00:00:00Five o 'clock, at least over here in Phoenix, sunny Arizona, where we have a sunny 110 degrees here today
00:00:08Today we have a impromptu, if you will
00:00:12We were going to do some templates today, but we've come across something that's a little bit on the forefront that we wanted to share
00:00:21So that's what Chad is going to do
00:00:23And yes, Chad has already made a video on this and Chad is going to go over the video
00:00:29It's a topic that came up and I believe is support system
00:00:33And so we kind of wanted to touch on this and it has a little bit to do about the managing emails
00:00:38And also we're going to show you a little bit more on that
00:00:42So Chad is about to show us a little bit of something
00:00:46Again, this is the platform just keeps getting better and better and better with what we're about to show you
00:00:52So this is all about reactive emails
00:00:55Somebody does something on your platform and registration wise is what happens, what email is sent out
00:01:05So Chad's going to kind of show you the process that happens
00:01:09So Chad, if you kind of want to go over the process and why it's kind of important
00:01:16Right, okay, so this particular training, we're actually going over a little bit of reactive emails specifically we're going to be going over a reactive email that requires registration during activation or activation during registration
00:01:31What that means is if you want somebody to sign up for your platform and you want to confirm their email before they're able to actually log in, this is what you'd set up and this is
00:01:41how you'd set it up
00:01:42So essentially you'd have to make sure that your platform already has an email address set up properly
00:01:48So you'd paste your email here and you'd give it an address and you have to make sure that email is all set up properly
00:01:54Once that is set up, you can then go to login and registration and you can turn this on right here
00:02:00The registration requires activation when that's turned to on
00:02:04That means anybody who signs up for one of your plans, it'll require them to confirm their email address and then they would click a button and then it would once it's confirmed it would let them
00:02:12log in
00:02:13You've probably experienced that with many different things, lots of companies do something similar
00:02:18So once you have both of those set up, your email set up and you have this turned on, you would then have to create the email that actually goes out to those people and you would
00:02:29do that in the manage email section
00:02:31Right, and it's that if the screen that he was on, all of the screen requires him to do on that page is just turn that button on or off
00:02:39The rest of the page which you saw below, that stuff we went over before, which is your registration and that information, just to kind of explain if somebody wasn't sure why he didn't show the rest
00:02:47of that
00:02:48I just wanted to go over that
00:02:49Right, exactly
00:02:50And then you wouldn't need to set up your email within the platform
00:02:52That's kind of a separate tutorial
00:02:54We'll probably do that eventually
00:02:55So we've already done those tutorials too
00:02:58And that's again, the platform
00:03:00So when you are in charge of it to show you, when you do go or the platform does send out an email, you'll see it'll say, hey, has a default email address and that is the
00:03:09email address that you put in there
00:03:11So that's kind of a tip
00:03:14That's the one where you're going to want a professional looking email
00:03:16You're probably not going to want it as Gmail, as you're running a professional business so get a professional email address instead of, hey, this is being sent out as a Gmail
00:03:26I know personally, if I get a Gmail one, it's not saying it's going to be bad
00:03:31It's saying, I don't give that as much weight as I do to a professional one
00:03:36So just kind of a tip there
00:03:38It can go either way, but do you want to, this is the platform email
00:03:42So go ahead, Chad, on the reactive
00:03:44Yeah, you're definitely going to want a professional email because Gmail free emails aren't usually viewed as professional
00:03:49So once you have your email set up, you're going to want to set up a reactive email
00:03:56Now for those that don't know reactive emails, they respond to certain actions within the platform and you can determine what those actions or triggers as they're called are
00:04:04So essentially we would create a new email and we want this email to go out to people who have registered for the platform
00:04:11So the first thing you want to do is set the trigger to this right here registration activation required
00:04:16That means that activation has acquired for that registration
00:04:20And then you would post activation required some similar email subject
00:04:25And then for the email body, you're going to post this code and I'm going to supply that to you
00:04:31And then this is also going to be in the help section as well
00:04:35The code's going to be a part of the tutorial
