CUEC_Mod999-002 Doing Short Invocation Circuts Introduction.mp4
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00:00:00Thus exercises to basically poor in the light of the different beings through our three bodies and through romantic circles, so that we have continuous resonance with respect to beings that in the light of all these
00:00:17being through a circle that means and effectively of access to all the skills and back these at these genius genius as an effect regret connecting with in the complete network of music that are around our
00:00:30planetary system, so we're getting this huge network effect of all these beings that are with an order Stirling artspear on earth here
00:00:39So the range of influence and fact that they can have on facility in your life to help synchronise things work on that ok, or bring about opportunities in your life are massive because we'll work with
00:00:53your Kasia principle, which is spaceless and Timeless even though we're just connecting with these beans for We can still get hundreds of thousands of different transmissions and seeds planted on first contact with this beaks, so
00:01:08even know our perception of these initial indications may not feel strong, or the me feel very strong
00:01:16It doesn't really relate to that the impact that it's actually having on our medical medical practise in order Dale so by the time you work through all the 360 being circling the Earth you're going to
00:01:29have incredibly intense in men's spiritual network that will help you on your path of service and path of ascension in this lifetime and in future lifetimes because recalling it through the Kasia principal because we're 003
00:01:44bodies through a magic circle and future of times