PME017-Practice -Sun - Akashic Release for Monad Activation (RD5-1).mp4
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00:00:02Hey wants you've got your posture arranged your vinyl breathe and gently stretch the little Crown open
00:00:13Never relaxed all the muscles position and move straight into a car she'll breathing
00:00:42and what's your favourite your mind into a Kasha Entering the prayer qualities when open your magic circle
00:05:02Feeling 3 bodies with white
00:11:36gay visualise the Moon by the Crown Find the light of the moon through the Crown and through three bodies
00:11:51apostrophe that akashic qualitative Infinity welche between two magnetic body mechanics philomena 101
00:18:06GT freetranslation so ein alpenthriller Crossdressing family covid-19 andronaco diverse bodies matter what quality magnetic fruit
00:18:22having feeling in eHealth Gransee Konzentration lautestes verwöhnen shit and Turkey Marvel strongest effect in your body Grevener unit type Physikum mit Eric Wright nick in Weiden Jastrow nach Hause will show Quecksilber körnersemmel screen with you
00:20:43can eine Basisrente Mercury sorry, we wish you a merry above the monster Energy Geschmack race to the moon News Infinity Krokodil the conductor Underground Chakra trivento Achtung Füße go body McDonald's circuit of the night in
00:21:12my body singer Mercury 200 Top 14 blauer Infinity Aurelie moving through them through the ground Shaker anistream Sequenz through the bodies secret area network Windmühlen Infinity Collies of the string moving through the Sparrows modern family
00:22:41KODi Stretch all the way through the crown Season Two Three die Astrophysiker into the grand Disco Matrix into Magic Circle jerk und Disco Matrix according to the central axis schlüsselexperiment Mercedes Benz für Baba Saad wo
00:23:16ist ein gepolstertes Trainer der Registry guide to the string of pearls we are the spirit Ballerinas on the top of the page String from Venus Mercury Trimmel früher Crown Chakra Filme nobody, ich will ja to
00:24:33body to the disco body and your magic Sakko connected D5, Tricks final Screen stretched Centro string of pearls instream Managerin Also, die Fenster song relaxing relaxing
00:24:57und ich klatschen Hasi Möbeltresor 300 Shakespeares Trisequens with bodies GPS Tracker +19 tot Raute visualization jQuery get frequency wäre Schiffe Kein ARD sonst für Baba
00:29:32verknallt gemeinte ist Hans Fehr constrain the white in the sun washi, tape Sensor reference für Mercury Venus, wenn McQueen in Mölln Trittau Shakra to the three bodies in the Magic Circle GPS Tracker +19 tot It's
00:30:12much Clarity in the visualisations you can
00:30:17As much feeling for you, too, that's planetary spheres as you can and it's dream like the sun through it all the way down to magic circle
00:30:28sun through Venus through Mercury through the moon through your crown chakra Throws metal body through the astral body through the physical body into magic circle and good to physical matrx
00:30:47parcel that through the string of a car show connecting all these frequencies together Energy reaches your physical body feel it in your hands
00:33:35Use your hands to ground yourself and your magic circle and stretch through the akasher up through the body through the Crown to the Moon to the sun pull that string of pearls taught and stream that
00:33:54energy from the top-down to magic circle
00:36:43Ok, how's your streams energy through? There's a a type of tension on the string which optimises flow
00:36:53So as you connect to the sun and and the sun's connected release planetary spheres to your magic circle
00:37:00It's a Kasha which connects them and there's a an amount of upward pool from the sun allows the energy to stream through
00:37:12And I want you to explore that tension of about akashic string
00:37:20how to pull a string taught as a feeling of relaxation release which allows out energy to pass through the planetary fares through the bodies into magic Ok, increase the level of clarity of this connection from
00:39:35the sun's with planetary spheres to Magic Circle I really want you to accumulate this feeling in your hands in your house
00:39:49A few minutes were to partner exercises
00:39:52Were you touch a training partner? You pass energy through your hands into them, and you basically touch the physical body ground them and run that's at frequency through the Crown through the three bodies can only
00:40:05do this with your cumulated the grounding of the Synergy and your hands full from the sun
00:40:12Venus Mercury moon Crown mental astrophysical and do the Magic Circle feel the magic circle with your hands and accumulate Keep that stream moving through all the bodies
00:41:04Temperature tension write in a string of pearls so the flow moves from the sun through the planetary 4 years do magic circle and you accumulate to feeling a bit in your house
00:41:24For alchemy to work
