00:00:00In this tutorial, I'm going to be teaching you about the sidebar
00:00:05The sidebar can be accessed under your pages and it's below all of your other pages right here
00:00:11Once you click the sidebar, it'll give you access to that
00:00:14Now the sidebar is used to create a sidebar for desktop views
00:00:18Keep in mind this is only visible on desktop because it needs the extra screen space and size to function properly
00:00:25If you're looking for a more mobile version, I would recommend watching the icons bar tutorial
00:00:30But for the sidebar, you want to make sure that you enable the sidebar first thing so that way you can actually see it
00:00:37And when you turn it on, you're not going to notice anything immediately because we haven't actually adjusted it
00:00:42You simply add a new widget to the sidebar and it functions just like every other widget
00:00:47You can add a button or context block or form or whatever you want
00:00:50So let's just add a button for example
00:00:53And you would just add the button just like normal
00:00:56If we want to add, let's say, an email
00:01:00Simply send that in the text below the icon
00:01:08Now like I said, you're not going to notice anything on the mobile version
00:01:15You have to click this button to open the site in the new window
00:01:19And then you'll see the email is right there
00:01:22There's the button we created and you can see how this works by turning it off
00:01:27You can disable the sidebar by turning it off, saving it
00:01:32And then when you refresh your page, you'll see the sidebar disappears
00:01:37And then you can enable it and customize that however you see fit