PME025-VENUS -Quadripolar Concentration -Healing -Immunity (RD8-1).mp4
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00:00:00Alright, that's some
00:00:05continue dragonspine vital breathing release the body Optimise your posture
00:00:25Kasia breathing saturate The Matrix of straight away if a Kasha generates separation and freezer mindup open up the physical matrx to release the body's astromatrix to release the feelings the mental matrx to release the mind
00:00:55move to the Ettrick matrx, and the Crown chakra
00:01:02Am I releasing a crown chakra you increase your connection to a Kasha bathrobe of the Crown invite okashi through the three bodies and for me magic circle Next we invite cavitational light above the crown from
00:02:31universal light satellite of educational magician stream that through the three bodies and your circle
00:03:40Visualise the planet Venus above the Crown mentally transfer of that frequency
00:03:49we got a car she'll breathing at frequency through the physical Astral mental bodies and charging your circle with your car show, Venice Lance inviting the light of Venice through the Crown stream through the middle astrophysical
00:04:48body into magic circle
00:04:53Reminder 10 connects and releases at through the bodies and chef Circle observing minder separate to that watching the intending mind
00:05:03Do it sting your hands and body
00:05:07Feel the energy system relaxing everything through the energy and the white condenses as a substance in your magic circle in the body, very sensitive to that as well
00:08:22how to accumulate to substance feel it in your hands Novus energy of emerald green report this emerald green magnetic fluid filled and the body feel it in the the wall between your hands remind sensitive to
00:08:50Molly sensitise yourself to it these you'll be to connect to it
00:09:36How's your mind feel the energy separate The Observer from the party? That is doing the feeling? The class sentient part of your mind observing party of Mind SO observe your close sentence the feeling of the
00:10:00You intend to bring stream through an increase the energy feeling increases
00:10:08brookhouse condensing into form I want to establish to sell sensation of the Venus energy
00:12:08If you increase the energy or you have to do is use the okashi Venus has the strength and relax at lighter Venus through little bit faster Albert stronger and condensed more of it through the night
00:12:28or physical body
00:12:31Separating recorder pollinator of your mind The Observer the quest sentience the intention of bringing the energy through and the density of energy for respect for you mind separate
00:12:51Natasha avenus is a conductor
00:13:00I carry the cross mattresses
00:13:23Lowset houses finished accumulates and has a tendency to clean buttercream to the bones to the muscles to the blood
00:13:34just skin happy hate very very full with ugly How's your accumulating this energy, you can put a very specific past got command into it
00:14:47you want to put that that command from above the Crown it might be to have a very high quality experiences Newlife experiences with a spiritual experiences emotional reactions wealth experiences Whatever you want, you want the
00:15:12highest quality of experiences to flow through
00:15:25To bring that tardiness energy of high-quality experiences
00:15:29It's got a slight to you for equality to it
00:15:37And just like that you for a CT quality pass through the three bodies
00:16:55frequency of value for rear how are you do sensitise yourself to how it affects the cells cell regeneration Longevity Lifespan Harbour spirit open from this year for equality want you to ever expand through the three
00:17:17bodies and observe out opens everything up and taxable
00:21:26You pay attention to the Synergy you get exactly what you pay attention to if you chilling C4 quality an expansion activation
00:25:30KFC owner relationship Whether it's our life partner husband wife or friend
00:25:40Someone is very close to you and you wanted balance that relationship
00:25:46I want you to visualise that person new minds eye
00:25:5211th su visualising, there's a field of positive connections, and then they're sick elections, which aren't that are creating disturbance aggravation and conflict
00:26:08We want to do with all those conflict connections is to take this lighter, Venus and balance and harmonising anywhere where there's an aversion force between you and this person would hear it created Harmony with the
00:26:24sweetest energy and visualise the person you mind tune into them
00:26:29Start harmonising
00:26:37energy first harmonising the mental body you can let it flow from their mental into the actual physical form
00:31:46collect faceter the Sexercize take this euphoric feeling of energy
00:31:54And put it on the leading-edge every interaction with every new person you meet
00:32:01so whenever a new person comes into your life someone looks at you this energy moves from your Astral body that touches that person and activates and adventure spirit of Euphoria Activate Longevity for the person happiness
00:32:22gratitude for life activates a positive stream with an every person you touch someone looks at you
00:32:32This energy released to where they are where you see them and not and give them the sensation, Euphoria I'm gonna put this on the outer skin of an energy field of Russell body