00:41:25You have to be able you mind and two places at the same time you connect to how's your magic circle? Uranus up to the sun
00:41:34How do you connect the Stream and observes a stream come down increase power in the Magic Circle which you've got your hands
00:41:44What's the tire stew chain Warehouse above and below simultaneously OK what's your stablished this connection want you to maintain it while I'm talking? Pittsfield, open your eyes from and just down the front of me
00:43:29I like you to sit Closer to the Edge of your chair touch
00:43:34Your partner's physical Matrix and it's what you to stretch your magic circle around you around your partner and then connect your awareness up to the sun and connect that above your partner and then stream down
00:43:48through through Venus Mercury moon through it's Crown hello through the middle body
00:44:00through the Austral Counter physical back into physical matrx of your hands and then stream the energy through your partner
00:44:13Now you're doing your primary task is to clear blockages
00:44:16Just want to clear that line, so keep the planets and you and you feeling as clearly as possible
00:44:22You can hold them as a visual penis well
00:44:31And then switch that stream on when you're ready
00:44:47Keeping your primary objective with a Sexercize is that akashic string that connects all these layers is has a quality
00:45:01Song all you're doing is releasing your partner's connection between the sun Venus Australia Mercury and the moon and just working that line down and cleaning with feeling clean clean clean clean clean and you might spend
00:45:18a bit of time on his Slayer releasing, and then you activate streams to pass through were you released and boys want to get it to your hands to the to the physical matrx, and then you
00:45:30can jump around clean, whatever and release whatever it's just that stringers releasing quality of some that you running through from a sunsphere all the way down to the physical matrx, establish a pathway and just dream
00:45:45through the pathway and get that energy building the feeling on your hands should be that
00:45:51There's a heat blanket on your hands accumulating and that you want to spread it through his whole physical mattress for her whole physical mattress
00:46:01Because that's your physical connection the fascia and and the there a grounding so there you get these two opposing points and alchemy is based and getting your mind on two places and will then relaxing energy
00:46:14between them so you can be relaxing from there to their from there to that
00:46:18We build the downward path first
00:46:21Get the Stream going down and then once we got that then we reverse cycle
00:46:25We do three Transformations in this case
00:46:28You know, what would not only doing 3 it working transforming through the moon through Mercury through it through Venus to the sun, and what does does it's an exercise to activate moan at Oracle pure spirit
00:46:41resonance with the sun ok and Ok, once you've got it there practise clearing lines coming down and you reverse go from their feet and you relax all the energies going up
00:47:11So you work the physical physical body relaxing released through the rostral through the mantle through the Crown connect through the through through mercury venus into the sun
00:47:24I just relax everything up and suspended for above using frequency the sub
00:47:38Ok continue
00:47:42Ask you become familiar with each of these planetary frequencies as you become familiar with each of these sound planetrees frequency is you will get a sense of poor breathing them, so once you feel it above
00:48:01the Crown save the moon relax
00:48:04The actual body and even streaming that Astral light of the moon through you every poor becomes an akashic conducted to the moon is Paul breathe through your report essentially Crown chakra connecting to a frequency and
00:48:24you just up for breathing so you get to familiarity of streaming at the from above and then you just put your mind the frequency and for breather
00:48:33You need to breathe through a Kasha to do that as with any of the planetary energies
00:48:42Skill of doing this it acts as a type of amplifier for the elements and the basic energy now
00:48:56I just simply connect my mind to the Moon and remember the feeling and since I remember that feeling
00:49:05I just stop or breathe into my body and it's my partner's body, and I want to focus mainly with this one is Astral and ends actual field want some in Resonance then I just accumulate that
00:49:17moon at cloudy white magnetic fluid
00:49:25Initially like opening a door
00:49:29Just letting it flood in and then you have what you will call like a type of saturation were certain amount
00:49:37That is body will accept and then you have to produce store
00:49:40Bit of release was after body to accept more now since he has that sensation
00:49:46He can poor Bree that sensation self to take ownership of it and and then do that for a few minutes each and you'll get this ramping up of Magnetic fluid, but it'll be different to the
