00:00:01In this video, I'm going to discuss editing pages along with the content and the widgets on those pages
00:00:08When you first create a site either from scratch or from an existing template, you'll be brought to the pages for that site
00:00:19As you can see, this template is just a single page
00:00:23You can create new pages by clicking the button here or you can edit existing pages by clicking on the page you wish to edit
00:00:32When you click on the page, you'll see the widgets on that page which will determine what is displayed on that page
00:00:39So on the home page here, we have these widgets and that is determining the content that is displayed on the preview on the right here
00:00:48In order to change something, all you have to do is either add a widget or edit an existing widget in order to change it to say or show what you want to show
00:01:00When you add a widget, you will be brought to the list of all available widgets that are available for the particular plan that you're on in order to actually see an example of how those widgets
00:01:16Simply click the blue question
00:01:18mark next to those widgets and that will show you a sample preview and training video for that widget
00:01:25Most of the widgets are pretty self explanatory and it will determine exactly what type of content you can show with that widget
00:01:33The two most common that you're going to use most of the time are going to be the header widget down here
00:01:40I recommend every site start with the header widget and the content block is used to add generic content in the form of texts, images, videos and many other types of content
00:01:52When you select a widget or add a widget, you'll be brought to that widget page
00:01:59For example, the first thing that we see here is the header and that's what I recommend you start your site with
00:02:06When we click on this header widget, we'll be brought to this particular widget's content
00:02:12As I mentioned before, header widgets are always going to display at the top of a page regardless of where they're aligned
00:02:20I recommend starting with that and then you can add content blocks and other specific widgets from there
00:02:27As you can see here, this is all of the options for that header widget that we just opened
00:02:32You can see here, the main contents are what we're actually seeing at the top, your business name and then below that, the subtitle, an awesome web agency
00:02:42If you wish to change any of this, simply change that content and save it
00:02:46Words as your business name, you would put the actual name of your business
00:02:53When you save it update, it will then save those changes of that widget and reflect those changes for the preview or any associated live websites that are connected to it
00:03:04Whenever you make a change, it's reflected instantly and you should actually see that change reflected on the connected domain as well
00:03:14You can create your website by choosing a template and then you simply edit the widgets within that template to say what you want to say or delete or add widgets to your liking
00:03:27Then once you've added the content to a widget, you can go back to the previous page by clicking on the page up here at the top or by clicking the pages button to see the list
00:03:36of available pages
00:03:38Simply add all the contents you would like and then add in the content for those widgets that you create
00:03:50So once you've created a widget and it's shown here on the list of widgets, you can then rearrange and change that widget in any way you'd like
00:04:00As you can see here, we have the header which is always at the top and below that we have the about us
00:04:06That is a content block that is displaying all of this content in which case it is the title, subtitle, some text and some images that make up a slider
00:04:19Then below that we have another content block called the importance of building mobile first
00:04:23If I wanted to swap them, for example, all you have to do is click and drag the widget and rearrange its location in the list of widgets and then save
00:04:33So if I move this up above the about us and then save an update, it will then show the header and then the importance of building mobile first
00:04:43We have now just changed its position in the list
00:04:47So you can edit websites by adding widgets, modifying the content of those widgets to say or show what you would like and then position them wherever you'd like on the particular page from top down
00:05:03It's always important to check how the site looks both on the mobile display here as well as a full screen because some content might display differently on larger screens than it would on mobile
00:05:17You can do that by clicking the view site button here at the top and this will show you the preview of the full screen as well as the tablet and the mobile
00:05:27So I always recommend to check this regularly while you're editing your page so that you can make sure it always looks good and if you have any widgets that are flipped to a particular view only,
00:05:41so if you have widgets that are mobile only or desktop only, you should see the differences in the previews here depending on what is set to which visibility
00:05:50Once you're done editing your site, you can then go into the options and domain your website which I will discuss in the next video
00:06:00So please follow along and then we'll show you how to go into different individual options for that site