00:32:49Anything that touches at out of skin quality release into the spirit
00:32:59Finish times energy releases into their spirit special resonance with frequency increases due to loss resonance
00:36:26Gameloft facet of exercise is self-healing, so we want to relax this emerald green light into your body into a memories and negative memory negative emotional scars
00:36:44That's in there
00:36:45We want to dissolve that with the flight so from the present moment working back in time
00:36:50Go through each of your emotions that have arisen
00:36:53I just as off equal ass
00:36:58If you all your past emotional relationship environment to people things two places and clear the slow moving back in time
00:37:09Whatever arises when your consciousness of the address Just put the healing quality in the harmonising quality into it and solve it and move backwards and time
00:40:43How to move back in this timeline you'll notice that your body's getting softer? There's a feeling in your personality
00:40:51That was very gentle quality for pure heart, which is open inside at frequency just encourage gentilis
00:42:14Can we eat to maintain this feeling when you open your eyes? My timer continuity of the sensation we have a break
00:42:31There's a an Astral connection to people on your environment the way you communicate so we have habits of communication and that if you want to change a habitat how you communicate with people? There's a degree
00:42:51of mindfulness that needs to be brought into place, so that you can change a habit
00:42:57So if that's a in Western society of someone's all bit aggressive towards you as an unconscious mechanism that your aggressive back to build yourself protective is we give it back to the personal equal level they
00:43:12give to you, and that's have it all people have if you wanted to change that have it when energy like that is around you
00:43:25And if then said are rather than vibrationally matching aggressive energy, you just connect
00:43:31Sanity amplified slightly and make about the reflector for person is in an angry mood, and someone smiling
00:43:44They can't send angry at that person very efficiently because of no resonance for the connection to take Place Skye like are there happy and smiling
00:43:54I should be angry, but if that person was walking towards you in a sense their anger and you bought your inner your strength up then there's resin as foreign exchange of energy to take place because
00:44:06his asthma affect happening, so what we want to do is Vienna Savage Garden defy all these different connections and relationships to environment to people
00:44:16This is not just people environment as well can create a field of this Venus and she was neutralise and shifts the reflection when someone looks at you you can Regulate what they feel
00:44:31How's the reflection when they connect you and what very often happens is when a person looks at you will have their profile judgements about you, and then every time someone has had that projected upon you
00:44:51a create Sir a reflection of feeling that then you reinforce
00:44:57That was sending about to them unconsciously when they look at
00:45:01What we want to do a neutralise that feedback loop resonating with whatever projector this so if someone projects at you that you're an addict and then then you find things within yourself that are inadequate then
00:45:17get 3 and forced or if you buffer it with a higher frequency of energy, and Harmony and and always are raising everything up with yourself to your highest
00:45:30It doesn't get to you
00:45:31It doesn't doesn't reach you not you
00:45:33Don't resonate with people's words and let them have power over you, but fucking something out of your unconscious and Anna inciting a behaviour
00:45:40You control them by emanating this Venus energy out and softening the relationship giving them smile new for quality in the spirit, and they're having a better day so by creating an alpha tuning fork for your
00:45:57and after a body to be true to itself
00:46:00The external environment Caesars to trigger you and the people projections
00:46:05Don't touch your unconscious mind that affect you cause you don't let them in
00:46:09So this is Venus and feel that you would around yourself as a quality
00:46:17I like within it, but it's got a an adventurous spirit, and I've got all these Mark goes for the frequency in my memory
00:46:26So you stand in front of incredible tree and you connect to it and you get to C4 it feeling of view, and you look out of you and your mind blows out and you're beautiful and
00:46:43you connect to it, and you can have for a kayak
00:46:48And every time that happens
00:46:50You create a mocha in your unconscious mind that does Venus energy
00:46:54He's going to stimulate that euphoria, and go down life is so good and then it would be
00:47:00Around your energy field you can compartmentalising if you want and activate them under certain conditions cause when you first start doing this you creating a lot of chemistry in your brain that you used to producing
00:47:13see your body have to produce more of it
00:47:15And any feeling of euphoria
