CUEC_Mod12-001 Invoking the Mercury Sphere, master of mercury and mercury wandering.mp4
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00:00:06Right now, I'll be doing a indication of mercury sphere
00:00:12So when we envision the planet of Mercury we can either invasion it being in a blue colour or a yellow colour, so I'm just depending on the outcome
00:00:26You're looking to have more connecting with the planet Mercury that which a particular colour is alright if you have more intense type of
00:00:37And Rochelle come that you want from Macquarie then it come through as a yellow colour like if you want to get an actual download or explore The Mercury libraries on the plant
00:00:48You'll have some connection like that
00:00:50If you're wanting to just have a softer more Aries experience of mercury, and connect it on a on a connect with a sense of enhancing of space answered metal space than then make appear to be
00:01:08more bluish and Colour like a skylight blue
00:01:11Where are the moons fear is connected to astral bodies The Mercury speaker is connected to our mental bodies, and so you may notice and expansion and awareness of the space around
00:01:24Just be aware that feeling as we connect with the energy of mercury, so order first start off by by opening hour magic
00:01:37Start a cash ugly breathing
00:02:15now connect to the light the vocational magician
00:02:22A source of light that abuse you and your magic circle with all the faculties that you need to see through this process of connecting with any other planetary successfully passing through your crown your pineal gland
00:02:40naturalmente body your heart centre
00:02:44Sat reading your ass for your sat reading a physical party allowed to pass through your magical circle
00:02:57Lying it to watch anything
00:02:58That's not in alignment with your success in this process allowing it to fill in new energies that are And now I like you to envision the planet of Mercury above your crown
00:04:09It's visualise it being there
00:04:12imagine at the brother of lights Latest passing it's energy through planet of Mercury and that this light Mercury is now passing through your pineal glands your physical body and through your magic circle each of these
00:04:38layers of the body
00:04:43Caviar yellow colour or sky blue colour or anything in between those two colour variations Whatever colour's come through Aladdin to be
00:07:08maintaining this connection to the Mercure light louder awareness to now connect with the master of the mercury sphere connecting with awareness the lounge cares light to pass through from the brother of life through crown and
00:07:35through bodies
00:07:38creating a space pram to enter your being Do you feel Lainie tension or access entity continually open up your space expanding awareness? Once you've already welcome to invite the master of the mercury sphere
00:08:27Enter your body through your crown
00:08:29Through the 3rd and pass is energy through magic circles well
00:08:36Depending on your country-level can receive them through his mental body and pass that late through
00:08:45And Ophelia for rapport with them you can pass through if everybody's on each level his buddies, as well
00:09:04you're also asking for the master The Mercury for a still only have the positive influences of us some planet and for us to like go and release the planet that we can pursue a path the
00:09:22services Ascension Maintaining your connection with the energy of mercury maintaining the awareness of mercury
00:11:06Love your crown and maintaining focus on
00:11:12You're a connection of the master The Mercury sphere
00:11:15Now I like you to envision the Caprice fear above your crown
00:11:24Really pay attention at and envision something you would like to learn in the spirit Mercury I going there and exploring one of us library
00:11:36This could have to do with one of your business projects
00:11:40You may want to explore information about ways to affect your spiritual Up Revolution Mori me want to just received Insights in a text form from the master the sun severe to help you release from any
00:11:57SIM card or transversions the movie documentaire
00:12:06ID like you to envision that are Chris Fairbrother Crown now and say a prayer to yourself up up up
00:12:17Yourself to go up to the mercury sphere
00:12:20Feeling yourself being sucked in like a magnet like a vacuum
00:12:26Hamburg in exploring libraries Having difficulty is envisioning an entire library or the space
00:14:14You can simply invasion one book allow the pages to flip past backwards in front of you till you come across a picture and image your text that speaks to you
00:14:53If you kaszak Lee breathe into the book that you're reading
00:15:01Take to download the seeds in the information that that broke ass and your subconscious
00:16:56maintaining American action to the Spear Mercury and maintaining your connection to the master of fear Thanks t Mercurial library and the book
00:17:12There are some information from and returning back to your body
00:17:16Still streaming the energy of mercury, and maintaining and open mental space
00:17:33womad information to settle into you for just a moment volley proceed in invoking the first angel of the first shimmer angel of The Mercury Sphere the hunia bakuya v h u i a h Is an
00:18:10email of the first genius of The Mercury Sphere the magician or learn from this genius? How to strengthen his willpower and how to make his belief as firm as a rock in order to be able
00:18:22to do his faculties to increase his power of conviction in such a way that you can directly bring about true miracles magician will be told by this Genius the secrecy of quickly achieving special kinds of
00:18:39magical faculties
00:18:41the huia now inviting the huia and to our bodies Crown Heart Centre done Piano Magic Circle What is the relationship between the huia and the master them agree sphere? I noticed hair working together through three
00:19:40bodies as your stream the bother lights through
00:22:45maintaining connection to the spirit of mercury above your crown maintaining your connection to the huia showing gratitude to the master of the mercury sphere Ordering is Hayley as a can with secret Ms Reverence stillness humility?