00:04:37So that's going to be uploaded today
00:04:39Yep, and what that does, it's all you need is to copy and paste it
00:04:43So as we said, we like to do as much as we can for y 'all
00:04:46And hey, you could go ahead and create that your own email, but we've gone and done it here with some coding that is absolutely wonderful and it's truly going to help
00:04:56And if you don't know anything about coding, don't edit this code at all
00:05:01You can post something above or below the code, but don't actually edit anything within the code unless you know what you're doing
00:05:08Yeah, I would do anything other than me, myself
00:05:12I would go in there and we have this too
00:05:15So I'm not going to edit it whatsoever
00:05:17The only thing maybe I would do is maybe put in my signature not to thank you, but maybe my logo at the bottom
00:05:23I maybe put a picture in there
00:05:25As Chad said, hey, don't mess with it
00:05:28Just leave it alone, which is what you're
00:05:31Right, you can upload like an image or something below it if you want of like your company logo or something
00:05:36Yeah, that would work, but just don't mess with the code itself
00:05:38And essentially that's really all you need
00:05:41You'd want to keep this as a, yes, as a transactional email
00:05:44Meaning that they can't opt out because this is one of those important emails
00:05:47You can leave all the rest blank pretty much because it should all be default because this should go to anybody that signs up for any plan
00:05:54So once you hit save, there's one more step you have to make sure that is done and that is make sure you turn it to active
00:06:00If you hit save and then try to do it, it won't work because it's still going to be inactive
00:06:05You have to turn it to active and then it'll be ready to go and it'll send out emails to anybody who has, who replies
00:06:11So right, and we did have other email variables for things like the first name
00:06:17I know we have those as you can see if you scroll down just a little bit, Chad, scroll down, scroll down, scroll down
00:06:23You see here it's not, you can use the following variables plan from UFO activation code
00:06:28I will get one for the name
00:06:30I'll double check on that one because that's a darn good question
00:06:35where actually, you know, the, the register if the name would go out
00:06:38I'm not thinking this will because this is more of a, now that I think through it because this is more a general email
00:06:45So that's on the, yeah, that's the chat box that pulls your name
00:06:48Yeah, so it's pretty hard for us to have the variable go on to here since this is a general email that's going on whoever just registered
00:06:56Now on our content block, like in other spots where you've seen like in our auto, auto poster, well, you've captured their information already
00:07:04That's how you get added in those variables there
00:07:08So here and I'll double check on it, but it's, I don't think we're going to be able to add the variables in here, but I'll double check
00:07:14Right, and this is something that makes me expanded
00:07:16When you think through it, which is, excuse me, Chad, when I think through a lot of these things, it's like, wait a minute, let me think, let me think through and it's like that, I don't
00:07:24think how that's going to work, but let me double check and then I'll, I'll post that in Facebook to my answer
00:07:30That's a great question
00:07:32Right, and you see, you really don't want to mess with this too much unless you know what you're doing, but basically what that means is these codes, the system will recognize them and then pull the
00:07:41related code
00:07:41So if you see at the top here, platform URL, it'll pull the URL from your platform and then the activation code, it'll generate an activation code for you
00:07:49And we're going to see how that all works in a second
00:07:51Yeah, it's a smart system
00:07:52Yeah, so I'm going to delete this just because I already have an email already made
00:07:56And I don't want them to conflict, but essentially this is what it is
00:07:59This is what it would look like when they actually receive it
00:08:01They'd see that button, they'd click it, and then they would actually get, this will generate an activation code
00:08:05And by the way, stay there, stay there
00:08:07Okay, because here's what I find amazing
00:08:09And if anybody else is with me, let me know because we just saw all this coding, right? It's like, oh my gosh, you look at it and then all of a sudden, Chad goes, well, here's
00:08:18what the other party sees
00:08:20Oh, wow, pretty neat
00:08:22Wow, I'm fascinated by, you know, you put a lot of complicated stuff together and it pops out simple
00:08:28Right, exactly
00:08:29And then there's two other websites that actually aren't related to us, but are still useful, that I was going to tell you about
00:08:34One of them is actually related to code
00:08:36So that's kind of segue into my next topic where the code that I have here, certain codes you actually can't paste on certain websites and certain applications because it'll actually recognize it as code and it'll