00:47:19Is chemical, so you're your body's ability to produce this feeling is limited to start with and then it increases more more more more and you may have met people that they have a gentle Beauty and
00:47:38the nature of the soft heart is pure heart and you meet them in and a part of your melts to match that person so there's such a wonderful person, and they put up this caring quality
00:47:50That's non-judgemental on your blessings and Venus energy in its pure state has that so when you meet people that are unconscious
00:48:00Consciously connected to the penis
00:48:03Energy is a purity in their heart, which makes you melt and go I want to be like that, but how do you know this is a quick question? How do you be genuinely good person that
00:48:15doesn't have any judgements about anyone there interacting with that his understandings were able to listen to people and have that soft quality of the spirit
00:48:23So Venus encourages out
00:48:26Tell that frequency now you're going to when you pull this Venus energy through you're going to secure it into a way that see if you for big part of my life
00:48:39I like touring going to places of power going to Mountain tops
00:48:44Going to Forest living in forest, so these will my Maccas for my you for a feeling that I would use Venus energy to interact with cos everything below that I wasn't really interested in so most
00:48:58of my Venus energy
00:49:00It's not for me to relate to people because I didn't want to gauge that when and use a lot of time and that it's the way engage places places of power sacred spaces things stimulate the
00:49:13spirit for spiritual growth
00:49:14How's my choice? Whatever you've been as for and then for interacting Society will I I saw pull it back and close my brother? Just prefer to be that way if you're if you are a people
00:49:31person by nature, and then you really going to amplify this famous energy with all your interactions with people
00:49:37I suggest you do that to start work
00:49:40So you can balance out your personality and stop people from eliciting negative reactions out of you, unconsciously you would buffets in place, and then once you understand how this frequency works
00:49:55You can choose spectrums with it that you reflect
00:49:58So if let's say I take a stereotype of a girl who is exceptionally beautiful and where is very very revealing clothes now that is a reflection of that Venus and she she wants people to look
00:50:11at it and get a tension and that she can feel beautiful
00:50:14That's that emanation once that emanation is in her unconscious
00:50:20She doesn't have to wear a revealing clothes, but people will still look at it the same way for type of feeling of she's so beautiful without the without without without the the external side there internally
00:50:34that person becomes that way and I am and like that, and that's so so like a stereotype example, but this will happen on whatever level you wanted to happen, so if let's say we take a
00:50:48a person I knew when I starting gemology, so I was doing a gymology degree and it's telling gemstones
00:50:58Stores in Southport and there is one person in the room was a fellow student who just knew everything doesn't matter what Crystal it
00:51:07Was it? It's like what that person should not student and I admired that so much when I interactive the person
00:51:15They made me feel like I knew a lot more than I did so that person emanated this the feeling of I want to be like that cos I just got so much told about crystals in
00:51:27and thinking about it now
00:51:29It's a lot
00:51:29It's only gemstones and crystals
00:51:31It's not a universal knowledge
00:51:33When is the spiralling to learn when that person you so much it, automatically stimulate something for me
00:51:42I have got to study harder and be like that, so that person was emanating at unconsciously had no idea that they were affecting at all the other students in the room and making them more excited
00:51:52to study gymology, so this this this frequency
00:51:58This person's putting out totally unconscious
00:52:01They didn't know but it was very very admirable
00:52:03So this is a type of Venus energy
00:52:07That stimulate was stimulating a an intellectual behaviour weapon people and an emotional excitement for that intellectual learning to learn and it was just that one thing so Venus effects every interaction with your environment with people
00:52:24with pets and so forth
00:52:26It's bring something out in under certain conditions when you identify those within yourself, and how your interacting with your environment
00:52:36You can choose where you want this being this energy to have the largest Mount impact on you and the lodgement impact on other people
00:52:45She wanted to it's your choice now
00:52:47You have to calculate it feel it generator, and make it happen
00:52:51So as a basic starting point for Venus energy
00:52:58Will become very friendly with you, when you build that energy will just walk up to you and say hello and and start a social interaction is a very strong magnetic pull in Venus and to make
00:53:10that happen people feel like you are family when you build that energy this best quality when you started experimenting with it
00:53:19You do it and under the guy this is practise
00:53:23I'm just going to amplify
