00:00:01Welcome to this e -commerce video
00:00:03In this tutorial, we will see how you can easily create a complete and effective e -commerce system in less than 5 minutes
00:00:10Let's start from the site maker
00:00:13Now let's enable e -commerce first on the site
00:00:15Click on these site options and then e -commerce
00:00:19Here, the first thing you need to do is enable e -commerce
00:00:23As you click on this switch, all the other e -commerce options appear below it, for example, if logged in by your visitors is required for using e -commerce
00:00:33And we actually strongly suggest enabling this as it allows you to more easily manage customers
00:00:38Then you can specify the email address where orders or invoices will be sent and the currency of your e -commerce system
00:00:46You then find the payment details section
00:00:51Here, you can enable Stripe and Paypal as payment methods for your e -commerce
00:00:56In both cases, all you have to do is enter the API details that these two providers will give you and that you find in the Stripe dashboard or in the Paypal developer center
00:01:06Here below, you find the links to the section about Stripe and Paypal where you can find that the info you need to enter in this section
00:01:14You can then manage shipping costs
00:01:17The system works with zones and you can add as many as zones as you want, each one with a different cost, total or for item
00:01:25For example, here we are adding one single zone word with a specific total cost, but you can add other zones with different options
00:01:35Finally, you can manage taxes that will be applied to the shopping cart total
00:01:40As with shipping, you can add as many different taxes as you want, each one with a different type, percentage or fixed amount, like for example, the VIT that most European countries have
00:01:53Okay, you're now done preparing the e -commerce system for your website
00:01:57It's time to add products and create our catalog
00:02:01From the list of pages, you can click on the page where you want to add your list of products
00:02:06Remember that you can create all the commerce pages you want and that allows you to easily create categories, for example
00:02:12Once you choose the page, you need to add the catalog widget and you can even add more than one widget in each page
00:02:20Since we already have this widget, we can click on it and proceed
00:02:24First of all, you can customize the way products are presented in the list by default to each item as an add to cart button and the price shown, but you can hide it by clicking here
00:02:35Now, let's go to the actual list and open a product
00:02:38The first options you see are related to e -commerce
00:02:41You can enter the price of this item here, and even an original price which will be shown crossed out
00:02:48Then you can add a specific additional shipping cost for this item and the maximum quantity each customer can add and buy in his basket
00:02:58Then you find the options and choices section for this product
00:03:02This is very handy for products like clothing, food, accessories, or anything else that has different choices, like sides or collar
00:03:11All you have to do is add a new option, give it a name, and then specify the different choices one per row in this text area right here
00:03:22Okay, moving down, you can specify the product details, like its name, abstract, which is a text shown in lists, full description, obviously, and images
00:03:32So let's save this and let's move to the real website now to see how your e -commerce system behaves and works
00:03:41This is the website you're working on and this is the catalog where you added this product
00:03:47Here you see the price with the original price crossed out, the options, and the add to cart button that you can use to add this product to your basket
00:03:56So let's do it, let's click on it, and here this product has been added to the shopping cart
00:04:03Now you and your users can click on this button to see their shopping cart with the totals, the taxes, and shipping correctly calculated, depending on what you enter in the e -commerce section of your website
00:04:13and ready to be used in the checkout process
00:04:16So let's click on the checkout button and once the building details are filled in, you can either proceed to payment
00:04:24Remember you added the details for stride, so credit cards are available as a payment method, or just send you order without paying it
00:04:32So let's do this, let's send you order without paying it, and you immediately get an email in your inbox at the address you specified in the e -commerce options with all the details about this order
00:04:43and about the customer
00:04:45But that's not all
00:04:46If you go back to your website e -commerce section and click on the show orders button, you see all the orders and invoices you have received ordered by the data with the most recent first
00:04:59You can change status for each order, as you see this order is marked as not paid, and you can open it in a very handy PDF file that you can then save or print
00:05:11So yes, less than five minutes and you now have a complete e -commerce system