00:50:02normal water element magnetism at your work with your notice a warrant magnetism much cost compared to the the moon moon magnetic fluid the moon magnet food some sort of like cloudy in its nature
00:50:18It's much more refined in the feeling it working with and it feels like it move through things
00:50:25Raisely frequency touch your partner Paul Breathe frequency into your partner, and then your initial your initial opening is the Open Door you let it flood in your so you let it into your partner system get
00:50:46a sensitivity
00:50:47How much are they energy? Is your partner accepting because when it floods in it'll resistol pull things around and removed and then you produce song for the system to accept that energy, so you can relax
00:50:59and release all resistance and then at saturates into the app for body now when they Paul Breathe they can take ownership without type of energy and level of energy that you wouldn't Sophia doing the same
00:51:11exercises you that point on your your doubling up on the mount of volume and and both essentially taking ownership of twice as much energy that you can do on your own
00:51:25Is a benefit for you and your training partner because because the Stirling up affect now if you want one person in the middle of the room and you have 10 people around breathing the magnet magnetism
00:51:39the moon into them more energy than normal and then that person jumps on board and stuff for breathing themselves their energy system accept it and remember owning that much energy
00:51:51Forget the amplification principal working, so they're getting 10 times more energy than normal and then you have the residents principles
00:52:00Such a lot more than 10 times through that person system doing it with one or two people puts you in the space of how much energy your body can actually absorb and take ownership of and
00:52:13then you can increase our people on the circle at the practise it you can have your right hand down the left hand up and then for my circle and then grab your partner's hands and have
00:52:24a connected
00:52:25Everyone yes, please and magnetism of the moon as a group and that will raise the energy as well, and each person will come and residence for the groups Energy and I'll get an elevated volume passing
00:52:37through them
00:52:37I would be another method of doing it the the the group method
00:52:44It's this a right down down left turned up and you grab your partner's hands inform the circle it seen in many many traditions it it's a pretty and pretty well known exercise, and it works incredibly
00:53:01well balancing identity
00:53:02They're obviously you want to be in Resonance with people you working with and and be comfortable mixing Astral energy with those people
00:53:15What you do that's types of Rachel's so normally after people working together for 6 to 12 months and the group of kind of found a balance than old introduce that group two more of these blending
00:53:33exercises at amplifier energy, and because everyone have who's in that group is already found a and ask your balance with each other, cos I've been training for each other so long and I found that's most
00:53:48ethical way to do it because there's a so many connections happening unconsciously when you when you perform laptop to rituals when you're doing a 4 breathing method is basically your boarding solar energy, and your partner
00:54:02and and releasing a new partner's absorbing and getting a warden and breathing that energy
00:54:07Gave them to you not really giving anything from yourself
00:54:09But so when you say hand grip method, you giving a lot from yourself
00:54:15Energy mixes it's a different time mechanism, so I touch your partner's base before you do that connect to the Moon and accumulate magnetic feeling in your body
00:54:29So you we generally use the hands for that
00:54:35If inpari situation
00:54:38She's got a bit of formation your hands
00:54:40So at gets inflamed when she's stretches
00:54:42He just use your body is an antenna if you wanted not your hands, but you need some sort of stretch and your facial web banker energy into physical matrx, so they can manifest physically and reticulate
00:54:543 min after his body through the toroidal field
00:54:56If you don't have your stretch and grounding to physical matrx, anchored, then
00:55:01She doesn't make it there
00:55:02It'll stop a new tour at robotic
00:55:04It doesn't become a physical quality sensation that you can utilise and fajr in training
00:55:10So if you do have any problems with you
00:55:15Then beauty body is an antenna and you can leave your hands and Limp and there won't be an issue with it so for instance you'll notice when it's raining a lot
00:55:28I don't I don't demonstrate anything with my hands
00:55:32I'll get people to touch my body because I gotta try this my hands in a stretch my finger joints open
