PME032-Models to Access Planetary Light - QA (RD9-3).mp4
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00:00:02I'm at the school
00:00:03We can work on now is the ability to mentally transfer to a planet and then begin for breeding the cast of the planet and from the akasher the planet begin for breathing light that Planet and
00:00:21you have this to two models 1su visualise above your crown mentally transferring to your car
00:00:29Should of the Krone stream it through and when you doing this you get a filtering effect from the top-down, so the upper layer of each each energy body chalaya the energy comes in and it's affecting
00:00:44the the quality of form primarily, when you pour Breeze something that comes in right on that viator physical Astra level and just drop straight in but you don't get this qualitative relationship in your spirit
00:00:59Will you mind gets much more sensitive to? The the nuances and refinement qualities of what you working with when you do something from the top-down
00:01:08You get that automatically you get to the sensitivity to to the information field in there's a Tennessee for the mind mental body first to go out into the field and have an expanded quality of experience
00:01:22When you bring something in the physical Astral body
00:01:26You don't have the fuel
00:01:27We have the residence of the body abouts in resins with that and you it's official compensation, so you don't see the bigger picture
00:01:35So the training of seeing the bigger picture first and having a broader field effect and then condensing in the body give you all the benefits because you have more sensitivity brought it back my frequencies to
00:01:48work with when you do that and you mind has is developing unconscious resonance with what you want to accumulate Paul Breathe that's why we do the poor breathing of these types of energy, second and qualitative
00:02:02Sensitising a mind to it first once he understands tivity
00:02:07Then you can print it, so we'll we'll go onto the moon for your first cos that's the easiest with the sex now instead of tuning into it up here
00:02:20Just bring that mental image to be removed from above your crown to blow your feet, so it encompasses the space of your mental body
00:02:29It comes is the specs of the actual physical vile, and it's connecting below and connecting above and you can poor breathe into anybody in anybody
00:02:40Just bi-monthly tuning and holding that feeling in the larger space
00:02:45There is a sense of metal transferring to the Moon and your mind goes there and then connects is here
00:02:55So if you're in your mental bodies in the moon for breathing, but it's link to the frequency
00:03:02Pools that resonance in here, and as you visualise that there's a link that happens, but it's only really happening through the infinity quality of a Kasha underlying a poor breathing, so that's why we breathe the
00:03:17akash of the moon and first, and then we extend from that akarshan, feeling of the moon to the vital Astra we pull it through the akarshan feeling to accumulate
00:03:26I like to put it a make my entire sphere From Below my feet 12 the Crown The Frequency I'm working on Manly transfer humour, takashi in that first, and then the light of that next and
00:03:39that builds resonance once you've done the secure x you'll get your better body memory of how to switch it on and build energy, or whatever country furniture, you want
00:03:52Don't do this with satin, because there's too many potentialities for the Darkside your personality the switch on
00:04:02Most of the other planetary spherificator you can I work with Jupiter and and Pluto and honest and all these other ones are fine, but avoid salmon implications
00:04:15If you crack in his heels with satin, and your karma
00:04:19This is hope you got good karma kids that you can just blood through and you can when you can end up in jail people tend to have this
00:04:34Oh yeah
00:04:35I can do it
00:04:36I'm tough W Mr avoid it until you full equalise for the sun gives a high-risk Mars's invite any spirits From Mars because if you do, it'll just be imagination or your suffer and you don't want
00:04:55just delusion to be sitting in the beings of Mars are very very strong and bun says if you Both when you're gonna die and have any health problems and en vogue one that might vary will
00:05:06happen youse get heart attack, so be very careful with mask thanks
00:05:10You need to spend at least two good solid
00:05:12Decade working on the sun's fair to be truly immune to the banks of Mars does remember one in touch the planet millions die
00:05:20It's it's not a it's not it's not a pleasant thing
00:05:24They're very powerful both, but they say in stay in touch as in Mars appears to do the building a very strongly connected, so we only draw the light of us through because it's only positive benefit
00:05:50from it or not drying any of those beings in you want to be just magic stuff or dying
00:05:56There's two tour comes not good
00:05:58So just work with the sun
00:06:05You're fine that you can get with the exception of Saturn you can just work on the light event planner and get this because that when you connect to the light it it's primarily saturating the spirit
00:06:18and giving you spiritual immunity, and that's virtual immunity slap expansion a consciousness, so the reason we're doing it is achieved
00:06:26Just from the light of each planet
00:06:28The akasher breathing exercises
00:06:31Will give you similar communities to Saturn anyway, so just keep everything connect to the sun
00:06:40And as that strengthens your feel strengthening resilience in relation to Saturn Mars being some working with them, but generally don't need to assess
00:06:51No need this
00:06:51No no, it's not necessary, ok? It's not really on that wasn't really on Baden say radar for some reason
00:07:05He didn't put in there and got some nice energies, but it's a part of our solar system work with her if you want, but I think I think it slip underneath
00:07:25I don't know if it's just in the old magical tax
00:07:29That wasn't mentioned
00:07:30You know same with the with blue toes when these planet started to appear on the on the Australian Horizon in other magicians are kind of already made the minds up about things, and and people got
00:07:44traditional and just didn't include them who knows what the real story of butter
00:07:50Neptunes nice energy, it's bases you out of her butt makes you give you out of body experiences
00:07:58But if you feel resonance with it connect to the lighter that that Planet and accumulated to Eltham Unity bedroom lamp to Saturday so you're in this that I have included correct and yeah, when you when
00:08:26you're working with the outer planets there's there's a sensation that when you are Marshall breathing
00:08:35How's that has beginner? You get this
00:08:37This is infinity quality, but you're still in a bubble feels like I can go up to them, but you can't get past that that hedge, and those frequencies
00:08:48I don't know if I call them hire Optus but then more refined frequencies that that burst the outer edges the bubble that's containing so you have this
00:08:58Quality in a bubble and those outer planets break the edges that bubble so that you get more of universal experience another that's going to work unless you do work on the sun's for you because that's
00:09:09what that's what connects you anyway, so well it depending on what you are your objectives up with you at with your practise Cluedo energy is a lot of fun
00:09:22It's got so much weird magic in it were at say if you look at the most of planetary 3 hours with worked with us
00:09:31It has conventional magic Pluto has Magic vessel was different and when you when you expose your mind to it at first can't figure it out
00:09:42Very very very sort of elusive and out works
00:09:48So when a person here is the word magic, it's something happens, and I can't explain why it's mysterious Pluto has mysterious magic
00:09:58Everything else for doing for other planets has common-sense your intuition goes
00:10:03That's how it works
00:10:04We do this and that happens Pluto how's things that that you can't figure out by the Sea at the causation is Simone Mr Mysterious and it's going to be a platform and community to all the
00:10:24all the different frequencies and so forth
00:10:26That's kind of what kind of essential