CUEC_Mod14-001 Master of the Sunsphere Quadrapolar Magnet Exercise.mp4
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00:00:00Now will be doing the quadripolar magnet exercise world will be invoking being from the Fire Element water
00:00:10Element eremin so we can create the four pillars around us
00:00:15This will help in our ability to have equanimity and stay on this when doing any magical exercise, I'm doing complicated ritualistic magic prices
00:00:28Say there's a few ways that we can invoke these beings one of which is having worked with four different versions of the elements from France Barnes book and having them assign you one of their service
00:00:44when we all went through the workshop
00:00:46We are assigned Servants to help facilitate this process
00:00:51So that's one way you can do it another way
00:00:55You can do it is through connecting with the brother of light and invoking from the brother of light to bring in active beings are the elements to come hold that space to hold us four pillars
00:01:10to hold the equilibrium
00:01:14Doing it this way allows you to not be attached or have any labels for identity with a being so you bring to stabilise the magical processor ritual you're about to enact sort has that benefit
00:01:29the third way is 2 instead connect with the master the sunsphere Metatron but we prefer using master the sunsphere because that his other name as many labels and attributions to it, which can for some people
00:01:45invoke a Ash relationship as opposed to a non Delight relationship, which is what were always By connecting through the light on of Megatron and requesting this spirits, then you will be able to have a different
00:02:03set of type of beings who will help assess the exercise or connected with the master of the sun sphere
00:02:11That's worth experimenting with both invoking from the brother of light or from Master of the sunspear for the set of exercises
00:02:19And if you have familiar elements or spirits you like to work with at your Four Corners that may be appropriate to just experiment and see what works best for you and your free your practise
00:02:32Depending on exercises
00:02:34You do the different things will organise himself differently and different elements or spirit support within the past mail
00:02:41Show up and place
00:02:45Sensor or connector 39 delayed operation always be except success and adjust self fulfilling prophecy involved in these for being so I help you ensure yourself the following privacy comes true
00:02:59cell connect exercise for me to connect with the master the sunspear just that we have that is a point of reference, so first step is we need to make sure Magic Circle are open which they
00:03:17still are
00:03:18Andras to our highest a tune of light
00:03:30just allow yourself to patiently and diligently explore have a different vibrations of prayer that you can allowing yourself to your absolute highest
00:03:46I need to go for a bodies before and camping meterage Metatron adjusting year levels of humility Parramatta v races heizer can raising Moles of sickness and surrendering here actually go to a higher process a higher
00:04:21state of being
00:04:31entering a state of reference I must rapture
00:04:37Mosman teeny stillness equilibrium solidify agana state of stillness anao Barbara crowns make a prayer to the master the sunspear to bring the light of the sun sphere down brother crowns
00:05:14through a 3 batteries the romantic circle analyse herself to be a saturated as possible with the light from the master the sincere
00:06:28Koala the master the sun's first light to radiate your circle
00:06:35So that it's a signature, but always comes up when you open your magic circle
00:08:15anao I like you to make a Prayer turn the light off the master the sunsphere
00:08:24to evoke for being so the elements respective corners of your circle with this exercise will and 10 friends of your boat and surgery, but when doing a normal regular prices Allow them to go wherever they
00:08:50Because they can dissipate whether that's going to help magnetize and create the squad report magnet their Circle depending on the ritual and process make anticipate and advance the best way they can sandal
00:09:10And the top left corner of your circle and buy
00:09:16Are being from the farming from the later the master of the sun sphere? at your top right corner other circle innovate a being from air canasta the sun's sphere From your bottom rate of a circle
00:10:07behind you
00:10:09Invite a being of the water element from the master of the sun sphere
00:10:33anatra bottomleftof
00:10:36you magic circle Invader being of the Earth from the master of the sun sphere don't worry yourself to quietly observe
00:10:58The mechanics and functioning of the quadripoint magnet you've just created side your magic circle
00:11:09I'm supposed how that beings
00:11:12Can react to 14 other to create equanimity and stillness? If you feeling tensioner, energy, billing build up just create a big event space
00:11:44Alright release any resistance to the stillness and equanimity the quadrupel omanga is generating