00:53:24The sea work goes and get to learn what the energy is and then you find unit to the functions that you want or you haven't on off switch for it
00:53:33They switch it on switch it off and because you'll notice
00:53:37It's a two-way thing that if you're not careful with the Venus energy you'll get stuck to things in are you look at in a new object that you bought and you'll be at well? This is
00:53:48so cool and I'm so glad I got this and you'll you'll be literally taking any Wi-Fi calling on your heart and hugging and going and what happened
00:53:58That's just an iPhone to a relationship
00:54:04So you actually trapping yourself by building it and it'll tell the people and your relationship chair environment
00:54:12So you going to be very very mind for with the way to fax your mental after on physical stickiness to your external environment when you build these tuning forks of euphoria
00:54:25When you look at a view on the other mountains or connect to a temple or amazing forest and you get euphoric about it
00:54:32That euphoria has to be something is generating ascension pattern or your mind expanding your sensitivity is expanding your new Faculty Zara opening so like while can feel more and you get excited to practise more than
00:54:45what you don't want is be hugging your iPhone so it can go both ways
00:54:52You get a new toy and and and you staring at that new wondering why you're staring at your new
00:54:58And that's been a Synergy you can open you up and expand you or I can pull everything and close it
00:55:06So when you are building the energy
00:55:11You have to profile it according to it expanding your path of light your spiritual ascension and opening up your Faculty and making everything work better what energy is strongest out is class sentience your ability to
00:55:32listen to people without charging them your ability to two cents worth in a person at what they needs are to be able to care for people like nursing for instance is a very strong penis quality
00:55:48your ability to to come to the right conclusions to support someone and they if someone's got a probably see the problem, and you have a solution and How to support that person all those type of
00:56:01a nurturing qualities are naturally there within the business energy by simply inviting it through you'll get sensible that your intimacy will shift dramatically when when two people are together be as a percentage of how much
00:56:21they open up heart, how much to open up from cells physically and mentally to the person there with when you practise Venus and as you open more of yourself
00:56:31You expose more of your weaknesses, and it makes you feel very vulnerable, but ridiculously happy about being vulnerable
00:56:41So Venus just dissolves all those blockages emotionally
00:56:45It also give you an insight you black white mirror
00:56:49So if you train the Venus energy correctly, when you look at your mirror you see a lot more there is a lot more of yourself, you seal
00:56:58How you interact with people on places and situations? You see how you think feel honoured
00:57:05Can you drive a car all these little facets that are normally ignore and also become very obvious through
00:57:12This is Venus energy hear
00:57:14You're looking in the mirror a lot more than you did previously that all naturally happen
00:57:21If you and if you look at the negative side of Venice you have all the reptilian brain qualities of being a sexual predator
00:57:33Always always trying to control people with with with as lower frequencies, so it does have a very low Darkside to it and also has a very positive expanding side to it
00:57:47So you're your ability to to just see that and should make a choice
00:57:52This is what I want if you find yourself chain
00:57:58Up in leather and some old lady whipping you one day
00:58:01That's when you know you really screwed up and if ID the boiling frog, you didn't see it coming it you got trapped Vienna straps you and you don't know you're even sucker punched, and that happens
00:58:14to a big percentage of people train Venus energy, and the reason
00:58:18Why is when you mind touch a something it goes
00:58:22I can have that and you know you can have that and then it's a matter of release or not release and the moment you don't release your your mind hidden in relation to the mindfulness
00:58:37You just shows so of the low-frequency it now owns you because you allowed it on you and all the sexual perversion on the planet
00:58:48He looked at the biggest thing on the Internet is pawn
00:58:51All that
00:58:52Energy is Venus people get trapped by let him know the trapped there in the net
00:58:58They got no idea
00:58:59He has an extremely low Darkside to it, and that provides every culture every human being it's that and it is the sneakiest are energy the rest because you can't see it
00:59:15Once the choices been made that I want this that object owns you because of the the way it sticks to you
00:59:25And if your desired sees you mindfulness, then it's done and then it it's a story that fulfils itself and continues on its own Direction I need in it runs in the background of your unconscious forms
00:59:37different types of incubators, and succubi's inside your actual body and takes over so your cravings are coming from these things that why do I feel that way? Why do I crave that? Why is a fetish