00:08:47change it on you, you know what I mean? So if you ever want to send the code as is to somebody or you want to copy it, or maybe basically, you know, save it as is
00:09:00and then save it for later, there's one website that actually really helps with that and that is called pastebin
00:09:05So if you go to pastebin com,
00:09:07what this does is this will let you paste anything and you can determine how long it is saved
00:09:11So you see here past expiration, never, meaning it'll never expire and it's public
00:09:16So once you hit this, create new paste, what this does is it pays it for you
00:09:20And then I can literally copy this code of the top pastebin com
00:09:23slash CMC WHPM
00:09:26And then if I were to paste that, you would be able to see this code exactly as is and then you guys can copy that
00:09:32So I can paste that in the chat right now and if you go to that pastebin, you can just see that code as is
00:09:38So keep in mind pastebin com,
00:09:41that's a useful website for copying things and saving them for later
00:09:44Nice, that's a good one
00:09:46I mean, if you've got like a lot of code or if you ever want to send a novel to somebody, you know, you can't just send it in Skype because it'll fill up the whole page
00:09:52You can post it in pastebin, send them this tiny link and that link has everything in it, you know what I mean? They can open it and then read whatever they want
00:10:00Right, so that's a good way to shorten codes or to shorten text
00:10:04So that's pastebin and then there's one other website that I'll show you right now
00:10:07So we have the email set up and now all new plans require an email activation and we'll see that when we try to sign up for a plan
00:10:16So if you create a plan and then you go to the plan, purchase URL, let's open up a new incognito window
00:10:22You'll see here, it'll ask us to purchase this plan and we need an email address in a password
00:10:29You cannot use an email address that has already been used in the system because it'll give you an error
00:10:34We know that one
00:10:35And if you ever want to use a real email address, like you can't make up an email, you can make up an email address, but you obviously won't be able to check it, you know, to
00:10:42do the activation
00:10:43So if you ever want to do this, you need a living real email address
00:10:47However, it's sometimes, I can understand it's a pain to create new email addresses all the time
00:10:52So there's one website that I use that's really helpful and that's called 10 Minute Mail
00:10:57And what this does is 10minutemail com,
00:11:00this will generate a temporary email address that'll only last for 10 minutes and then you can hit this refresh to refresh it for 10 more minutes, but what you do is you would just copy that
00:11:10You can use this as like a temporary disposable email and then when we agree, you'll now see since it requires activation, it's going to take us to this page
00:11:21Your account needs activation
00:11:22You should have received an email with an activation link in code
00:11:25Just click the link or paste the code in the text field below and click on the button
00:11:28If you haven't received the email activation or you want to change email, you enter, you can use, when you register, you can use the form at the bottom of this page
00:11:36So basically you can hit this button to resend the activation email or you can type a different email address and then send it to that
00:11:43With a 10 minute email, it's not instant, but it does work and you have to wait a bit for it to refresh, but you see it already came in
00:11:50There's the account activation, so when we click that, it says hello there
00:11:54In order to start using this, so there's two ways to do this, you can click this button and it'll take us directly to the platform or you can copy this code and paste that in that
00:12:02window right there
00:12:04So let's click the button and you'll see it'll take us directly into the platform and we're logged in
00:12:10Well, I'll send it right in the go
00:12:10You see that? That's so cool
00:12:12That's so cool
00:12:13Way to go, Chad
00:12:14That is such a cool tip
00:12:16In case you're all are wondering, yeah, this is the first time I've heard about this tip
00:12:21Oh, yeah, the 10 minute email, that's pretty useful stuff
00:12:23And this is general
00:12:24The two tips that you just shared
00:12:27The two tips, Chad, were wonderful and then also seeing it working and the way that it worked and the fluidity of how it worked
00:12:36And it's a wonderful tool because now you know that that person, so just think of it
00:12:42We all want those sales
00:12:43We all want the registrant
00:12:44We want the true person
00:12:46We don't want the made up email address one, two, three at gmail com
00:12:51So this ensures that you are going to get a tried and true email address because that person has to go and activate it
00:12:57Now, let me also tell you one other thing
00:12:59If the person, remember, you have full control over everything
00:13:03So for whatever reason, if your client, your user, is saying, I cannot do it, I can't, whatever
