
00:16:40And but you'll see that video coming
00:16:42And then this video is being recorded
00:16:44The last one didn't get recorded on the cloud properly, but this one is recorded and would be put into as well
00:16:52And then if you guys wanted to see something pretty neat, I actually just realized this myself got it because I haven't fully tested it
00:16:57I've known our platform is fast, but I never realized how fast
00:17:00But you see how if you were to save something, let's say I select blue and I click save
00:17:04Now you see the tab on the top here
00:17:05You know, whenever you save something, it's got to refresh that tab
00:17:08See the little dots right there, meaning it's loading and then it refreshes and it's saved
00:17:12And then if I were to go and refresh this, it's now blue
00:17:15Watch how fast this is
00:17:16I'm going to switch it to black and I'm going to save it and then instantly go to the tab before it's even updated with my platform
00:17:23You know what I mean? So you won't be able to have refresh and it's now changed
00:17:26Yeah, you couldn't beat it
00:17:27You actually, the research came in faster than actual your other one
00:17:31So if I go to red and then I hit save, I'm going to try to do as fast, save and then refresh
00:17:36That one, I actually, that one we did beat it, but that's because I hit it instantly
00:17:40Yep, that's up and I see how it
00:17:41Yeah, it's still really fast
00:17:43What I'm going to start doing everybody is I upload the videos into the white label section and I actually label it, say this one will be labeled white label training 715 2019
00:17:56So and then what I'm going to start doing too is sending out it in a group email, sending out the video that way and also uploading it into the system
00:18:03So you have it in both places and before too long, it'll be also, I'll be putting all videos on PayPal, sorry, the PayPal on YouTube as well
00:18:15Yeah, we'll be coming out with a lot more training videos and a lot more features coming out
00:18:24Yeah, perfect
00:18:25Alrighty, so that will be it
00:18:29Like I said, I like to keep these things nice and short and to the point, but get ready because the next ones will be a lot more in depth and probably close to an hour of
00:18:39length at them too
00:18:42So that'll be this Friday too
00:18:44So the link that you all have, that is the final link
00:18:48So I'm not going to be putting up a new Zoom link since you all registered once, you guys are all good to go
00:18:53Yeah, it's fun
00:18:56This straight up everybody, this platform is so much fun
00:19:00It is so much fun
00:19:02Half a second to load anything
00:19:04When you're not creative such as myself, and I can put out a website that I have people complimenting me on my web master skills, I'm like, you gotta be kidding me
00:19:12I can copy and paste, I can put an image in and now we'll have people say, hey, my image doesn't work, try another one
00:19:18Well, hey, this doesn't look good, try another one
00:19:21Or maybe here's another one that solves a lot of issues
00:19:25And here's what I do, 100 % of the time
00:19:29I build a site, I completely go, let me build a site, let me take a template, I don't care what template it is
00:19:35You guys all hear me before, I don't care what template you give me, I'm gonna be able to do anything with it
00:19:40I go ahead and I go ahead and make my site
00:19:43Then I'm like, okay, all the content is right
00:19:46The pictures are good
00:19:47Everything is, I like it how it all looks
00:19:49I like the whole layout, okay, now what? Now I go over to the style section in my desktop insights
00:19:55I go into that style section and now I start from the very top and I click each in every one of the themes until I find the theme that fits what I've actually just done
00:20:07Maybe the button's a little different because the CSS coding is different for each one of the templates
00:20:12So if now if I were for each one of the themes, so if I go on to different theme and go, whoa, that's the one that I like
00:20:19Now everything that's in my vision is perfect and there we go, excellent, now I got it
00:20:25It's a very, very big tip and it's a very way to really now make your site stand out that much more
00:20:31So always go over to style, click on that and see different themes because not all images and text and font all fit on the same template
00:20:40So you wanna try different ones of different themes and that's how you kinda work that
00:20:45Yes, we're gonna be the agency template
00:20:48Thank you
00:20:49The agency template is coming today
00:20:52As you all know, we have had a major personal issue
00:20:57I won't get into it but it was a major, major issue that happened with somebody but the template is ready
00:21:06I just have to put one little preview image on it and that template will be in today and it's an agency template and I think y 'all will like it
00:21:13It's really more geared towards white label
00:21:16A user can use it, a commercial user can use it
00:21:20They'll have, they don't have all the access that you all have
00:21:24So it's really more designed around white label with the templates in there, plans in there
00:21:29It's pretty nice
00:21:30It's really nice template to go off of and make it your own
00:21:35My email is adminatmobifirst co
00:21:39You want me to type that into chat? No
00:21:43Well, there was another question
00:21:44out there too that was wondering about last time's webinar, basically a previous webinar
