CUEC_Mod06-001 Theory on Process & Why to Create Elementals.mp4
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00:00:00Right, so I'm going to talk about how to create Elementals in the book zone metals in popular culture and in modern magical circles more commonly called egregores now Elementals or egregores can be used for premature
00:00:19any possible purpose
00:00:20You can imagine so imagine if you could create a being back at work for whatever single-minded or multi multi specific purpose that you had mind
00:00:30So if you want to be able to restructure reorganise, your unconscious mind to help 18 gone a quick repairs, or you want to send out an ornamental to help acquire something for you, then
00:00:44It's super super useful
00:00:45Hermetically we use them to help develop are character traits to be more aligned with with the hermetica philosophy to have more synchronicity to be more line with our path of service our path ascension sofa
00:01:00That this casing for a price for doing all we do it for that purpose now some things
00:01:07You should know about it ignores Elementals because they are just they're everywhere in society that ever were magical groups medicalodges, so you need to be very conscious of them so that you don't then you can
00:01:27do some protections if there are group group consciousness is that formally intelligence once to attach onto you or other group? Members will be able to dissolve them in and support using a Kasha or Nundle light,
00:01:45but he's a massive massive groups Freemasons and types of Rogers Good and bad so, but if you could happen to you any ancient historical societies you're travelling through through Persia or Monday Iran Iraq in your
00:02:18connecting with any Syrian ddts ancient Persian deities for that matter than were very late for that time
00:02:34And so there is a guidelines head tap and any of those types of things now like you look at all book of all Gods and stuff and you speak
00:02:59Iraq Africa which one societies difference of different things so that you can remain autonomous is individual you know how thoughts your feelings your actions are being influenced so If you want a larger scale and more
00:03:32microscale for magicians for people who are into this type of work, or you can create these Elementals for specific purposes Dalby with your medic exercises, so, let's see if you want to have more assistance with
00:03:48your step one step two step three mental and physical training Elementals are fantastic for that they can help you realign your subconscious and open up different opportunities different gateways
00:04:01We have not seen for it
00:04:04So really will give you a reminder still energetic charge to put you on the pack towards me through your head all those and make sure that you are following the path herself herself, so that's why
00:04:20when we first $3 menthols were Takata create them with a long time 1 You can you give the timeline for the for how long they will live in 24 how long will fill the philippus be
00:04:36there in your you also describe the Sheep colour of them as well as as well as any other male comments of what you'd like to do like
00:04:46What's the purpose for me? I always name Louise put the process in the name of the day and in the names elemental, because that gives it's actually so usually I'll start it's like so if I'm
00:04:59eating almonds over stillness, Dharma ok, and then I can connect with that after I've done that ok, those both totally resonate and elevate other so
00:05:18It is really matter when you give it, but it does matter that you give an Inlet synchronous with this purpose if you wanted to have the best back or family
00:05:27So when we first started making Elementals that you don't make a non-metal that last in longer than 7 days and you might be asking her
00:05:38Why is 7 days that seems can't well the fact that matters is that you're reading it for 7 days so that you are creating an effective feedback loop so that when you join all the time
00:05:50you have with your mental
00:05:51You are connected you you can stay effective was elements are left for filling the intended purpose, and thereby helping government offer fillers
00:06:09It's it's purpose and being created and helping you or helping other person
00:06:14What about might be so you're doing a 7-day increments at first so that you You're preaching of Salvation so you can give her that they're working for you, and it's not working quite as well as
00:06:27you like, then that gives you an opportunity to Regis look at why didn't really feel my purpose this Wallace time OK for a few days, but then it seems to say what happened
00:06:39Did I charge an energetically enough? Did I was in the process of creating it? Ignore it when it was matching elemental what see if we want to do the day and we create an elemental to
00:06:56reduce the food cravings then help us help from the food, but it's completely if you given to if you give it to it what they are not graded
00:07:18Then then you're basically your unconsciously actively ignoring it
00:07:22So then it's my other pills purpose sell
00:07:37There's also another important factory look at this with the theory aspect, and that is where we're taking animal mental energy from
00:07:44Are we taking the Elemental energy from the four elements were? Washing all together and using a car show in breath to bring like to it, or we get a use non delight to create governmental
00:07:58So answer that is light as the substance used to create orbitals
00:08:07Well, that's because if you create an element with them down our plan to work on her subconscious to help synchronise things, and then once it comes back
00:08:28It will pull itself back up to Nundah white
00:08:32If something comes down from 9 till 8 and come down here
00:08:35It's very likely to return to 9 Delight just as a byproduct of modulating septum or wonderful more beautiful state of being
00:08:45If you create something of your it's going to buy the for have a self-preservation sent the most dangerous thing that can happen with an elemental is that it doesn't have a time set limit on whether
00:08:57it becomes sentients and tries to preserve itself indefinitely and in that case is an insight energy review or other people and in Woodburn terms become a phantom words intelligible, because intelligent and adaptable and sneaky sneaky
00:09:22vampire surround late, so it's best
00:09:27Just walk from it's because it's working for the best possible skills service and Ascension When you finding all metals with late, you might not get what you want, but you're going to get what you need
00:09:46rate was essentially the mad the path is back
00:09:49If you're getting it once then, why are we here and to continually get what we need to fill up at the service and the best sell something on your spirit something when you're working at the
00:10:08nation process
00:10:09He is or working with letters, it's not it's not what you want to start getting you
00:10:17Probably need to increase your abilities
00:10:23You're still here reference for life and you probably need to have the money to have a waste of independence and freedom any mini money for your family extended family or other people you're serving business
00:10:40It's something you need as opposed to you
00:10:43Not just one so if you can find them, but make sure it's not something you want like I want clairvoyants, cos I want to see ghosts deceased or or is it something that's more selfish and
00:11:08things that we need are things that we need to call through through our selves through service for people or in-service teachers
00:11:17Or as as Leaders are people work for filling a professional industry drop could be professional or just however you wish to pass it on to something you want to give your family, but just has to
00:11:32be bigger than yourself
00:11:32Is it on that elementals? Lounge room light like to learn how to do element falls from Kasia and in the four elements with that as well, but ID be doing it from from four elements with
00:11:58you over how to write down in your journal and read out the name of the spirit and the and the qualities of the Spirits the shape and so forth in the next few