PME006-Aladiah -EARTH ZONE #2 - Invocation and Serving Spirits Protocols (rd2-2).mp4
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00:15:01Creating your face in that sort of master
00:15:04Does it uses it thinks it out and and performs actions that benefit you and benefit people around you going with
00:15:12Doesn't tell usually work
00:15:14Ok any any questions on working with Ashmore to die and the exercises that we did
00:15:23There's a lot of exercise is happening said that any questions for you move on those types of things that they run on issue
00:15:41The body levels the other physical the astral the mental and working within a car shed light, and it's something that they give you enough for you and no one else and that's why you can't find
00:15:53anything written an ebook
00:15:54That makes any sense about what it is so so that if I was Give you a direction on it inside each of the centre of gravity of your body's you have a a type of that
00:16:13centre gravity have more Kashif connection
00:16:15So whatever you accumulate in your physical centres are gravity as an essence pulls towards I've talked to frequencies, so you'd accumulate new physical
00:16:24Yeah, actually
00:16:24Can't talk of the Crown and the type of like you working with accumulates like gemstones that Regulate line
00:16:36They're almost like I like if you put light through Ruby the light coming out the other side of the rubies different
00:16:47What went in and contains frequencies that have a fact on the Spirit but you work with invoke it and no teach you when you figure it out
00:16:58Ok, so Ashmore to die has a couple of his head had Servants of we want to work with his
00:17:13His first and Glory and when you working with them these these spirits
00:17:23I will assign the my suitable banks that are connected to him to you to work with and what I found once you're connected into a bang like this is that he's on usually strong character
00:17:41So I always go up to the sun's fear to his boss
00:17:46I invoke his boss to come down regulated through me rather
00:17:51Just go directly to him
00:17:52So when we get to the sun's for your stage later in the week
00:17:57Will invoke the sun through this being to keep everything in the line and it just works better and more clip, but once that that Ocean alarm pattern is is stablished the you know his Generals and
00:18:21all these beans that are underneath him
00:18:23I just sent them being there
00:18:26I don't ask her name or create dialogue or anything like that
00:18:31They're just regulating frequencies, so I don't want to get into the single developing relationships that form types of attachments that Locker part of my Astral nature into the relationship these beans are to me, or just
00:18:48conductors of light in the past service to Providence and I go to my house level of a Tumut through the sun's fear and radiate that threw them, so they can fill Fill their purpose formal emotional
00:19:05That's more like playing a piano and in Aged Care and each string is just vibrating energy and sound and that's their
00:19:13IStay relatively distant emotionally from all the beings
00:19:19I work with outside of the sun's fit the ones inside the sun's for it's much more challenging to remind distant, but your your best bet with these is just a look at look at each of
00:19:33these dangerous as Servants of divine
00:19:36Providence of the Universal Mind that a filling a fulfilling a role and when you invoke light it passes through them they Regulate that light for so now comes and this keeps you different enough not to
00:19:50develop emotionally attached relationships and these beings when you do this at first glance you think this is kind of rude and in that you're not answering them with an emotional relation we do with people but
00:20:06to them
00:20:06It's an honour because you're going to your highest and streaming light through them so that they can not only Call their tasks more efficiently, but it's a conductor pathway for them to work upwards neck stronger
00:20:20Iron connections as well as connections going down
00:20:24So you're utilising their their tuning fork to run light
00:20:31You're connected to through and they benefit from that and as soon as you generator some emotional thing with them
00:20:38You're unable to do that anymore because it looks you onto the Astral and stops you connecting to that on your non-dual natured use that conductive pathway right from the beginning your relationship should be the these
00:20:55beings are all on the path of light 7th of divine Providence as you are and you're connecting light through them in that service, and then it removes all counting problems that removes all these other aspects
00:21:09of emotional attachment any
00:21:13If you spent too much too much time with a day, Deanna A relatively motion wages blocks you from going beyond it
00:21:20You don't want to work up there there there because you've develop something here
00:21:24So the some psychology when you take the psychology through the laws resonance a very quickly sorts out all the emotional stuff that doesn't need to be there and it goes it's just light passing through a
00:21:38network and this is the network
00:21:40You always go to your highest and pasta light through and it is just a simple rule
00:21:46That will protect you on a whole range of different levels and the Marrickville to they benefit from is far greater than generating emotional relationship
00:21:54Most of these beings do not like emotional relationships because they see if it is like I'm not another one of those that cause if you're emotionally attached to Liquor help you but can't stream through the