00:23:12analogue M2 raise up through back up through through party's over crown and to go back to the mcreese, Fairbrother Crown Wishing him out of the best and wishing him
00:23:24I meant continue connection
00:23:27And if you like before you apart with them, you can reason up to the highest eternal eight you have
00:23:35And then bring him back to his planet
00:23:49Anywhere from 30 to 30 seconds to 1 minute of raising a spirit invoke to light give some
00:23:57a massive massive benefit matter returning the master of the mercury sphere back to his Planet paying attention to the light of mercury still passing through you and paying attention to the huia
00:24:33I'm noticing the difference of a huia working on your body alone
00:24:41verses with the master The Mercury sphere really focusing 100% on the huia Giving him and renovated attention
00:28:47Showing grade to do the huia them up too late for 30 seconds 2 minute highest determine of light you can provide
00:29:46Turn loudest gratitude to descend through three bodies through magic circle
00:29:58And whenever you're ready
00:30:01raising back up to the mercury spear how wish for a continue connection with them? object glasses and amulet or anything you're welcome to store the energy of mercury in that that you've passed through or you
00:30:33can just allowed to store your magic circle
00:30:36as we begin closing after a connection to the planet Mercury you can just do a 102 akashic
00:30:50Granville 800u completely been like then
00:30:55Ready-to-use next time you open up your magic circle
00:31:17You may notice you can't open your eyes how you're meant to space is now much much larger than one before you begin this exercise, very common side effect of connecting with the light of mercury
00:31:36I'm as well with the respective things we also worked with
00:31:42The master The Mercury spearton doorways for you and energy, so you can work with and Behuli I can help you with having completely sweet faith and well, and whenever you're doing, so if you want to
00:31:59have extremely high levels conviction in your magic practise your business, so it work is extremely powerful the work with he also someone you can take through any exercises in the initiation text or any other business
00:32:17or intrinsic
00:32:19Is your working with and you can bring his late instead framework so that you can so you can have extremely fiery wilpattu to get through it, but also have a way which is broken down articulated
00:32:37that can be replicated for her students
00:32:40So it's not just removing all ceviche
00:32:42bohemio slate and if you are a couple istic practitioner, you can also the use the letters of the who yeah in the the Hebrew and you can also you can take ownership of this his type
00:33:00of frequency in all his powers respectively through a for more elastic letter for you, which is in the Kabbalah to play with at another time
00:33:13any questions Louder v e h u i a h behaviour Yeah, I think it provides a viable contrast to see the master The Mercury Spears energy V the new when are both working, independently, bringing way
00:34:01through and then also on their working together and bring in light through
00:34:06I'm with the huia
00:34:09I find that I feel a lot more energy pass through and it's a lot more materialising, and it also provides more resistance for me to more space and releasing more things
00:34:24And I do find this is description about two very accurate of it being willpower having absolutely if in determination, and the process you I'm going through and for the master of the mercury sphere
00:34:38I find his frequencies to be much more more clear glass like I'm kind of like the previous lecture with the with it being farmer for Ms Right There Be potential for for manifest
00:34:58I'm at The Mercury spare hold space for that and knowledge
00:35:05Take her, so keeping an extremely large open mental space the mass of the mercury sphere to be very helpful
00:35:13So that's that ideas, and the actual fact that you need to fulfil your life purpose for a path or to understand the processes of self
00:35:23PlayStation on their layout deck they can present themselves to you through a hole in that space open
00:35:35colour differentiation it's quite interesting to Waitakiri differentiation did you pick up on? yellow came through all the colours quite easy to assimilate that it was fairly yellow with the master wrap