00:59:49that where that come from? This is what Venus and if you can do so your platform for for working with Venus energy is choices
00:59:58As soon as you feel
01:00:01Aesthetically practise releasing on it, and is this a good choice? Isn't it a good choice so initially is release on everything and you only utilise is an initially only engage things like this euphoric qualities of
01:00:18practising in the forest in the mountains and being these Temple's at amplifying fuel your spiritual later on once you become more balanced with the Venus energy
01:00:29You can make choices for controlling about come of a business meeting
01:00:36You know for interactions for day today life that things just so nicely in your direction, and you can shoe sensibly how you're going to be doing that without getting owned by it, but the Venus is
01:00:53the Venus flytrap is a it's you don't want to record in it so Release on everything in relation to Venus for the for the first year of working with it and only qualities
01:01:08I like to utilise with an Venus is self-healing
01:01:12Let go of my relationships, my emotions and Trauma from the Past for creative easier for it qualities within my spiritual development and and and healing relationships with with people that you harmonizers relationships
01:01:31You just remove the static out of them, and that's enough
01:01:35There are hundreds and hundreds of other applications Robina setup appear in European wind for wealth
01:01:44I don't use the Venus method for wealth
01:01:47I use the methods for wealth, and the reason
01:01:51Why is when you take the Venus approach to wealth
01:01:55It has the frequency of nice things and you want
01:02:00Have a nice her home
01:02:01Nicer car the most luxurious lifestyle
01:02:04It's got that frequency inside of the wealth of Venus so if your mind is is running through I deserve all these things when as you get stuck to it, then you always want a nice to
01:02:17Karen and Oscar phone and and a bigger home, and it kind of gets my mental as it rolls down the hill in a I found in my spiritual practise
01:02:29I don't want those attachments, so I separate needs this are you need food? You need a comfortable environment
01:02:38This is what I need and this is what I want, which will amplify my spiritual development and then outside of at the fridge days
01:02:49Once these are the ones that will Hinder my spiritual development and I create that pattern and I'll find I can fuel that the most efficiently using things like the letter G but The running through Venus
01:03:02a run that that well frequency through the lord of wealth with an with an earth and using local energies and Davies to run it through so the emerald, Buddha in Thailand and the groomers in the
01:03:21royal family of Thailand Regulate the money of Thailand beer the spiritual consciousness that own the wealth of Thailand so when living in Thailand pull the energy through that frequency and money comes as I need it,
01:03:34and it confirmed easily because that's the real party I own it when you try and use a Western cultural perspective making wealth and Thailand westerners
01:03:46Go broke
01:03:46One after the other everything I ran over but when you tune into the group consciousness of wealth in Thailand run through that everything's easy and this happens in all colours
01:04:01Climate you look here and Mexico if you try to open a business without that Mexican quality of interacting with other Mexican businesses
01:04:10Be very difficult
01:04:11You have to get into the language the culture the feeling that the political structure and then move through it to be successful your if your mind was on Monday do at the American way, so I
01:04:27just happened to ride across the board and this is an Astral unconscious frequency that you interact with so using Venus energy for the Lord's wolf than Venus you get saturated with high-quality luxurious experiences, so your
01:04:45find yourself and a five-star hotel instead of a 3-star hotel, because it's just got that that more luxurious live to it and the furniture and the environment the people I just said a different and you
01:05:00find yourself
01:05:01Upstream much more easily, so the question I asked myself and when these things arise is is this conducive to my spiritual practise and 4 people raised in their environment
01:05:13Yes, it would be for some people
01:05:16It's not so bad for me
01:05:19I found a little bit of a hardship is stimulates
01:05:25My spirit
01:05:25Everything's too easy
01:05:28I don't get as much practise done
01:05:29But if there's a little bit of difficult to you a bit stressful little bit survival Instinct the that reptilian brain a bit more controlled in its concentration when you meditate so bring something up which allows
01:05:43you to to practise to work with more intensity, and that's why I found training Highlander work so well, because it's just on the edge of comfort and not comfortable comfortable in it's very safe, but sometimes
01:05:58it's not you
01:05:59Have to be very environmentally aware
01:06:01When you drive your motorbike on the highway, and use ninja skills it again wiped out and it makes out partying spirit very alive, so it is very conducive practise thing is what is the best environment
