CUEC_Mod9999-20220302_Rasmus0565 Course Trailer.mp4
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00:00:00Imagine that you were able to channel the answers to life's most pressing questions
00:00:05Hi, my name is Jake and this course you're learn how to do automatic writing
00:00:11It's really simple
00:00:13You won't have a tune in with your inner spirit
00:00:16You're in a guy and you learn how to channel information from a guide from your hand to pen and paper or typing
00:00:24If you like using the computer has so much opportunities for you to learn how to connect with their own divine intuition
00:00:32It doesn't matter if you want to call that your Angels your higher self divine wisdom
00:00:38This courses could help you get there and be able to translate this knowledge
00:00:44That's up above yourself and down through so that you can have it for yourself, or you can share with others
00:00:53This is an opportunity for you to make this is an opportunity for you to share your message with the world or just get your thoughts down on paper and this course credit cover how you can
00:01:06do automatic writing and must have synced easy and methodical way possible
00:01:13if this course if this feels like the course for you, then feel free to sign up because virtually nothing to lose because there is a 30-day money-back guarantee
00:01:25so Thanks for proving in the scores
00:01:32Thank you for previewing this course and I'm excited to see you on the inside
00:01:37Thanks once again for previewing this course and I'll see you on the inside