CUEC_Mod08-003 First Invocation Fire Phyrum.mp4
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00:00:00In this video, or get it you are very first invocation together spirit Hiram or Paul up his pdf for the Francis Crick and read from that
00:00:16Hiram spell p y r h u m in the kingdom of the Elements is a powerful spirit of fire in the rank of a king or sovereign
00:00:27A great number of Fire spirits are subject to is power in are constantly disposal Hill reveal special methods for the magician who rules him methods by which the magician may have striking success with the help
00:00:40of the fireman pyra
00:00:41May also put spirit of the Elements at the magician's disposal who being in possession of the same power assist
00:00:47Himself are able to bring about the same effects as he himself with fat from Byron 1 tomorrow, but everything also about everything that maybe a cheap match clearly by The Pure element of Fire also in
00:01:00cases were influences to the farm involve
00:01:02Param bring about the desired effect
00:01:05Every magician getting into contact with this virus
00:01:07Spirit will be able to convince themself of this of his versatility the sign of the seal must be drying red colour on the piece of paper at the time of its first evocation one may also
00:01:19use a small emplate instead of the blotting paper and engrave the sign of the sea lion hotels men produce in this man, must however always The shape of a pentagon the latest 7 guys for all
00:01:30signs of seals for being to the fire principal so essentially one thing this this entry talks about introduces is at that
00:01:39He has sharing spirit Settlers powerfulest him and then if you request of him, you can also get a service spirit whatever your needs are so this brings us to the 9:15 exercise were it will be
00:01:50asking each of the respective things down
00:01:53That's the first people in entries
00:01:54Will ask them for mental Firth and so forth, and then that will be those individuals
00:02:04Can they be used for a quad core magnet other people at Parliament for might happen, and enjoy her or A4 size as well, but we just have them as a reference for it when it anytime
00:02:17you need to cut the quad report main exercise for being elements
00:02:21They get a huge game huge benefit of doing the quarter for anger exercise, so they take it
00:02:27Seriously in more than willing to help
00:02:29It's a huge privilege definition for them since they don't have the ability to access the Roman subcells
00:02:35They get to you in sunsense have that by Kerser through Spotify if you mad at
00:02:42How many magicians are on the world is extremely rare occasion, so it's big big thing, which means else expect serious this out of you, as well
00:02:52Maybe a beginner, or you do this and so patient with you would definitely be judging you on your development towards having a lot of concentration stillness free to do the rest of the series of this
00:03:06course, and you'll get the sense of that as you can connect with you'll feel that intuitively so invoking Parramatta second the last night's you mention is how we need talk about his seal having to be
00:03:20has to be to have a pentagram around a pentagon
00:03:27Really need to do that stuff unless you want to so the words must that definitely hasn't applied to do it
00:03:37May just be a nice lady to have especially for someone who likes to draw has fine penmanship men barber burn
00:03:44Had incredible penmanship rate over personal Carpet One those books were here, and it's and notes of a graphology German and stand that but the point being is like that was one of his interest and stuff
00:04:09for him and his price
00:04:10That's something
00:04:10You must have added you and early in the day when people brother stitches out further and pen ink for the Dakar down beeswax to cover plates than having some Sara material anchor for these things made
00:04:26them more born
00:04:27Play it's less important than our days for the help but again accessories3 into the invocation of the first step
00:04:37You need to do and invoking spirit is opening hour Magic Circle so imagining a purple circle circle around you and start a cache clear breathing
00:05:18Compared to the path of light and went poorly the light of the vocational magician
00:05:26allow that to pass through Crown louder just at your pineal gland
00:05:35Really loud to fill up anal gland as it passes down and to your heart centre, or it
00:05:41Be distributes and saturates year Astral body feel that
00:05:48lol energy to pass through in feelinginear
00:05:51fiscal saturate your physical body
00:05:59Alarm energy to pass through your magic circle
00:06:04Insidious 2 continuous stream down throughout the rest of this exercise No sense where you've invoking a electric fire being before welcome to do an electric pasta if that helps you synchronise with it
00:06:34So having your feet on the ground having your forward and having a electric posture may help