00:13:11We know that's going to happen
00:13:13Well, guess what? You'll just be able to go onto them, their user, find them as the user and you'll be able to activate it for them
00:13:22So don't worry about it
00:13:23That's, and I'm going to guarantee you that that will happen
00:13:28So you're covered either way, but it's really, really, really cool
00:13:32And Chad, man, that was such a cool tip
00:13:34Can't believe in all my years I've never heard of that 10 minute email
00:13:37Yeah, it's, there's some other email at services, but I'll go probably into those more later, but 10 minute is the most useful one
00:13:43Yeah, just need the one
00:13:44We don't want to hold off because then all of a sudden you're all over and it's good, just give one that works
00:13:49Right, yeah, it's, yeah
00:13:51Well, Alan will tell you later, but there's this other one that's actually not appropriate just because it's actually offensive and it's like insulting
00:13:57Every time you create an email, it actually insults you, but it is other ways to go about it and make temporary email addresses
00:14:03But essentially, what you want to do is if you don't want to use a real email, find some way to make a temporary one, you know what I mean? Or something a non -serious one, just
00:14:11to test the platform
00:14:12Yeah, the way that you did it was awesome
00:14:1410 minutes, the idea, yeah
00:14:16Well, yeah, the way I used to do it, it took me more than 10 minutes to do it because I know, yes, I would create a brand new Gmail account, do all the stuff you had
00:14:24to do with it, then go ahead and then register, do all this all just to test it, what you did would have saved me a lot of time
00:14:32Right, and then as long as you don't let it expire because once it hits the 10 minutes, I'll just kind of show you real quickly
00:14:39But essentially, once it hits the 10 minutes, it'll expire
00:14:44So you won't be able to actually use it, but yeah, it counts down
00:14:49Yeah, so it actually saved the one I was using previously
00:14:53So that's cool
00:14:53You see how I've only got like six minutes left
00:14:55If we kept on talking and I went back, this would have said expired, you can't use it
00:15:01more minutes and then just you got to do that every 10 minutes but it is a disposable temporary quick instant email
00:15:06I love that activation account so that answers one of the questions
00:15:08They'll see it but yeah they just click on them activate now or they can copy that code and paste it but everybody's going to click activate now
00:15:16So this is the email that they are going to get that our platform generates
00:15:21So this is what we've just given you guys
00:15:23So you don't have to make up your own, you don't have to do anything
00:15:26This is now done for you guys
00:15:28Now Chad, if Chad goes back to the other one, what we're also working on is more emails
00:15:34So more emails for the reactive where you'll actually be able to take them
00:15:38Now they won't have codes or anything in them for the most part and you will be able to take them at a dome
00:15:44So Chad, if you go back to your platform there to the managed emails
00:15:49Oh, and we have to go oh wait that was in
00:15:52Man, what now before so what Chad has also done so Chad is you'll see that he is under Alan
00:16:05So he is in a reseller account if you will
00:16:08Now what he did is you see he's got the little hey stop because he's already imported
00:16:14So he's imported parent platform one
00:16:17So look down and you'll see that these are some that is just imported from the platform
00:16:22So just pick one of those just yeah one of those
00:16:25Yeah, just grab one of those
00:16:26Now obviously you're not going to send this out as me, right? So you can go in and you can edit this and send it out yourself
00:16:35And so we're going to be doing a lot more and for all the triggers where our goal is to have basically an email for each and every one of those triggers, which means you don't have
00:16:44to do one
00:16:45We'll be doing it for you guys
00:16:46Right, but that is something you should definitely be aware of
00:16:49Basically for the triggers
00:16:54How do I do that? I think I did two of one
00:17:02Hello, somebody mute all
00:17:08Okay, Scotty and Alan, you can unmute yourselves if you don't want to or here I did it for you
00:17:14Okay, so yeah, we're good
00:17:15So essentially what you want to do is when you first kind of get set up with your platform, that's definitely something you want to do is you go through all the my platform settings and then
00:17:25you also want to set up your emails
00:17:26You can set up one for the activation required
00:17:28You can even set up one for the activation completed, saying that your email is successfully registered
00:17:33Thank you very much
00:17:34If they forgot their password, we're going to work on default templates as well for most of these
00:17:42You know, if you have, yeah, some of them will have code, but for some of them, hey, you can just go ahead and and create your your own