01:06:17for you to be in for your practise and everyone's different everyone needs a different type of space for that, but often cervinus
01:06:26Energy can be exceptionally healing for the first year of practising
01:06:34It's dissolves a lot of the the personality quotes about serving you and just don't like that fall into the trap when you realise Venus can give you whatever you want
01:06:48Can you start taking what you want with it? You start getting owned by it? This is a basic basic thing
01:06:54So practise asceticism and common sense when working with these energy cos they feel
01:07:01Peking all your all your all your positive sensory perceptions got any questions for we close off on that that exercise? Being a two-way street, if you are
01:07:21Building attachments to people they also building them back towards you and I'll help you either
01:07:29So let's say you go to ponchos you you have you experienced the last night
01:07:37We open up that that energy and people were highly reactive to it
01:07:41Another next time you go there
01:07:43They remembered that the open up inbuilt relationship
01:07:47So their mental mattress for stick to yours
01:07:50There are still feeling or stick to yours, and they go how you going? And you can get this
01:07:53Really happy exchange taking place, and when that's healthy and put into a stream of yes
01:08:06That's the way I want interact with people every time I go to the supermarket
01:08:09It's gonna give me better service and a better a social interaction better quality of feeling in my mind and my feeling in the body all those things are send it
01:08:21Good and then you'd ask yourself
01:08:24Do you need that some people really need that? I don't and I I'll say hello to the checkout chick in but I will keep my mental space relatively close gonna go to supermarket
01:08:38I don't look at people at interactive people at talk to anyone and I have my Quiet Space and I like it's way cos that makes me happy some people are happy by having really abundance social
01:08:52interactions ever ever go, so you look at how do you live across the street on the corner anyone who walks by she's going to catch them and she needs to have a social interaction with that
01:09:04person a feel-good that are established old is network
01:09:09Forgot my security and more people are going to like me
01:09:11I feel better about myself for that that person needs that energetic interaction that they part of their psyche
01:09:21Need approval not way
01:09:22It's really going to come back to your personality type
01:09:27Are you a people person? Are you cave dweller? What's your what's your your base for me when people talk to me in a supermarket, so like I have dinner
01:09:40They have social interaction, and sometimes
01:09:46It's nice and it's like ok? Yep
01:09:48I should talk to people more often, but most of the time it's it's this is energetically expensive for me to have the social interaction emotionally mentally time money
01:10:02You know and all those things as ID like OK it
01:10:07Depends on on the value of that to me
01:10:10Doesn't have a huge value ID rather take that time of people
01:10:14I know for high-quality people and have an interaction that's are much higher frequency than have
01:10:21Social actions with people that have no resonance with so it's it's getting to your enough you get this measurement of is is is this physiological needs within me to search lyric with people what is the
01:10:43emotional Astral need within does my mind need to touch all the scent and how does affect mean spiritually idea some people that I interact with that our way way way smarter than me and something inside
01:10:56my mental body and spirit become smarter for the interaction that frequency in which their mind functions, and I have that they're genius expresses himself
01:11:06It sticks with me, and I've got a wider perception of reality from that experience
01:11:12They're not necessarily spiritual people
01:11:15They just really smart, but that's Martin it's rubs off my spiritual perceptions
01:11:21So everything they're putting out is hitting me
01:11:24I'm receiving it and paying attention to it and and mimicking vibrationally which affect my brain so those type of interaction the other side very high value interaction saying hello to the neighbours and some of the
01:11:40It uses the same amount of energy, but there's no value in it for me
01:11:45So ID rather call one of my friends in telegram, and have a chat and have a high-quality interaction and talk about some philosophical
01:11:53The interesting idea or experience and something inside me raising vibration so that type of Venus energy to me as a better use of of the energy, but the first year of experimenting with that you figuring
01:12:11out how this thing works, and what do feeling of energies are and how they affect people's unconscious, and he is the the problem that come
01:12:20There's an ethics line that that your encounter with Venus energy people are going to respond to you from their uncle based on the frequency of what that Venus energy is holding so and their conscious will
01:12:42as my pastor unconscious feeling as expressed, so let's say we look at your experience at supermarket yesterday