00:21:48What we did in that one in case you weren't able to view it is we basically just went over some more domains specifically for GoDaddy and Namecheap, I believe
00:21:56And they're actually surprisingly easy to set up even if you weren't on that webinar
00:22:00The video and the information is still available in our platform
00:22:04If you watch Alan's two hour long video on how to set up a domain, it'll basically tell you everything you need to know and we just reiterated it on the last webinar
00:22:12And then we didn't do Namecheap specifically, but the setup process is still the same
00:22:16That was the last one
00:22:18We had a little conversation before a little conversation after as we're doing now, but basically it was two videos that were already uploaded into the system
00:22:27So, and when I put the PayPal in, again, we have everything
00:22:31You'll even see as I go through the PayPal video that every key word that you could ever need if you needed a contact PayPal or Stripe is all right there in front of you
00:22:40You could literally call up PayPal and say, hey, I need a signature key and API
00:22:45They're gonna say, oh, those are the keywords we're used to
00:22:47Yeah, exactly
00:22:49If you have trouble setting up any domain, contact the person who supplied it and they should know how to work it
00:22:54Oh, thank you so much, Ollie
00:22:58Or yes, oh, there's no speak control
00:23:01Yes, thank you so much
00:23:02That would be good for you
00:23:03And let me have speak control to that
00:23:05Yes, thank you, thank you, thank you
00:23:07Yes, all that speak control to that to our video
00:23:11Of course, geez, thank you so much for that
00:23:14Yeah, I didn't realize that there was no speak control
00:23:16No, no, no
00:23:17Yes, speak control for that
00:23:18Alan's video, thanks
00:23:21All right, perfect
00:23:25Well, yeah, other than that, all the information we went over last time, it's already available in the platform as far as domains and style is really easy to do
00:23:34You just set your images and your colors and yeah, and have fun with it
00:23:39Just play around with it
00:23:40See what you like, what you don't like
00:23:42And this is a good place to practice CSS too
00:23:45If you don't know any, I would definitely look into something because that is a powerful addition to your web building skills
00:23:50At least to know some basic CSS
00:23:52Yeah, exactly
00:23:54And even if you just didn't know, here's another thing you do
00:23:57Remember, you can't break our platform
00:23:59You can't break it
00:24:01Stuff either works or it doesn't work
00:24:04To keep things really, really, really, really simple
00:24:07If you ever wanted to play around with CSS, go on Google, copy and paste some CSS code, go into the proper section, copy and paste it in, there's see what happens
00:24:18Oh gosh, wow, now I got a glowing headline
00:24:21Now, who knows some of it works, some of it doesn't work, have fun with it because all you have to do is go, oh, it didn't work, Kate, delete the code and try again
00:24:30So you just copy and paste
00:24:31That's all you have to do
00:24:33And just have fun
00:24:34So now, when you actually, if you want to find your videos, you'll actually just go into the help section and you look for white label reseller
00:24:44White label reseller
00:24:45So go to the help center, you go to white label reseller and in there is where I put the videos
00:24:50So you'll see a video will come in here and it'll be this ones and I'll have it dated too as well
00:24:59Alrighty, what's that? Hi, Anthony
00:25:03I think we're just about everything
00:25:05Yeah, we'll be already excited about style for anyone
00:25:09It's just fun that you can see this stuff and just come alive
00:25:15It'll tell you the optimal sizes right down here for the main one, 350 by 150 and the square logo is 200 square
00:25:23And if you put it in and it's too big, the platform says it's too big, try again
00:25:28Yeah, that's not error in the platform
00:25:30It's simply saying, nope, try again, try again
00:25:34So that's again, when we get some, like again, when we've had some support command, hey, you know, the header is not showing up just right for what I'm trying to do
00:25:41It's probably the image, nine times at a 10, it's the image that you're using on that template
00:25:47So that's why you go, well, let me put this image in and now let me try a different theme
00:25:52Maybe, oh, maybe now it'll actually kind of fit your eye
00:25:56So you always want to try different themes too as well
00:25:59And then again, remember, you want to look amazing? Absolutely amazing
00:26:05Get anybody on your phone, have them send them a little URL, have them look at it and say, do you like that, Mr
00:26:15customer? Like, you know, it's okay, why don't you hit your phone again, refresh it
00:26:18And then all of a sudden, because you're in theme and you change it, they're like, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, hey, what did you just do? Do you like that one? Well, that's okay, go ahead, refresh
00:26:27another one
00:26:28Go ahead, refresh, go ahead, refresh
00:26:31Now you just blow in this guy away
00:26:32One of them you show up, there's like a video, you're just blowing this person out of the water
00:26:36So pretty cool
00:26:37Alrighty, well, thank you so much
00:26:39And this video will be in and then Friday, I'm looking really looking forward to Friday's video
00:26:43Right, and then there was some quick questions
00:26:47Let's see here one moment
