CUEC_Mod15-_001 Emnasut & Solar Fire.mp4
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00:00:00In this video, where do an invocation of the being inserted he's the first being to work within our Solar hauraki in a sincere and very important me to work with and he's kind of a gateway
00:00:14entry to working with all the other beings in different things in the same spot as well
00:00:19So in the City also has akashic fire transmission the in offer providing as well
00:00:27So you can burn up any karma, so without any nothing else, dad
00:00:32Let's go ahead and get jumped into this practise close your eyes open magic circle
00:00:40akashic Lee breathe and connect with the light of the vocational magician well that late to pass through bodies through your circle
00:01:05how to saturate with light Now and by the light of the sun sphere through your crown 33 bodies through your magic circle
00:01:49You can imagine the sun being above your head and pulling the later that sun through
00:03:41Now invite in the suit
00:03:46from above the Crown 33 bodies through magic circle I'm nicer to introduce to the akashic fire substance that he has to offer so you can learn how to bring up your karma forever
00:05:03me feel intense scratching head Don't worry me feel Pleasant released
00:05:10What are emotions can I for you allowed to be keep releasing Andy fabricating in allowing the fire to burn things up? peashooter anchor the thus akashic fire interior Magic Circle that you can activate it whenever
00:06:43you wish request remember suits surfing spirits v wish showing gratitude to understood for the akashic fire transmission serum spirit Raising a massage from a body up there a crown
00:10:14Wellington to imagine and going back to the Sun by the Crown or you can mentally wonder there and take them with you
00:10:44Turn glad to to the Brotherhood of light
00:10:48the sun sphere change your body as soon as you feel ready
00:11:07You can use this form of akashic Fire when it really wish and it doesn't have to be connected through in the suit
00:11:15So it's now energy frequency that you can use to bring it and to Release Yourself of different SIM card divisions attachments
00:11:24If you have a passionate practise or a few practise releasing things buddhistic Lee this is a great energy to have more Elisa different attachments innervisions
00:11:35If you want more information on that paper things, you can always give me a kid with the been to the sincere and get direct transmissions to help you another every SS Baxter ascension path the sense
00:11:47Deeply carrison
00:11:49Has everything you need for your service path
00:11:51Also, the same applies to hear central Perth as well
00:11:55So for whatever your highest point ascension
00:11:58Is it you want to accomplish? Play time the sun Siri can help you do that and materials that beings and the resources still be on their path and Journey So working the sunsphere
00:12:09Naturally has the greatest benefit of work any other respect to spheres
00:12:14Thank you for your time, and I'll see you in the next video