01:12:53You did it built some Venus energy went to the supermarket all these people hyper-connected to you and chatting and giving invitations and and and so forth now because you're a very good hearted person that happened
01:13:10on that frequency, so let's say you are sexual predators, and you booked out
01:13:17The opposite sex would be offering to themselves to you on that frequency because of the amount of Magnetic pull that predatorial energy has so apart of that person who kind of is is vulnerable to that
01:13:30will get sucked into it and after the experience
01:13:34I'll be what happened
01:13:34Why did I do that you my past their freedom of choice? And you didn't even think and realise you were doing that you and vote it from the unconscious, and they responded and he took advantage
01:13:45of it and behave in a certain way, so you have this frequency of threshold of energy
01:13:58When you got a certain volume of Venus energy
01:14:01You bypass a person's consciousness
01:14:04You invoke responses from the unconscious, and that you don't have to use a lot of Innocence you to do that
01:14:12It just pulls behaviour from people based on what you're projecting
01:14:17How many minutes of energy bill yesterday responding to him based on his the nicest person volume matching it and getting pulled on the frequency now imagine of a person with no FX did that and was
01:14:36in a predatorial behaviour
01:14:37There'd be pulling people into that with no free choice
01:14:41They would just be responding to it
01:14:43So there's a certain level of energy when you go above it you invoke from the unconscious of people to act in a certain way
01:14:55This type of energy is has an ethics problem
01:15:01on one level You can say well
01:15:05They chose to to respond
01:15:07It's their choice, but they didn't really have a choice, but they still respond it and everybody thinks freedom of choice is that if you make me if it's it's part of their contracting they did something
01:15:20there free to do it, but if an energy exceeds a certain volume people respond to that energy, unconsciously, and it goes Beyond the freedom of choice with Venus energy very quickly
01:15:33So your your ethics statement has to be in place
01:15:36Is it affect your having on that person on the benefit to them? Is it harm to them? What's the relationship and the mind can really really get twisted very quickly and not see that this is
01:15:53a master frequency for manipulating people if you don't happen precepts Netflix and Venus energy can swing between positive and negative
01:16:03It doesn't it doesn't say you will hear the line walking across that he just followed your might, but that's the thing if if you're unconsciously manipulating people you will be a victim of unconscious manipulation
01:16:23He won't see it coming and then that's that's the problem that you want to bring victim yourself when you're working with his these frequencies is very fast and very sharp that you and of trapping yourself,
01:16:37and I'll what happened
01:16:38Why my the situation because you were putting other people in vulnerable situations and and take away the freedom of choice
01:16:44So that's why you know Bardon what's an all this morning's going through because it's has the most amount of traps and side of it when you work through that frequency because the is with which you
01:17:02can fill your desires
01:17:03Once you understand how it works, and it is very easy
01:17:08Ok any questions for we close off on Venus workout is Venus energy to close a business deal
01:17:23There's new quality or greater value for the person interacting with so that the amount of money people pay for a workshop
01:17:42I've got to make sure the value far exceeds that that that amount that their life and quality of life and their ability to interact with environment you've much more value than that $1,500 in it so
01:17:57that that's a measurement and and then there's the thing I'm going to rip them off live and I'll uses energy to do so that obviously is it? The backfire and of course and will win the
01:18:13business feeling but the merit field has a draw on it, so you have this negative energy, put money in Marrickville which is reducing a merit vs
01:18:24If you structure the business the reaction for everybody to benefit your merit field, not on the expanded from the financial gain use made but from the excess benefit those people made from the interaction, so you're
01:18:39a future actions going to be easier and more powerful as well
01:18:41So you'll just have to get out the best book of seen on that
01:18:47Concept is The Science of Getting Rich by wolf model nicely written book as soon as I came across that I went from poverty to having more than enough on the straight away then months
01:19:00Everything is shifted
01:19:02It's like in open and poverty consciousness for too long, and it wasn't serving me and it's Keeping a head above water toys comfortable button have the freedom to go to any country in the world whenever
01:19:14I wanted to it was always like OK I have to save up for that if want to do something, and that's just not necessary
01:19:24Pause the science of being great
01:19:34It's really really nice book everything he did was excellent
01:19:39He gives a gives a frequency of how to be a great person
01:19:45It's it's pretty amazing
01:19:48You really was ahead of time hits nail on the head