00:26:49I saw here, okay, from Stephanie, as she says, I'm wondering if saving changes, making changes and saving will add a bunch of code that slows it down, it will not any code that you erase and
00:27:00save will remove it from the platform
00:27:02And the platform is always optimized for speed, so it'll remove any unnecessary code
00:27:07Right, and then Dale has one, can the platform have more controls over header images? Remember, every actually no Dale, if we do that, what you all have to remember, this is a mobile first optimized platform
00:27:26If you're trying to put in something that doesn't make it mobile optimized, the system's saying no, no, no, no, no, no
00:27:34So if you just follow along with the platform, you never need to add CSS
00:27:41You never do, there's certain little codes follow along with Silvio's, but you never do
00:27:46You just do it, you got your editing tool right there in front of you
00:27:51Then you also have your cell phone
00:27:54So you send it to yourself and go, it looks good in the cell phone, looks good here, and you maneuver it
00:27:59If you had all that control, now we know what's gonna happen
00:28:02I guarantee you, my support desk will be bombarded with how, how do I control this? Now, there's such thing as giving too much control, and if we did it on that one, it would be craziness
00:28:13that would happen
00:28:14So again, we have this set in a certain way
00:28:17There's a lot of stuff that goes in, again, like the matrix, if you will, that goes on in the background that you'll never be aware of that Silvio was done to compress images, you could do
00:28:27a whole lot of stuff
00:28:29Okay, so again, I get this a lot
00:28:35I am in Arizona, it's 5 30
00:28:38for me
00:28:39I cannot have a webinar that fits every person's time schedule across the world
00:28:47Just an impossible for us to do
00:28:49So we get emails, I get emails, hey, I'm in the UK, can you do your webinar and every time? Well, let me ask you this
00:28:55If I did a webinar over in the UK, then aren't I gonna have everybody over on this site saying, well, wait a minute
00:29:00So I gotta pick a time that's kind of general for everybody, and we put the videos in
00:29:07So I really can't abide by every person, or I'd have to do an individual one for every single person, and that's quite simply impossible
00:29:17We do definitely try to record, and we'll upload this as soon as possible
00:29:20Yeah, yeah, no time is for everybody
00:29:22To which I'll come back with this
00:29:24I've had my developer up at three to five o 'clock in the morning, because that was his time zone, and he had no choice, but that was the time zone he was on
00:29:34Obviously, a little bit different situation
00:29:36So we do our best
00:29:37I think everybody can agree
00:29:38We do our best to accommodate as much people as we can, but for those that say, give me it at a my time, please think of others
00:29:50And then the agency template will be imported into the platform later today
00:29:55Yep, it sure will
00:29:56It'll be in before tomorrow
00:29:58Oh, gosh, yeah
00:29:59Yeah, now you guys, the ground running with that template
00:30:02It's pretty much just adding your own content, even though there's a bit in there
00:30:07And it's basically the template is laid out for you
00:30:12It really is
00:30:13And if everything from a contact does to templates, to plans, done for you system, home page contact does frequently
00:30:24ask questions
00:30:25So everything is all right there
00:30:27I think you take it, change the theme
00:30:34Holland, no way
00:30:40Perfect, perfect, perfect
00:30:46We do have a couple of little questions
00:30:47We can, how do you switch out a template if you already chose it one? Not sure if following exactly, but if you choose a template, that's the template you're going to go with
00:30:59And that's the one you want to edit
00:31:02If you can't change one site to a completely different site with all different content, swap it out entirely, you'd have to make a new site and basically just rename it with the template you wanted to
00:31:14begin with
00:31:15And then when we have the clone tool, imagine that coming over now, all the fun stuff you get to do and editing and all the way, you're going to get to turn websites that were not
00:31:25mobile first, not mobile friendly into ones
00:31:28It's that's going to be so easy
00:31:30Yeah, it is
00:31:33And then if you mess up any settings as well, you can just erase it and start again, pretty much anything on the platform
00:31:38You can delete it and restart
00:31:40Yeah, remember, you all have that
00:31:42It's a very hard to break
00:31:43And it's a little known feature, the undo and redo buttons
00:31:46So that goes back
00:31:47What was it of a 12 steps? I can't remember
00:31:50Yeah, you actually have an undo and redo buttons
00:31:56And they will actually go back several steps
00:31:58So say you're like, Oh, I did this
00:32:00It's almost like going back page, if you will
00:32:03And then we'll be able to go ahead and just undo or redo
00:32:06And so again, we put in so many different things for if you did do something that, oops, I made a mistake
00:32:13I like to go back to that
00:32:14We've got that solution
00:32:18So basically if you were to it's building this side right now, but if you were to mess up, there's the undo and the redo button right there
00:32:25So if you accidentally delete something or you added something that you didn't want, you can just undo it and you can undo multiple steps
00:32:31And then yeah, once you have it the way you like it, you can just keep editing
00:32:39So perfect
