JKTQ Intro 0005 Choosing the Sacred Path Versus the Mundane for Kabbalistic Frequencies.mp4
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00:00:00In this video, we're going to talk about how you can choose whether to keep Kabbalah as an incredibly sacred practice, or you can also introduce Kabbalah into more profane, normal, day-to-day activities
00:00:14For me, I think striking a balance of both is optimal
00:00:18When you first start out Kabbalah, it's very likely that the day-to-day life you lead is rather mundane, as is mine, as is most people's
00:00:28So when you're trying to accumulate a lot of Kabbalistic energy, what you can do is you can connect with one of these Kabbalistic frequencies and run it in the background throughout
00:00:41your day
00:00:42So when you do that, you can do that through expanding out into the field around you with that Kabbalistic frequency, or you can hold the feeling above your crown and have it move
00:00:53down, or you can just have it play into your own personal aura
00:01:00And what you'll be doing as you're connecting the Kabbalistic frequency is you'll be vile
00:01:04breathing in and breathing out and connecting with that frequency, and having that be your
00:01:14base level signature as you're going throughout your day
00:01:17So if you practice this from sunrise to sunset, depending on where you are, where their time zone is, you're looking at 10 to 12 hours of practice time from the time you get up and the time you go to bed
00:01:31So of course this isn't a perfect measurement
00:01:33You may need to use restroom, you may need to break your concentration if you're doing an activity that isn't in line with the energy you're working with, but then you always, you can just snap right back to the energy afterwards
00:01:47So what you're doing here is you're creating a baseline that can keep amplifying and accumulating throughout the week
00:01:56If you do this for seven days, or so say a week to 10 days, then you're going to accumulate 100 hours of practice in a Kabbalistic letter
00:02:06So this is great, and well, you could hypothetically say, hey, Jake, wouldn't this be more effective if you were doing these 100 hours during a sit? And yeah, absolutely, it would be much, much more effective
00:02:21However, how often and how long could you sit for an extended period of time every day? More than a few hours is impractical for most people
00:02:31So what you're doing when you're practicing Kabbal throughout your day is you're able to accumulate a lot more energy
00:02:39However, what happens is, depending on your level of awareness while you're connecting with that Kabbalistic frequency, is that when you connect that Kabbalistic stream, the baseline,
00:02:52the level of that energy that you'll most attune to is whatever you have the most momentum with
00:02:58So if you have 100 hours of momentum running, say, the letter G, for wealth and prosperity throughout your day, and you're connecting with clients at work or through business or connecting with family, having more prosperity, having more abundance, bigger streams of energy, it's great, and it really plays into it
00:03:19However, if you're doing that with a letter like UMLA, with a letter like U, which is a very, very dark black color, Akasha, then that might be very repulsive to the same clients and it also might scare away and repulse your family as well because that energy is intense and scary to most people
00:03:41For practitioners, not so much
00:03:42It's just intense and fun and wild and crazy
00:03:45But for most people, they don't want to be near that
00:03:48So this practice works better with energies like letter G or UMLA U, but not something like regular U would be best practiced when seated or when you're alone because it's intense to be around and it's heavy for most people
00:04:07So you get to make that distinction between using it for more profane mundane purposes and using it using these energies for very sacred purposes
00:04:19One example I like to do for what I like to do is if I'm doing exercise, I love running the letter Z
00:04:26It gives me a lot of energy, gives me a lot of momentum
00:04:29And now when I exercise and work out, I don't even have to think about it
00:04:33I just am automatically tuned to that letter Z frequency and it makes exercise or lifting
00:04:38weights or doing other things very, very joyous
00:04:42So I hope that might be one you experience too if you want to get more into fitness or boosting your health
00:04:49There are so many different ways, countless, endless ways you can apply Kabbalah and you'll discover those soon
00:04:56So what I think is have a mundane purpose and application that you can use for the majority of the letters and have those readily available so that when the opportunity strikes in your day that you run that letter
00:05:11Let's say you want to run the letter A when you are reading a book so that you can expand your mental field, you can connect with the air element and so you can digest and decipher ideas much, much more clearly
00:05:25This can be said, you can also run the same letter A when you're doing an even more mundane activity like scrolling through news or scrolling through social media
00:05:34You may find that when you run the letter A through it, your mind expands and you are less concentrated into your phone or your computer screen, those black mirrors
00:05:45So you'll find that your habits and behaviors will change in response to you also running these couples of frequencies because it either will enhance or improve whatever you're doing
00:05:56in your day-to-day activities or it will interrupt it and direct your attention towards more effective behaviors and things that are more in line with your spirit and your goals for yourself
00:06:07So I hope that clarifies some ways you can use Kabbalah mundane or more sacredly
00:06:14We'll go more into sacred practices later in the course but I also wanted to just address more mundane stuff because day-to-day that's what we're doing most of the time
00:06:22And the more we practice Kabbalah, the more competency we will have with it
00:06:26Thank you