00:06:44You generate that energy
00:07:00now me notice that automatically your body string to Bruce more the Fire Element this is the life of the vacation additional working because he worries about the intention to do this rich and the light of
00:07:13the vocational education is working as a function of that and helping fulfil the process even if you're not fully controversy wherever the time Not feeling that you're heading produced the fire on that now or invoke
00:07:27it through this light
00:07:31What's a cream fire inside of yourself that when you're looking poem you have a settle for suitable environment friend to come thru? As soon as you're ready you can buy the you can write the light
00:08:24of pyrum to pass through you and services, so that his light the first thing that comes through as opposed to his mental astrophysical part of himself
00:08:36Just following the letter poem to pass through a throw Crown parties, Ashleigh Barty physical body
00:09:52handbook Empowering through bugger crown, and through through bodies and broken through his mental body
00:10:01So his mental late is passing through Crown saturate your pineal gland sat reading is mental saturating your Astral and your physical
00:10:18I'm passing through magic circle
00:10:57I feel lot of residence of pyrum, and you like to feel my undp level you can invite his astrolology down bugger Crown through three bodies do magic circle astralite to be to be filtered through the
00:11:14brother too late
00:11:15So that's all everything still in Resonance with your past the service in Ascension If you like, you can ask Perrin for a serving spirit
00:13:57telling intention energetically missing you you get confirmation
00:14:04You get a sense of having a servant spirit
00:14:08That's now they're serving you
00:16:36Snooze you're ready beginner raising pirate to the highest town of light you have you can do the physical mechanical motion lick raising and upwards and feeling I'm coming up there
00:16:53Or you can just hold their hands up
00:16:56And then imagine him going up from lover Crown up up up
00:17:00So highest 2 minutes late can possibly access and try pushing past, but further further further empower
00:17:09My other way up as high as it can into the highest frequency in Adelaide Do this for 30 seconds to minutes? holding up in lamp volume 20 all the lady can Bring that being from late
00:18:24back down from late
00:18:26Yourself to feel like contrast of energy of light
00:18:32Feel his light passing through you that is recently acquired
00:18:37Look forward to share with you from a sense of gratitude
00:18:45Do you have a visual picture of them sense how he seems different since his touch late? See if you're different if you're having a clarinet experience
00:18:56And feel hendrikus sentence for your body
00:18:58You're having a sensation through there
00:19:11Show gravity for Param amazing set a mental cancel Santa Crown And now I'm vision on a senior Crown in going back to say a volcano or back to you some fiery place in earth, here
00:19:40You can just imagine him cause he's already in there
00:19:45It's ear so you can find it's way probably fine
00:19:48But if you have a sense organ visualizer volcano or somewhere with lots of heat than that will be self-effacing be very helpful and show gratitude
00:20:00The level of gratitude you show at the rear end dictates the level of connection you'll have with this being afterwards
00:20:07So if you have a great sense of gratitude you I love your reference, and it's very likely this relationship
00:20:12So so they could buy then you made me not connect to this being so much again
00:20:21That's special the first time you got being but just give you a general senses like going and meeting someone for the first time and getting sell them
00:20:33How are you? Say goodbye them
00:20:35Usually kiss the other rest of relationships going to be same thing here
00:20:42Snooze ready return to your body come back to the space around you
00:20:47Anything interesting around you how you feel experience like that was your first time hello journal take some notes, but the name the being that it looks like if you're able to try doing the quick sketch
00:21:05of the beans eyes, and maybe the facial structure can be super helpful, and then you can also write down the hexagon exercise for your ex gone in rate from a scale from 1 to 10 the
00:21:18point the peak of exploring clairvoyance you felt that pretty low being 9:50 and the closest sentience
00:21:28Just marking the experience we had in connection with that being and going around that the top being inside then clairvoyants
00:21:39Ian Sinclair sentients in Clare smell than Clare taste so just experience of the procedural and was a success in and write down some ways to get your procedure for next time
00:22:01I'll see you next video keep writing notes and keep having fun with this practise