CUEC_Mod13-002 Light of Venus, Master of Venus, Mental Wandering Venus, and the Venusian Mirror Exercise.mp4
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00:00:06Read opening a magic circle
00:00:11connecting to the light of the vocational magician as work Ashley breathing Home Alone the late of the vocational magician to pass through a crown to set radar pineal glands are hard centre or dancing and allow
00:00:32the way to the occasion or magician to pass through a magic circle
00:00:37activating the all the skills activities of all the practise with her done in this lifetime previous like times and walking all for Mary and now I like you to envision
00:04:18grand Spear of a crown manzana planeta Venus now passing light through the brother of Wayne through the planet Venus 3A Crown Langer to saturate your pineal gland pass through your heart centre in saturate your Astral
00:04:50body the pass through jordaan, Tian and Satria your physical body
00:05:22Allow the light to pass through your magic circle
00:06:11Playing yourself to be saturated with this Emerald greenlight
00:08:39Now let's invite the Astor the Venus fear
00:08:45crowns where are three bodies and through or magic circle? maintaining a sensitive reference and sacredness in inner stillness lost giving the master the Venus Fear Her undivided attention Asking the masters of inner-sphere to Release Yourself
00:10:19any and give attachments versions
00:10:25wants and desires that aren't in alignment of your path of service or Ascension and asking the master the Venus sphere permission to effectively
00:11:08forgiven the keys to alter the course of human consciousness through your pather service
00:11:20through the path of light asking the match placencia to support you in the paradigm shifts that you were willing to happen in society
00:11:43Governments at large into shift look like the human conscious and can't just Minds towards new paradigm
00:11:54Towards the parallel societies you wish to create
00:12:00and towards the evolution Batman Kane Physically astrally, mentally and spirit
00:15:30retaining a connection with the master The Mercury the the Venus sphere now imagining the planet of Venus above your crown
00:15:45Power going to go up into the Venus fear explore various regions the penis fear has topper
00:15:56if you're interested in fashion, or people social refinement, you can explore the beings of mercury of Amina Venus can see how the present themselves seeing the elegance and Grace of there being MS if you're into
00:16:14technology Innovation you can explore the technologies Innovation they have If you're interested in to business, and Governance and hierarchical structures, you can explore the fabric of how the Venus fear organisers itself structures itself
00:16:38And how the more Royal and the more find the being of inner sphere is the more an alignment with the power they are
00:16:55Answer your find a direct correlation with social mental refinement quieter in the power of a being on the Venus fear
00:17:08Tell you're welcome to observe the governance of a sphere whilst being a company by the master the Venus sphere
00:17:18Quietly observing and not communicating with any beings places just observing
00:17:28so now envisioning the planet of Venus above you say a quick prayer to yourself up up up, and now allow yourself to be sucked in like a V8 down into the sphere of Venus give me
00:17:44the origins of Venus or maybe on the surface of the planet
00:17:50Just allow yourself to you magnetize
00:17:53Werribee reminder in 10 wishes or wherever the master the ministry wishes to show you
00:19:45If you're able to turn and currently you can still with you feeling of clairsentience
00:19:53In fuel our two different fabrics of reality there and trust that your Insight will translate
00:22:53anao maintaining connection to Venus fear the master the Venus fear I like you to envision a special mirror and then the smear want you to look into it and see her of reflection of yourself a
00:23:14you're a very highest source or refinement and Grace what's your highest possible sawmya attributes? I want you to invision
00:23:28the circulation of different energy or patterns and images sounds feelings that pop up On your resume vision this mirror
00:23:41It's mirror acts as a reflection
00:23:45all the prices in ways you can attune very highest level of social Graces and refinement that you can fulfil your at the service and your path of Ascension your first materialise through your path of service
00:24:06Australia garments close energies frequencies How old is different activity mean Wanderer need to help you with your path of service? you can I say run 9 door late through it with the intention of it seeing
00:24:28you're here mirrors for Ascension and you can see that possibility as well now or focus on the path of service Muir How's your seeing the mirror feeling it in your body's allowing it to transform your
00:24:50character the transform your energy body? As you're looking into this mirror
00:24:59You may see clothes and shapes and patterns that mean if your phone or that mean that appear like they come from Perth landed, but trust images come whatever fabrics close jewellery refinements Technologies pass through the
00:25:18smear on to you and accept them so that they help you on your Receiving jewellery as you're looking into the smear
00:27:46Any sword gems red crystals are energy fractals that when you connect with Nundah light or when you were turning to highest on the light passes through this rack doors, the activate your skills and back of
00:28:05his that will help you on your path of service, and that will tell you to the very highest possible states of being able to make a fact of change in the world in yourself and others
00:28:18to be a leader of mankind until Kerry and royalty
00:28:29That becomes a part of your orrick emanation
00:28:38safe you receive necklaces rings a crown recep occur one's anything of object whale lights, Pass Road Activate the object
00:28:58And then acknowledge the conversation gene of it
00:29:01Knowing that these are now becoming a part of your magic circle and are there now ready for you
00:29:08Anytime you open and close the magic circle
00:29:18And if you like, you can also activate any of this Astral spiritual akashic articles
00:29:28Are clothing an items? Anytime you're engaged or involved with your Pat the service
00:29:35So whether you're at the office working or year with the client you and coaching whatever your type of work
00:29:45Maybe these this is an energy you can activate
00:29:50And you can actually wear these articles of clothing and they will synchronise you with your very highest path of service and that
00:30:01How many Mb come this version of you're very highest self in the reflective mirror? the higher self In relationship to how you presented yourself your mask and service to mankind and t manatee? now Show gratitude
00:31:54to the master of the Universe fear Professor teaching the session
00:31:59And for giving us permissions
00:32:03An hour or spend 30 seconds 2 minute raising them up to the highest possible determinant of that you can
00:33:05lying the lights set it up to like that on you
00:33:14In feel his gratitude towards you
00:33:18has Ophelia tried to Thornton Louder that gratitude to pass through three bodies and through your magic circle
00:33:38As soon as you're ready
00:33:41Envision the master of inner sphere going back to the planet of Venus love your crown
00:33:47And if they're still on Venus you can simply vision him going back to the surface of Venus or back to a Palace that looks comfortable, and then you can return back to your body
00:34:05Wishing for a continued puzzle connection, especially if you're on a path of influencing humanities Direction showing gratitude to and disconnecting and showing gratitude to the brother of light
00:34:45the later the vocational magician I'm coming back to your body
00:35:01You can feel free to store any of built-up penis energy into the articles of clothing
00:35:07He receives jewellery crowns, or you can store it in your active field or Magic Circle over you wish to use it
00:35:21I know that you can activate this Venus energy that stored in your jewellery
00:35:26Just like that like a snap so you can run this to help Philippe at the service
00:35:43MR licence of stillness inside and saucer refinement Grace inability and conviction that whatever you wished you XIV in will absolutely happen and that you'll tracked the people you need to see your vision through
00:36:04Activate your dream team
00:36:06That could be a spouse her partner
00:36:09You're looking for all those things are going to happen
00:36:13It's very clear
00:36:15It's very evident