00:55:37It's raining at Hertz I'll leave my hands limp, and I'll get my partner to touch on my body and I'll issues through the body
00:55:44Not through the stretcher the hands because it's I don't want to increase energy flow through it
00:55:50And if you have any type of situation anywhere in your body like an old injury
00:55:56Just work around it run out and she threw it cos it's not always a good thing, depending on the nature of the energy, so use your body as antenna you don't want you two hands as
00:56:05an antenna
00:56:06But in the in the long-term magically, your hands of the most important
00:56:15Fine tune to to build conduct energy and unless so with your body will do both and until we get to a point where you run more energy than what anybody can cope with but your hands
00:56:27with much more any of you have done the heavier martial arts
00:56:32We doing a lot of our palm
00:56:33Are you looking how much force you can produce your palm? When you drop drop onto the pad? You know, it's 10 times more than Newcomb Newcomb absorb anywhere else in your body is a very resilient
00:56:44They're also super sensitive for the 10 times more 10 times stronger and 10 times more sensitive
00:56:51They really want to take care of your house
00:56:53I did my iron palm way too hard when I was younger and and not using bagnis punching a bag, so I just wrecked they're basically so really take care of your hands, and what I found
00:57:06is really good was the Chrome walls with the bells and side and you spin them around and Inox all the tension out of the joints and Cancel the weirdness out and balances in increases the sensitivity
00:57:21and so your hands feel more and harmonizers your energy system as well when you're spinning the walls new in your hand
00:57:29You can feel change it happening through the rest of your body
00:57:33The nerves your hands that have this connection and and you can feel it, which is releases
00:57:40You know your feel tingling in from parts of your body from that nerve connection stimulation of the balancing
00:57:46It's taking place
00:57:46So it's it's super healthy
00:57:48And if you're and you've got time out news
00:57:53Resting relaxing or watching media or taking something else, and it just pick them up and massage the hands and balance, and she's smart to utilise at officially OK anyway partner up connect to the Moon Port
00:58:08Pirie the feeling of the moon and run that magnetic cloud through your partner saturator, Astral body
00:58:15Is your partner feel that saturation in Port Pirie that frequency with you for 3 to 5 minutes and then switch over so however long it take you to get to the place of our there's a
00:58:29magnetic cloud
00:58:30Then you can accumulate in your partner and your Breeze together for that 3 to 5 minutes and might take you through 5 minutes to get there to start the exercise
00:58:38I will long it takes makes don't just touch your partner and run water element and cheap connect to that moon energy, and you have to surrender to the moon energy, so I'm going water
00:58:49I meant I can pluck my joints in Bayswater on but if I want to go water on that's not the moon in the resident with it, but it's a different
00:58:58I've got a bit my mind in it release and surrounded my mind that frequency now
00:59:05It's starting to accumulated my body
00:59:06I release the stranger to a little bit more permeate small and increase my car should relationship
00:59:15And I know it's now starting to float now
00:59:19There's that magnetic cloudiness in
00:59:22My house
00:59:22Will feel for you this surrendering processes, so we're giving up with reminders to what your mind somewhere else on another frequency, so I like to use that word surrender because I want hundred percent of my
00:59:36mind on this frequency
00:59:37I have to give up 100% of my mind from something else to be there after surrender to the frequency
00:59:45I want it be in to vibrationally matcha
00:59:47Personal perfectly
00:59:49If you don't have a surrendering quality tour part of you guys going to be sticking I want to be in charge of this and you'll be vibration in matching and perfectly
01:00:01There's some quality of letting go and surrendering releasing into a completely and then those last few Threads Of holding onto your own personal identity need to be dissolved as well to to fully get into the
01:00:13frequency of paying attention to and that's the only way you get a proper immunity and insight into that particular energy that your real working on the otherwise whatever connections you have to ego-self on you do
01:00:27They're gonna filter process and interpreted based on your egos perspective, not the frequencies perspective, so you're contaminate your and learning process feed up for you
01:00:38Let go and do whatever you doing Perfect vibrational Match new mental body
01:00:42Ok, butter up work on the moon energy and partner with someone that you didn't work with shifter out