00:00:06Hello everyone, Scottie Carter here, going to go over a brief little tutorial on how to use our built -in auto responder
00:00:14So our built -in auto responder is going to work with our contact us widgets
00:00:19So let me kind of go to the widgets and show you what those are
00:00:22Obviously we have a form free here, we go to the widget section and we can actually have a form contact in there too as well and basically any place where you're going to have somebody submitting
00:00:35their information to you, you'll have an auto responder
00:00:38So let's go right into the auto responder, it's real or real simple, you go over here to form free
00:00:44Now auto responder is just that, it's just going to respond to those people that had submitted information to your landing page, your website, whatever it is
00:00:52It's not going to do a, it's not a mass e -mailer, but you can integrate with MailChimp for that
00:00:59Okay, so as I'm going down here, you'll see I'm at my form free, you would do your intro, you do your title, then we go to form free fields and options, now this is over here,
00:01:09we can edit these, however we want, we can add more, if I wanted to add a field, I can do it in here, I can make it mandatory or not mandatory, now what that means is
00:01:19the person either has to put in their information into that step in order to send the form or not your field type, which is right down in here, anywhere from a check box, select multiple numbers,
00:01:32text field, e -mail field, rating gender country, so you have a lot of different options over here, so that's where you put, so say we just want to use country, so country flags if we wanted
00:01:44to, do want to make this mandatory, we're going to say no, so we can kind of put where, kind of where do you live, kind of things, so, anyway, but that's not what we're here for,
00:02:02so now let's go over here, this is where now the data options, so this is where the e -mail is going to go to, this is you, so you would put in your e -mail address
00:02:11in here, if you had multiple people who wanted to get the e -mail address, just separate them by comma as we have right in here, you can post to it to URL if you have, the
00:02:21rest down here, so the pretty commonplace now, this is a content block here, now we go to our outer responder, we simply click enable, and there we go, so here's where you're going to put your
00:02:33response right in here, the name shown, here you're going to put from, so you put your e -mail address in here, you put your name in here, now or your company, wherever it's coming from, now
00:02:45when we get down in here, this is the message that they're going to receive, and you see over here these clickable links right here, these clickable first name, last name, and e -mail, what that is
00:02:55what you put in over here to have them fill out, okay, so that's what you'll do there, and then what you're going to do, it'll make it a little bit more personalized message to the person
00:03:11who filled out the forum, so as I scroll down, go to the outer responder, so now I would go something like, thank you, and then I would go, you see how that's right there now, first
00:03:24name, last name, and then I would continue on with the remainder of the body in there, I can sort of link and image, I'm scripting there, again this is now just our content block, and that's
00:03:37it, you would do that, and then now that's your outer responder, so you'll be able to capture every lead that comes into you, now if you wanted to set them and put them in like MailChimp,
00:03:46which we have an integration for MailChimp, you would do that, you would go to MailChimp and set up your campaign in there, and then you would get an API key, so we would simply go over
00:03:56and here, you would generate a new API code through MailChimp, just see over in here, it took me to MailChimp, I've already been logged in, as you'll see I generated a new key here, all I
00:04:09would do is do that, and it's going to create a new key, and then once you have the new key, just to get another one, I would copy that, I would go over in here, and
00:04:23I would place it in there, and then it's going to allow me to choose what list that I want to associate it with, so that's your outer responder, and that is your MailChimp, all in one,
00:04:33we will add more email companies like MailChimp, get response into the future, we will add all those, so don't worry if you have those, those will be integrated and not too far down the road, if
00:04:48they're not already integrated by the time you're listening to this video, alrighty, well once again that was the outer responder and a little bit of MailChimp, I'll work into one nice neat little platform, thanks everybody
00:05:00for attending this brief little tutorial, have a great day, bye for now