00:17:48And that's what you'll do
00:17:49Because now by now you're probably getting people that'll start registering everything
00:17:54So that's why we wanted to talk about this topic before anything else because obviously was a very important one
00:18:03And so great job
00:18:04Right, because not a lot of people realize that when you set up a platform, pretty much if you go to my platform and you set up the login registration and this is turned on and you
00:18:14don't have email set up, it won't work
00:18:16No one will be able to sign up for your platform
00:18:18That can be a major issue
00:18:19So you got to make sure if this is on, you set up the course on an email
00:18:23So if you do not have any email set up right now, leave that to off once you start having emails in there
00:18:30And this is obviously one of them
00:18:32You'll want to start turning it to on, especially for that registration, which is the most important one for right now
00:18:39So I would recommend now turning that on once you put this code in there
00:18:46And I think that touches on about it
00:18:49And that was very important
00:18:51And obviously the mobile and desktop sites, what I want to do, unless there shouldn't really be any questions
00:18:57on what you went over
00:18:58But I'm going to touch on, we're going to start on it just a little bit, Chad
00:19:01And I know it's been a bit since you've actually made some mobile and desktop sites
00:19:06But want to show a little bit what we're going to be going over again on Monday, because we're going over that
00:19:11Now also to hopefully everybody is, I know, I would say probably everybody is, but if you're not a member of the Facebook group, become a member of the Facebook group
00:19:23Please become a member of the Facebook group, because we're putting a lot of stuff in there
00:19:27I've been putting in some beautiful articles in there about the shift to mobile first and the shift away from mobile, mobile friendly
00:19:39So please join the Facebook group
00:19:41We got a lot of good stuff in there and people starting to share some good ideas
00:19:45Can the emails automatically paste our logo? Yes, that we just went over that a little bit earlier
00:19:49Anna, you can obviously, or not obviously, you can put in your logo in there
00:19:54Chad will show you
00:19:55He's going to pull it up right there
00:19:57You go ahead, put it on the there
00:20:00And then you would find your logo and you would put it in
00:20:02And now your logo will go out, just like when you get an email from me, you have my little logo there
00:20:07And you can put a gift as a logo too, as you'll see mine has me signing it
00:20:12That's just a little gift that I did
00:20:15So that's how you do it
00:20:16So Chad, let me go back over into where you just were and go over to mobile and desktop sites for a second
00:20:23Now this will tackle on Monday
00:20:27And let me show you exactly where you're going to be doing
00:20:29So right in here, here's, I'm going to show you how to basically edit a template real quick
00:20:37So Chad, I want you to go ahead and just go ahead and pick a template
00:20:41Just go to the template category
00:20:43The attempt this one
00:20:45Just pick one
00:20:48That one's fine
00:20:50So this is basically where you would go ahead and you would put in an image file and an image preview file
00:20:58And we'll kind of go over that on Monday
00:21:00And you would save this
00:21:02And then I can show you guys, I'll be showing you in this categories
00:21:05And in here, how do create a new template from a site? So we'll show you how to edit a template that we have
00:21:12And then I'll show you how you can create a brand new template from nothing from no template to a template
00:21:19We'll show you how to do that too as well on Monday
00:21:23But we'll take our time with it and just scroll up a little bit, Chad
00:21:28Important ones, obviously, you're not going to have a whole lot to do with, but then go back
00:21:33Bumble Ness to the site
00:21:35Yeah, the white labels can turn any side into any template, which is pretty neat
00:21:43And so that's what we'll show you
00:21:45So go over the template
00:21:45No, go over templates again
00:21:47No, no templates
00:21:49Scroll all the way down
00:21:51All the way down
00:21:53Bumble, bum, bum, bum
00:21:54What a dazzling reset
00:21:56There we go
00:21:57And see, create a new template
00:21:59Go ahead, Cressel
00:22:04Now, he'd be able to now, we're not going to do one right now
00:22:09And so also, I'm going to warn you guys in order for you to create a template, you'll want to clone one first, clone a site
00:22:16So you would pick a site because once you edit it, you've edited it
00:22:21And you're not going back to it because it's now a template
00:22:24So he would pick a site, go ahead, just site ID, pick anyone
00:22:31Go down the, just name it for whatever one
00:22:33Just go down
00:22:34And then save it
00:22:36Save it
00:22:37Because you'll be able to edit it
00:22:40And then when you edit it, see, now we're not going to
00:22:44So this, say, for example, we wanted to make this, it's template
