00:00:01In this video, I'm going to be discussing the testimonials widget
00:00:05The testimonials widget is an easy way to leave testimonials and reviews and display them in an easy -to -view fashion
00:00:14As you can see, this is a simple website that's just got a header and testimonials widget very basic
00:00:20This is for my web design reviews, so if I was like a web developer, I can build websites for people and have them leave reviews and then I can make those reviews into testimonials as you
00:00:31can see here
00:00:32Chris P
00:00:32Bacon, he said, my sandwich shop has never been more popular since I upgraded my website, no matter which way you slice it
00:00:38This guy sure knows what he's doing
00:00:40This is a review for a web developer, but you can leave a testimonial for literally anything and you can have someone make you a testimonial for whatever business it is you have or you're doing
00:00:52It's very simple to use
00:00:54When you open up the widget, you have your intro titles and text that will be displayed above the testimonial
00:01:00Anything you put here will show up above it and then the list items is where you would actually put the testimonials themselves as you can see here
00:01:09It's very simple
00:01:10Just click add a new item to the list and that will generate a new item or you can edit an existing item by clicking on that content
00:01:20This will let you edit all of the content for that item or that testimonial
00:01:25Each item is an individual testimonial and you simply fill out the information
00:01:29Start with the picture at the top
00:01:31You can drag and drop from your computer or you can upload
00:01:34Once you do that, you can then add a name such as page turner is the name of this person reviewing and leaving this testimonial and below that you would put their signature which could be their
00:01:45profession, their website, their company or store or whatever it is you want here
00:01:50She's an author in this case and then below that you would put the main text
00:01:54Which would appear above the image in the actual view
00:01:58You can write whatever testimonial it is that was left for you, have someone write testimonials for you, reviewing your product
00:02:04However, you want to do that, simply put the information right here
00:02:08You can even schedule this to be published later
00:02:11Testimonials will be published automatically by default but you can have it set as a draft so that it won't be visible while you're editing it or no index so that it won't be visible by search
00:02:21engines and web crawlers
00:02:23You can add buttons as well
00:02:25There's a variety of different button options that you can choose from
00:02:28Please watch the buttons tutorial and the buttons widget in order to see how all of those work and you can even add tags, any tags that you create will allow this particular element to be searched
00:02:41for so you can organize and search by tabs
00:02:44The SEO open graph URL, this is where you would put your search engine optimization information such as your meta title description and other SEO meta data
00:02:54That can be in place there
00:02:59The similar slash nearby items, this would be used to display similar items that you want
00:03:07You can use this to connect widgets or display items next to each other and the comments will allow you to enable comments
00:03:15You can turn those on and this will allow users to leave comments for that particular widget
00:03:22When you're done with writing all of your testimonials and reviews, always remember to save an update and that will create that particular testimonial element then once you're done you would simply go back to the testimonials
00:03:35either by clicking on the testimonials button at the top there or by clicking the back button down here to go back to this widget page and then from there you would simply add another testimonial by
00:03:49clicking the button to add a new item to the list once all that's done you can save and then your testimonials are ready to go and that's how simple it is to use the testimonials widget