00:00:00In this tutorial, I'm going to be discussing the freeform widget
00:00:03The freeform widget is a way to add forms with a variety of different fields and ask just about any question
00:00:09you can want
00:00:10Users can fill in those forms and submit them to you and you can use integrated auto responders or even email management programs such as MailChimp
00:00:20And if you want to ask users specific questions,
00:00:23you would want to use freeforms
00:00:24If you want users to be able to send you a message or to contact you with email or phone or another contact method, you would want to use the form contact
00:00:34However, if you want to customize what you're asking the user, then you would want to use the freeform because it is a lot more freedom
00:00:42So once you create the freeform, it's going to ask you to choose a new field
00:00:51So once you create the freeform, it's going to be blank
00:00:55You can add a title on the top here
00:00:59And for the form and field options, you would simply click add a new field in order to create a new field
00:01:05The label is going to be the label of that particular field
00:01:10And that's determined by the field type usually
00:01:12We have multiple different field types to choose from
00:01:14So text field would basically give them a text box that they can type in, very similar to this right here that the label is in
00:01:22So you would simply type text
00:01:24And the text help is going to be below the form, which is used to help describe the form
00:01:31So you could say enter text here, and then let them know they can enter text there
00:01:37And the placeholder, that's not really going to be visible directly on the website, but if you're viewing the HTML, you can use placeholders to locate particular fields easily
00:01:50But once you've filled in all of the information, you would choose the field type, the label, the help text, which will appear below, placeholder if you want, and whether or not it's mandatory
00:02:01If you choose no, that means they won't be required to fill it out before they hit the submit button
00:02:05If you choose yes, that means they will have to fill it out and it won't let them submit before all the mandatory boxes are filled out
00:02:12So once you have all that set, you can click save, and you can see on the right there, it has now created our little text box with our text right on the top
00:02:22The label is the text, and the help text is right below that
00:02:25That says enter text here, and you can enter text
00:02:28And then if they were to send the form, then that form has now been submitted
00:02:34And it's really that simple
00:02:36You would just simply add all the different fields that you want for whatever question
00:02:40you want to ask
00:02:41So let's say if you wanted their name, you would put name here, and then they would enter their name
00:02:46All sorts of different field types
00:02:49The email field is specifically for emails, so that'll recognize if it is an email or not
00:02:54So you would just simply ask someone for their email with that
00:02:57The text area is just like the text field, except it's bigger, a much bigger box that people would be able to enter more text in
00:03:07So you can see it's a much bigger box
00:03:10As for the select, this allows people to select an option
00:03:17So let's say you had like sizes, for example, and you wanted them to select one size
00:03:23You would enter one option per row, such as small, and then you hit enter to go down into a new role
00:03:32And once you enter your options, you can save this, and those options will then appear in a little drop down box, and they would be able to select one
00:03:42If you want users to be able to select multiple options, you can use select multiple, and then that'll let users select multiple options
00:03:59Now when I save this one, users would be able to hold down shift or control to select multiple options
00:04:06Control will select, let you select individual options, and shift will select everything in between those two points
00:04:13You can click somewhere, click shift, hold shift, and click somewhere else, and that'll select everything in between, or deselect, and control selects individual items
00:04:24So that's an easy way to select multiple items, and for select numbers, it'll automatically generate a list of numbers for you, so you can type the numbers here, and you can enter where it starts and
00:04:36where it ends, so if you want this to start, you know, on one, an end in 50, it'll just generate a list of one through 50, that then they would be able to select drop down
00:04:47and select the number, and if you wanted to skip numbers, you can use this step here, so if you wanted to do skip every other number, or every two numbers or something, you can do one
00:05:01through 50, and if you wanted to skip three numbers, you can type step three, and now when we scroll down to the skipper, you can see it skips every three numbers, so one, skip three, goes
00:05:17to four, skips three, goes to seven, skips three, goes to ten, so that's an easy way to do like patterns if you wanted to select multiple numbers with skipping numbers, you can also do a check
00:05:27box, so you would just simply say yes or no, or you know, you know, whatever you want for the label, and then they would be as well as file upload, so you can actually ask someone
00:05:49to upload a file, so let's say you want them to upload a picture, or something, you can select file upload, and then this will actually let users upload a file from their computer, and they would
00:06:03be able to browse their computer system and actually upload a file, so that's an easy way to upload files or get files from people, you can also do dates, so this is going to basically create
00:06:19a calendar, and they would be able to select a date, and you can ask whether it's only future dates, yes or no, so if you select no, that means they'd be able to select a date
00:06:28in the past, or if you're like asking for future reservations or something, you can select yes, and they will not be able to select a past date, only a future date, you got to give this
00:06:41label, and then that way there's a little calendar they'd be able to select a date that they want for like a reservation or something, as well as rating, so you can do star ratings, the standard
00:07:01is five stars, but you can generate all the way up to 10 stars if you want, and ask them how many stars they rate that, as well as gender, it'll ask them for their gender with
00:07:09a little drop down box, and you can even do country, where it asks for the little country, would ask which country they're from, and it can even show the flags right next to them, so once
00:07:20you have all of the fields that you want to create, you can organize them easily, you can determine the columns on the desktop, so normally they're going to take up a single column on mobile, because
00:07:32that's easier to see on mobile, because it's a lot small on screen, but on desktop, if you wanted, you can see this is two columns, you can see it actually takes up two separate columns there,
00:07:42but you can change that if you want, so you can do three, and you save and update that, you can refresh the page, you can see it is now three columns, or you can do one,
00:07:53where it'll just be all down the line, just like the mobile as well, so that's better on mobile versus desktop, and down here below for the form data and options, this is where you would choose
00:08:05where that information is sent, so you would type your email here, and that's where it would go, it would go to that email, and you can enter more than one email address if you separate them
00:08:14with a comma, and you can even post them to a form as well, so if you have a URL or a form data, is located, you can post that there, and this is the text for
00:08:24the submit button, this is going to change what that submit button would look like instead of send form, and here is the help, slash explanation text, here's where you can enter like a brief description, you
00:08:34know, please fill out the information, and we'll get back to you, and then I'll let people know to fill out the information below, and that's going to appear above everything, you can see that just appeared
00:08:42right there below the title, and that's the help explanation text, and for the auto responder, if you want to enable the auto responder, this is going to automatically respond to anyone, if they enter their email
00:08:56address, so in order for this to work, you'll have to actually have an email address field, and ask for their email address in order to actually use the auto responder, and for the auto responder to
00:09:08actually respond to them, they have to enter a correct email address, so once you have that field, the auto responder will work properly, and you can enter your from address, and this will be the email
00:09:21that it appears that it's sent from, as well as the from name, so if you want to do like an actual name, it'll appear from this name at this email address, and that's the subject, so
00:09:32always make sure you put a nice subject, and that's the body of the auto response right here, so this is the text, you'd say, you know, thank you for messaging me, however you want to do
00:09:42it, and whatever you type here is what's going to email to them, you can also integrate with MailChimp, you'd simply log into your MailChimp, find your API key, and you can simply paste that right there,
00:09:55and it's very easy to use, and we are going to be adding more integrations as well, and once we add more, we're going to make some tutorials on that as well, so you can see the
00:10:04free form, it's pretty easy to use, the additional options are just like all the other widgets, you can determine whether this is mobile only or desktop only, and the additional styles, let you determine the background
00:10:17and some of the custom classes, as well as animations as well, so it's pretty obvious, the free form is very easy to use, you would simply click add a new field, choose what field it is,
00:10:29and enter the text, once all of your fields are created, make sure to put your email address in the send to, and you're all set and ready to go