00:22:49Like this was going to be the template
00:22:51All the content, everything that's in this site is now a template
00:22:56Remember, I'm just saying this for an example
00:22:58We would now choose the image file
00:22:59Well, we're looking at the image file right there
00:23:02And to keep things simple, I'm probably making my preview file similar to the ones we've made or make it a little bit more professional
00:23:09And then now you're going to add a tag, which is what it is
00:23:13You can add it to a category, or I'll also show you guys how to create a new category and boom, you'd have any template
00:23:19Save that, please
00:23:21That's one of my, I won't say that
00:23:23I told them not to
00:23:24And then just delete it
00:23:27Delete it
00:23:28Mm -hmm
00:23:31So that, it's, it's that simple
00:23:33By the way, it really is that simple
00:23:36I, we could have created that template just like that
00:23:40Not, not lying
00:23:41That's, right
00:23:43It's now the difficulty comes in
00:23:46Make a great template
00:23:48So you make a good site
00:23:49Now you go, here's how I like making templates
00:23:52It's make it one where you're like, Oh, wow, I love that
00:23:55I'm now going to make it into a template
00:23:57And we'll show you some tricks and some, some things that you can start doing
00:24:00So we'll go over that on mine
00:24:04And templates are good
00:24:05Not just for like making a site that you want to sell
00:24:07They're also good for like repetitive work
00:24:09I've had some people in support say like, Hey, I have this site or this certain, certain page that I need to recreate many, many times
00:24:16How could I do that? Well, on commercial, you would have to build a new site every time and basically build it from scratch
00:24:21But if you're a white label, you can build a project the exact way you want it
00:24:25Save it as a template and then make a dozen sites off of that template and only change the one thing that you need to change
00:24:32It's pretty cool
00:24:34So that if that didn't open up more business ideas out there, hello, knock, knock, that's even more business ideas
00:24:42Wait a minute
00:24:42Have the same site multiple, anyway, we'll get into more of that kind of stuff too as well
00:24:47And because that's similar, what we'll be doing on our associate platform when we release that
00:24:54So Chad, that's awesome
00:24:55I think that was some wonderful tips that you even surprised me on that I didn't know about, especially that 10 minute
00:25:02That was really cool
00:25:04I think Silvio doing that code for us is wonderful
00:25:09And I'm looking forward to it
00:25:10And then also FYI, we're supposed to have our clone tool in our hands for beta testing by the end of next week
00:25:20So yay
00:25:22It's coming plus a few other things too as well
00:25:25All right, everybody, Chad
00:25:27This was a very, very important one
00:25:29This will be in the platform and in the Facebook
00:25:32It's going to be emailed to everybody in the Facebook group and in the platform by tomorrow
00:25:38So thanks again
00:25:39And this is definitely if you came on to this a little bit late, watch the very beginning of it when it comes because it's really, really important, really cool
00:25:47And Chad, I want you to go ahead as soon as we get off this, go ahead and put that code, explain what it is for a little bit
00:25:53And if you can put that code probably in Facebook for everybody to grab it away
00:25:57Yeah, I could do that
00:25:58I'll do that
00:25:59I'll do that right now
00:26:00That way everybody can go right in over to the Facebook and and grab it off the Facebook post in the private group
00:26:07Great job, Chad
00:26:08Thank you so much, everybody
00:26:10And we, yes, we'll see everybody on Monday
00:26:13And so if you go in, if you want to go ahead and create a your own template, here's my suggestion
00:26:19Take one of your sites
00:26:21Let's just say I'll use Chad, for example, Chad Bovet sites
00:26:25Take one, say that's the one that Chad really likes
00:26:28Make another one that says Chad Bovet template and where you know the two of them, right? So you clone it and then name it template
00:26:37I always even keep it where it says clone
00:26:39So I really know then go into the template category template section, create a new template, find that one that says not Chad Bovet, obviously, find the one that you've named and then go ahead and edit
00:26:53And then you're in the starter making a template, you can see
00:26:56Yeah, in other words, basically, just remember to clone your site before you turn it into a template
00:27:00So you don't lose the original
00:27:02But yeah, or just wait for us on Monday, because there's a few other little things that have to go along with it too, but right
00:27:07Yeah, awesome
00:27:08Everybody have a wonderful weekend
00:27:12And thanks again, everybody
00:27:14Have a good one, everyone
00:27:16Great job, Chad
00:27:17Yeah, thank you
00:27:18We'll we'll talk to you guys later and then this video will be up soon and then I'll post that code to Facebook as well
00:27:24Appreciate it
00:27:25Great, Chad