00:22:08the connection connected network because you've Now created resistor ring you on them
00:22:13So on the whole bunch of reasons why you don't want to know the name of every being your interacting with other hierarchy Banks to connect to them Uniden name students their frequency, but they're serving spirits
00:22:27and servants will change according to what your need is, so you don't need to know the names
00:22:33You just feel them, or you might see them, and and and respect accordingly, but as soon as I feel one of the server experience interacting I know that relationship with the type of gratitude of light
00:22:46and and that's enough
00:22:48I don't need to take it any further
00:22:50It's not like human interactions are saying hello and greeting
00:22:55How you doing it or anything like that
00:22:57You don't go into that space
00:23:00Ok, so holiday here He's one of the main Servants under and you'll find that all his heads of very good with you Apple find the elements
00:23:22If you bring in any of the Lords of the elements, and then you bringing mushroom died his servant, actually appear so according to need everything is stronger like a ramping up of power, and when you're
00:23:38using elements, all as elements are very very ground in the astrophysical the accounting problem becomes more, Townsville cos there's such physical things until you wouldn't even do anything about a year or so of working with
00:24:00a being through light
00:24:01You'll get us a sensitivity
00:24:03What's permissible
00:24:04What's not permissible working with the physical natural energies, so these being
00:24:09Are you liking control storms and then I can vote crane and do all these types of things that has a very high degree of accountability doing something, so you have to be sensitive to to why
00:24:24you would do that
00:24:25There's a certain amount of us because I just need to practise
00:24:28So you just practise those things to experience explore them, but then from there has to be very very common
00:24:38Clear admissible reason
00:24:40Why you do that? So I generally avoid using manifesting elements that way because I feel these connections are minding me from raising up
00:24:51You do heavier elemental being work in your physical Astral body
00:24:56I can become much harder to to raise up and turn on Geo light
00:25:00So cos you it's like you just built an anchor down here rather be able to ascend up there, so I only use his beings in the Balancing Elements For equanimity in release and I very rarely
00:25:13do anything else I do that with elemental Binks that's the primary function of users to create equanimity for Ascension so it's there
00:25:23I use them in the releasing capacity not in the manifesting capacity because the direction to take if you if you are utilising these beans in a manifesting capacity you have an accounting thing, which you have
00:25:37to be very sensitive to so you're not taking on karma
00:25:41Ok? Allah die
00:25:47Howarda now when I was working with my teacher
00:25:54He said anyway being that finishes in a h or an play John the name you can drop it off
00:26:01So you would go la di, not elodie
00:26:06Yung it with the h&y my teacher said that I don't know but he said he'll give you vibrate more vibrational clear connection, but other than that why buttonwood the rest, and I'm not sure, but I
00:26:22do recall something like that being mentioned somewhere in the book once so when you read through the book
00:26:28You might read that comment that Barton made basically wants to bring it in light in the bank on through they come through it so that has it's not too much of an issue
00:26:40But if you're aware of it, it may make a difference for you and the beginning
00:26:50Show me the light and will bring this so we first Ashwin die than other dial in the same rhythm open your magic circle switch it on you later if you want to strengthen it
00:27:14You're pretty physical matrx
00:27:16You're a whole physical gravitational field, and relax it up to the Crown a frequency the Crown rests on the ground in a circle around here you raise up and Delight What's the lightstreams the three bodies
00:27:41fill your circle? light Ash Warner die instrumental body Regulate frequency of that light passing through filling a circle Play some invitation for Ulladulla come down here mental body
00:28:07And feel his face on your face relax your face and his face
00:28:12I get a sense of this frequency of the spirit
00:28:40Turn light white light through his frequency through the three bodies and your circle
00:28:46the path of light guide protect news your hands to sense that lighter the come through frequency of taxon and from the hands
00:29:18Use the whole class engine field divider Astral bodies and spirit
00:29:26just sensors frequency Whenever working with the new spirit, there's a frequency that your student on the pathway that you're inviting
00:30:01the path of light for your ascension and your service Japan's lost and asked and projecting intent of what you wish that should be the underlying projection before they even asked the question
00:30:26That will set the frequency of liked it at spirit passes through
00:30:36Basically grounds here Wish by drying the light through vibrational changes that make your ascension process easier and your service process is here, so I the Livestream to three bodies and your magic circle and your physical
00:30:56metrics and it will naturally reticulate through the trial field and circulate through the bodies
00:35:05Can you shine gratitude? raising awareness of of the crown with really solid
00:35:17I'll smack into its domain