00:32:40Again, so gain or what you'll do is we'll have this video up and that's what
00:32:45So those are the questions,
00:32:46perfect questions
00:32:47So what locations do the two logos appear square versus rectangular? I'm actually going to put that question
00:32:52back on you
00:32:53That's where I say that's the perfect question
00:32:57for my response, which is you open it up
00:33:01You open it up as a user, you put it in, which is how we started
00:33:05You put in different images in there
00:33:08So now you go through the whole process as if you were somebody who was coming onto your site and then you get to see where all those go
00:33:15So that's how you actually do that
00:33:17You do it
00:33:18You put in and then now you you see where it goes
00:33:21That's the best way to do anything on our platform
00:33:23Every single thing on our platform, build it, test it before you actually show it to somebody, build it, test it, build it, test it, build it, test it
00:33:31You have unlimited
00:33:32Yeah, that's how I learned everything
00:33:34I'm sure you guys have seen most of my widget videos and Silvio didn't actually teach me all that
00:33:38He built everything, but it was just me kind of experimenting and trial and error and figuring out what every button does till you learn it
00:33:45And it's really not that hard when you get the hang of it
00:33:47Great point
00:33:48I actually never even thought of that
00:33:49Nobody taught us anything, everybody
00:33:52So Silvio teaches us things from time to time, but he didn't teach us
00:33:57We taught ourselves we had the platform that granted had it for a long time, but we taught ourselves every little thing under this and some little things
00:34:06As I always say when I'm when I'm contacting Silvio, basically my message to Silvio is Silvio, I know I messed up
00:34:13What did I do wrong here? And he'll either come back with you did it wrong here or nope, it actually was an error, about 50 % of the time it's me making a mistake on Mayan
00:34:22He goes, oh, you didn't do this
00:34:25So we had to teach ourselves too as well
00:34:27And then now look what we've got
00:34:30So see, we're here as we get all the questions
00:34:36Can another logo be just for top left of the platform? So main logo is for white background like white screen
00:34:41White text is good for color background
00:34:43Again, we cannot answer those questions
00:34:45Those are the questions
00:34:46where you put in different different images in there, a PNG
00:34:50You put one that doesn't, that's transparent
00:34:53That's where you play around, see what looks best for your platform
00:34:58And as you'll see, we cannot answer every question
00:35:00for every platform because that's where your customization and that's where your vision or your ideas come in
00:35:09And then JC, for talking about copyrights, you would add that in the legal section and that'll create links at the bottom
00:35:14Yeah, exactly legal documents
00:35:17And yeah, the GDPR, all that kind of stuff
00:35:21So yeah, you can even import our terms of service and stuff
00:35:24And then you just change it
00:35:26And we say, well, there's not a whole lot that you actually have to do from scratch, like right from the very beginning, from everywhere, from help videos to everything that we're showing you
00:35:37So we can only do so much before we, we're almost one step away from just basically going into each and every platform and customizing it for you
00:35:46That's how close we are
00:35:49Where that basically that close
00:35:50And with all these little training videos, that's essentially what we're teaching you
00:35:58Yeah, I try fun things
00:35:59I just see what happens
00:36:01I want to see, oh my gosh, it can do this
00:36:03Wow, I didn't think it could do that
00:36:05Very cool
00:36:06And every time I find a feature that's cool, well, isn't that something that you now will pass on to others
00:36:11This is a webmaster's playground
00:36:16It is funny where I've had people say to me, not a word of a lie, that I am an amazing coder
00:36:23I'm amazing at building websites that you've got to be kidding me
00:36:27And you wait till we come along because I'll show you what I did actually one time before, right, built
00:36:31It took me almost a month
00:36:34Now I was figuring stuff out a little bit as I go, but it took me almost a month to build a very, very sophisticated marketing website for an MLM company
00:36:41I'll show you all that too as well
00:36:43It's freaking awesome what I did
00:36:45Are you talking about the supplement one? Yeah, yeah, yeah
00:36:48I did something really awesome for a company called Hilo
00:36:51And I'll show you guys what I did
00:36:52And if that doesn't open up a whole lot of different business ideas, wow, I'm going to show you an idea that you'll be able to take to every single network marketing MLM place out there and
00:37:04be able to just wow them with the technology that you have
00:37:06Because remember, nobody has this technology
00:37:09You're going to be able to show people things that they cannot do with their current system that they have that just don't have it
00:37:15A lot of stuff out here, a lot of stuff that this platform is going to be able to do
00:37:20So perfect
00:37:21So I won't keep going on with it
00:37:23Thank you again, everybody, for showing up
00:37:26And we will continue this on Friday
00:37:32Yeah, we'll be doing more training soon
00:37:34Yes, thanks, everybody
00:37:36Thanks, Chad
00:37:37Yep, thank you
00:37:38Have a good night, everyone