JKTQ 003 Single Letter Key Letter E Q&A.mp4
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00:00:00Now I'll do some questions and answers for the letter E
00:00:04And then I open the magic star, and I'll be able to decide the letter E, because we said it's not going to keep it in the room
00:00:12So I decide to get into the acacia, or I do the bones
00:00:16Yeah, for the letter E you can dissolve it back into your magic circle
00:00:20So the same circle that you opened up and created, you can dissolve into that, and that just becomes a part of your acacia feel
00:00:28So you can dissolve any of the acacic energy back into the acacia, where it can be repurposed
00:00:34Because when we're pulling acacia into our space, we're essentially creating a vacuum of acacia
00:00:40And so when that acacia is not in use, it will simply mix back into the void
00:00:45It's kind of like taking a droplet out of the ocean, for, you know, it may be individualized, and you may have a sense and feel of it as it touches your skin, or holding that drop or puddle of water from the ocean, but as soon as you drop it back into the ocean, it just becomes assimilated and completely, completely threaded with it once again
00:01:07For whatever intended purpose you used it for, it can then just be back into itself
00:01:16Any other questions?
00:01:23I have a question
00:01:33Yeah, yeah
00:01:39Yeah, so I'll speak to you, or would you like me to speak past you? Just a little more to you
00:01:47I was like, yeah, through, and like, okay
00:01:53Sounds good Sounds good Sounds good Appreciate it
00:01:57All right
00:01:58I have a question
00:02:00The circle is in, is it in a specific matrix? The acacic circle is within your acacic field, or your acacic body, and so then when you need it, or you need anything from acacia, it can, it just, it's pulled out of your field
00:02:16I don't really feel that the acacic circle is in any region of my body
00:02:20I feel that it's more a part of my field, if that makes sense
00:02:24So you can store energy into the acacia, into certain regions of your body
00:02:30So let's say if you wanted to, if you were a Dallas practitioner and you like to store energy in your, in your Dantian for, because you wanted to use the explicit force for Fajin or for, for push hands or for some other martial application
00:02:44You can do that without having this, the, the by effect product of having, like, being over energized
00:02:51So you still get to store it in your body, but you store it acacically
00:02:55So it's, so you have an endless ability to have, create a Oresovar as opposed to a limit ability, because you have a limit ability when you just store it normally in your Dantian, where you may feel overheated or maybe a lot
00:03:08And you can also do this for other types of regions of your body, if you will, with the exception of the heart and the brain
00:03:16You don't want to mess with the other, those organs because they're extremely vital and important
00:03:20It reminds me, the metaphor reminds me of this, and it's how much it's a good or bad metaphor, where you spend this E-Noggle, this character has a bag, and it's like an interdimensional pocket So it's like a bag of infinite holding, in a sense
00:03:38He just keeps pulling things out of it Is it a Kasha axe like that, in some sense?
00:03:45100% It's a bag of infinite holding
00:03:49Mary Poppins bag? Mary Poppins bag
00:03:52I'm just going to name it up a little bit
00:03:54Yeah, yeah
00:03:58Great So let's move on