00:00:02Welcome back to our reseller onboarding training series
00:00:06In this video, I'm going to discuss the Manage E -Mails section, along with how to set up emails that can be sent out automatically or at a specific time
00:00:18In order to set up emails, simply go to your Manage E -Mails section on the left side
00:00:25In this, you have reactive emails, periodic emails, and one -shot emails, which all serve a slightly different function
00:00:33I'm going to be going from right to left and starting with one -shot emails, since these are probably the ones that you're going to be using the most
00:00:41These are used to send out individual emails, usually like newsletters or broadcast communications, or you can even use it for advertising or setting out important notifications
00:00:53If it's an email that you want to go out at a specific time, or if you want to go out immediately, then you can schedule a one -shot
00:01:03When you go to Manage any of the emails, you have to make sure that your platform is set up
00:01:11By that, I mean, you have everything set up in the My Platform sections, including your emails
00:01:17If it's not fully set up, you'll get this message at the top, saying that you need to specify your mailing address and your footer, and you also need to have your email connected to a service
00:01:28If you click this, this will take you to the My Platform section
00:01:34In the Generals and Domains, you want to make sure that you have a general and a main platform email and a footer address that you've set up the email provider
00:01:44Please watch the video on setting up email providers for more in -depth explanation, but I'll give you a quick walkthrough
00:01:54Very simply, if you have a GoDaddy, Outlook, or send great account, simply enter your username and your API key or password, and that should connect the email service
00:02:08If you have a Gmail, it's a slightly different process
00:02:13You have to generate that app password
00:02:17In order to do that, you would go to myaccount google
00:02:22and then log into your account
00:02:26On the left side, go to Security
00:02:29When you're in Security, you then want to go to Two Step Verification
00:02:34You have to have Two Step Verifications set up, which is where you connect your email to a cell phone and it will send you a text or a message in order to verify that
00:02:45When you verify that, you can then go to the bottom of Two Step Verification, and at the bottom of the Two Step Verification page is the Apps Password
00:02:55From here, you can open up your app password and select Mail and usually custom name and put whatever you'd like for the name
00:03:09When you click Generate, it will generate your app password and you would simply copy this and paste that into the proper section for the API key in order to set up Gmail as a provider
00:03:24Once you have fully set up your email provider and your platform contact details, you can then send emails from the Manage Email section
00:03:36One shot emails are used to send a single email either once or send that same email multiple times
00:03:45You would simply fill out all this information, keep the status as inactive while you are testing and creating the email and you only switch this to Active after everything is fully tested and ready to be
00:03:58sent out
00:04:00The conditions can be applied before sending an email, which if you have certain modules, you can connect a condition
00:04:08It's not necessary to send out an email
00:04:11You do want to have an email subject and a body
00:04:14Once you fill this out, this will be what the user sees when they receive the email
00:04:20Transactional emails are used for post registration and activation, so these are emails that cannot be opted out of, whereas every other email can be unsubscribed from
00:04:34Please only use transactional emails if it's an important message that the user must see related to access of the platform
00:04:43The from email address is where you would put the email address you want this to appear coming from
00:04:50If you leave this blank, it'll just use the default platform email and you can specify a name as well
00:04:56Some email providers let you add a snippet that can have a brief description of the email body
00:05:03And you can determine the role depending on the access level you have
00:05:10Usually this will just go out to all of your users and all of the users on a specific plan if you desire
00:05:16You can send them out to all plans and everybody on the platform or if you only want this to go out to people that have access to certain things or on a certain plan, simply select
00:05:26the plan you wish this to go to be sent out to and you can also determine a delivery date and a time zone for that delivery date
00:05:34If you specify a date and a time, then the email even if it's active won't be sent out until that delivery date
00:05:44But if you leave this blank, then this will be sent out immediately once it becomes active
00:05:49So when you fill out the email, you want to fill out all this information and when you save it, this will determine what plan and the date that it's going to be sent out to
00:06:11Like I said, if you don't put anything here, then this will just default to a previous date in the past, which will be sent out immediately
00:06:18But once you save the email body, you will then see a box that appears at the bottom, which will allow you to send a test of this email
00:06:28If you put an email address into this box and click the button, it should send out a test and assuming that everything is set up correctly
00:06:39And you have all of your footer and information filled out and the email section is fully working and connected to either Gmail, SendGrid or GoDaddy or one of the other email providers, then this email should
00:06:53be sent out and it should arrive to whatever email you put in this test box
00:06:58If it does not arrive, then you might want to double check all of your settings and make sure that it's correct
00:07:05If the email does arrive, then that means that it should be sent out correctly and when you schedule this active, it will go out to however many emails you have set up determined by the plan
00:07:18and the amount of users that you have
00:07:20And you'll see that how many emails it will be sent to at the top here
00:07:24Once you set this to active and the delivery date is set either to the past or to a current time, then this will be sent out immediately and it'll be sent out to however many emails
00:07:36are scheduled at the top here
00:07:38If the delivery date is set to some time in the future, then it will be sent at the time of the delivery date
00:07:43So this is used for one -shot emails which are excellent for sending out notifications or advertisements or platform updates or anything like that
00:07:58The other sections here are a bit more specific
00:08:02Periodic emails are used for sending out automatic emails, usually like onboarding emails and courses and these can be scheduled to be sent out after a certain email
00:08:15So when you create a one -shot, but you can also send this email after another email
00:08:26So you see the one -shot we just created here
00:08:29You can schedule this to go out a certain amount of time after a previous email and this will allow you to sort of chain emails and send them out after a certain delay
00:08:43So that is very useful and used with the periodic email
00:08:48Now the reactive email
00:08:51These ones are going to react to certain actions that users perform on the platform
00:08:57This is for things like forgotten passwords or if your account needs activation from registration as well as your trial expiring
00:09:09These are probably the three most important ones and these actually should come automatically in your platform
00:09:16If these are not already in your platform, you should be able to import them by clicking the button here that will let you import from your parent platform
00:09:27Clicking this button will show you which emails you can import from a parent platform and these are used for specific reactions
00:09:36So in this case, if a user has forgotten their password and they're on their main login page, they can click the forgot password button and to their email address and when they do that, this will
00:09:47then look for that email address and then send them an automatic link that will let them reset that password
00:09:54You see this button is already built in and it already has the link set up to reset the password with the code that we have built into the platform
00:10:08If you set up a plan that requires activation by email, then the user will have to create an account and then verify that email before they can log into the platform in which case they would
00:10:20get this email which would allow them to activate their account by clicking the button or entering an activation code which would be generated with the email
00:10:30You can also create your own reactive emails to respond to your own triggers
00:10:35We have a large list of triggers here that correspond to certain actions in the platform such as domains expiring or trial expiring or if a payment fails, then you can generate your own email that will
00:10:49be sent to let them know
00:10:52So as far as the emails, those are the three main ones that you're going to be using
00:10:59One shots are probably the ones you're going to be setting up the most because once you set up all of your reactive emails, then you're not going to need to address them very often as long
00:11:09as they're being sent out correctly
00:11:11The one shot emails are what you'd use for everything else that you want to send out at a specific time and then you can set up periodic emails if you have multiple courses or chains of
00:11:23emails that you want to send out
00:11:24You can schedule them with periodic and that's how simple it is to use the email section